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 Hydro Plus: Water Mod 
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Post Hydro Plus: Water Mod
Today Hydro Tech presents their latest product


Hydro Tech will terraform your planet with water for only 1000 oz.

Hydro Plus is a greatly upgraded version of the hydro mod. It adds a lot of new things like graphical improvements, plants, terrain objects and some new enemies designed for underwater purposes.

Hydro plus also make the AI understand the laws of the water, so that they can enter your underwater stronghold. The new enemies are browncoat heavies with a smaller jet pack that walks on the bottom, and have some weapons that works well underwater.

To face these new threats you need to go into Missions.rte/Index.ini and change IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Skirmish Activities.ini to //IncludeFile = Missions.rte/Skirmish Activities.ini and then go to Hydro.rte/Index.ini and change //IncludeFile = Hydro.rte/Skirmish Activities.ini to IncludeFile = Hydro.rte/Skirmish Activities.ini.

Download your water here


To add water to your map you need to do it in these five steps.

1. Decide the water height of your water. Be aware that you can only have water at one contain altitude, to avoid that you destroy a wall and suddenly meet a vertical wall of water.

2. Place "Water Background Surface" at the chosen water height. If the "Water Background Surface" isn't deep enough you can use the "Water Background" were you need.

3. Place your bunkers and anything like that.

4. Place "Water Surface" at the chosen water height. Again if it isn't deep enough you always use the "Water Deep".

5. Place the "Water Element" at the chosen water height[/b][/color]. If you placed it wrong first time you can always just place it were it should have been, for free as a costumer service.


The mod as you can see also includes plants, shells and stalagmites. There is also a plant placer that places the plants for you it you are to lazy to do it yourself. To place the plant placer you need to place it anywhere at the water surface.


How to use the plant placer

After you've decided where the surface of your water is, you choose how many plants you will make. Either light, normal or dense. After that you place ONE plant placer light/normal/dense at the surface of the water.

Problems my occur if you've placed more than one (plants growing on top of each other)


The mod also includes terrain cutters to make caves and sand to make the bottom a bit more underwater'ish (and to greatly increase the look of your caves)


Mini tutorial how to swim.

Swim by pressing the direction you want to swim in.

If you want to swim faster you can crouch forward, then swim normal, crouch forward...

You can do this underwater too.

You can also use the crouch forward trick to dodge bullets.






Akblabla - Coding and the original mod that this was improved from. All thanks to him this awesome mod exists.
CrazyMLC - Old module icon
Numgun - Sprites and expanding the mod with various features.
Zalo - Some of his code from Lake Magilar mod was used to create this.

PS if you want a mission that include the water you can try the exodus campaign.


Woops forgot dowload link :P

Added MLC's module icon

Fixed independence

Maked it possible to make mods to the mod

Made it possible to make a non actor object waterproof by writing "waterproof" behind the object's preset name

Link to example codes

Major update

Update: maked it work with any gravity and that you can place as many water elements you like, and that those after the first are free

Last edited by akblabla on Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:40 am, edited 21 times in total.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:04 am

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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Hurrah! (semi)Working water!

Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:13 am
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Hurrah! (semi)Working water!

Why semi working?

Because it ain't dynamic? If then i can say that even crysis don't have dynamic water so why should cortex command. I also personally think that this mario like water fits the CC style.

But thanks for the reply anyway

Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:19 am
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
I can't believe nobody thought of this before.
Looking at the code, this is very complex. I wonder what it all does.

From the screenshots, all I can say is nice work. I'm going give this a try in the morning.

Akblabla, the reason people want dynamic water is because Cortex Command is a physics engine.
Still, if it works like I think it does, then it works perfectly well for gameplay purposes. It's a great first step to actual, completely working and dynamic water, which in reality might never come.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:26 am
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Any way to make the high-spec/low-spec water only pertain to the water?
I am now seeing Coalition troops floating in the air.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:30 am

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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Words cannot describe the awesome that this mod offers. You basically created a whole new feature that can be used to make never-before like enviroments (Oceans, Lakes, Pools, Underwater levels). And besides that, people can now expand to creating marine type mods with submarines, scuba divers with harpoons and ♥♥♥♥, boats and what not.

Mod of the year. 8)

Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:01 am
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Akblabla, the reason people want dynamic water is because Cortex Command is a physics engine.
Still, if it works like I think it does, then it works perfectly well for gameplay purposes. It's a great first step to actual, completely working and dynamic water, which in reality might never come.

I know but it isn't a physic water engine. The main reason i made this was because I wanted to prove that water can be made, and were irritated by all the users saying
like they needed dynamic water else it wasn't good enough.

Any way to make the high-spec/low-spec water only pertain to the water?
I am now seeing Coalition troops floating in the air.

I should properly give a better description. when you place the High-spec/low-spec somewhere it defines the water height and for the best effect you need to place water modules everywhere under this water height. The reason why i have made it like this is because it would be very wierd to dig and find a vertical water surface. You can take a look at the good old worms to see what i mean. The water works pretty much like that in combination with the point that you can dive and swim in it and it don't kill you.

Words cannot describe the awesome that this mod offers. You basically created a whole new feature that can be used to make never-before like enviroments (Oceans, Lakes, Pools, Underwater levels). And besides that, people can now expand to creating marine type mods with submarines, scuba divers with harpoons and ♥♥♥♥, boats and what not.

Mod of the year.

Awesome thanks. Even though the mod only took 1 hour to make :P

Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:05 am
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
If you don't mind, I'd like to make a little contribution.

ModuleIcon.bmp [1.69 KiB]
Not downloaded yet

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:12 am
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
If you don't mind, I'd like to make a little controbution.

Thanks mate. I ain't that good at spriting. Awesome sprites are always welcome. Will use it for my next update.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:17 am

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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Btw it seems you forgot to include the Point_Direction script in the mod like you did in the Exodus.
If you turn off any mods that have it (Exodus.rte & Orbit.rte), You'll have tons of Lua console spam flooding everywhere.

Remember to make sure there are no dependencies when releasing a mod, or if it requires them, then warn the user.

Having a pool party with people jumping off a tall tower in this mod is so much fun. :D
I made Brutus do a cannonball jump in to the pool and he landed on poor Dafred's head, causing horrible decapitation. :twisted:

Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:06 pm
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Btw it seems you forgot to include the Point_Direction script in the mod like you did in the Exodus.
If you turn off any mods that have it (Exodus.rte & Orbit.rte), You'll have tons of Lua console spam flooding everywhere.

I just forgot that you also need check if the lua refer to another mod. Not just the ini's. Fixed.

Thanks for reporting.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:16 pm
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
*pouts in a corner*

Very nice water, though I would change the Lua so that the water effect only happens inside the water module itself. Then you can have bodies of water rather than a waterline for the whole map.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:35 pm
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Very nice water, though I would change the Lua so that the water effect only happens inside the water module itself. Then you can have bodies of water rather than a waterline for the whole map.

I could do that but the problem with it is the point that in cortex command you can destroy everything, and if you have made lets say a swimming pool and there is only water in there. Then when someone digs into the pool they'll meet a water wall. I can see it ain't a big issue but it'll take some time and i'm working on a hovercraft for the phoenix mod.

But for sure i will make it easy for other modders to make ships and other mods to the water.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:00 pm
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Zalo did this months ago with his Zalophagus islands or whatever it was called. There was also water in the brain race scene he did. This looks a lot more polished though. Good job!

Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:02 pm
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Post Re: Hydro: Water modules
Hmmmm... could someone make a script which checks the proximity to it and another module next to it? I mean, make the water module a set square size (let's say 48 x 48), then check for another module just like it within size+1 pixel (49 in this case)? So you can have a water module that 'links' its physics to other water modules... which means actors would float to where the water module doesn't connect with other water modules on the top.
If my post's a bit unclear, please reply to ask about it.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:14 pm
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