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Post Re: Nintendo.
No doubt the only games you play are shooters and driving/sports games that are basically the same old ♥♥♥♥ anyway... WITH NEW GRAPHICS! (except its got EXACTLY the same gameplay as every other game released in the same genre, the only thing that's different is the story, and hey thats crap too, but it's racing/shooting/sports and that makes it manly! people like you should be slapped so hard your balls explode) At least nintendo provides some variety, and it's people like you that are driving the industry the completely wrong way, realistic graphics start degrading immediately and usually have at least one or two textures that look ♥♥♥♥ even the first time you play, whereas stylised graphics look good forever after you get past the polygon barrier (i.e FF7 characters arms&legs), but you wont even accept anything other than realistic graphics proclaiming that anything less is kiddy.

Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:45 pm
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Robolee, Contrary, you both need to CHILL a bit.

Contrary, you're trying to pass off your provocative opinion as a fact, and it's really accomplishing nothing other than getting people riled up. (AKA flaming.)
(Though I have to agree that the Pokemon franchise is getting pretty crappy IMO, so you may be right about that one Nintendo franchise.)

Back on topic...

3DS looks hawt, and the 3D feature is cool. It appears to have a slider so that you can customize it to fit the distance that you're looking at the screen from. (I think that how it works is they have 2 monitors that are angled so that they display to each eye.)

They basically released a new game for every franchise they ever had. I have high hopes.

Also, this is extremely old news. (Maybe a week or so old.)
Why is there only a thread about this now?

Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:43 pm
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Okay, Nintendo definitely stole the show this year. They had the biggest announcements, like the 3DS and the new LoZ game. Yeah, that new LoZ game looks pretty good. But nothing else at E3 from Nintendo really interested me. Okay, you said that all people like nowadays are new graphics, not new gameplay? How is playing something in 3D going to change gameplay? That's purely visual, in its entirety.

You wanna see some games that were revolutionary? Uncharted. You'll probably say "It's just another shooter hurr-durr!" but really, this game was very cinematic. Really entertaining, and it made you feel like you were in a movie. Then there's inFamous, which I'm sure you'll say is generic as well. No, [ PROTOTYPE ] was generic. This was a great game with a good power balance.

Red Faction: Guerrilla, for obvious reasons. It took destruction to an entirely new level; sure, the entire game was one big tech demo. But it was the funnest tech demo I've ever played. There's nothing more satisfying than setting up the massive bridge in the Badlands with tons of explosives, then detonating it as the EDF drives on over.

Dead Rising, I'd say that was pretty much not anything seen before. Okay, we've had a few zombie massacres, but if you consider this the 'same old ♥♥♥♥ with new graphics', then I get to call your LoZ/Mario the same old ♥♥♥♥ with new graphics. In no other game I've played have there been so many enemies on-screen (even though they were less enemy and more a weakly AI-driven obstacle) or so many tools to do away with them.

Oh, and you mentioned how the Move was basically bashing Kinect. Well, who cares, Kinect sucks. Not just 'cos it doesn't have buttons, but because of the half-second lag from what you do and what happens on-screen. Then you said they showed some 'lame game', Sorcery. Sorcery looked pretty good, and it looks like it's taking better advantage of motion control than anything the Wii has. I agree with you that the push for 3D is retarded, but then you go on to praise the 3DS. Yeah, unless that thing is worth around a hundred dollars, I wouldn't buy it.

Robolee, you're right, the Microsoft press conference was just pushing a whole bunch of shitty Kinect games and some crazy-tarded 'real-life FPS' thing.

Why were you complaining about them not mentioning Nintendo, though? Why mention another company if it's clearly obvious that the motion control war was started by Nintendo, anyway? And I heartily disagree with you saying the Wii is worth $200. It's really not worth it to me, because A) the games I've played on it (SSB: Brawl, Twilight Princess, Dewey, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Rayman - Raving Rabbids) were fun for only half an hour or so before getting repetitive, serving as only minor distractions, and B) the Move seems to be able to match, and from what I saw, surpass, what the Wii motion control can do. Doesn't matter to me, anyway, because to me motion gaming doesn't add at all, but still, you have to admit that Move has it's advantages.

TL;DR: I didn't like much of what I saw at Nintendo's press conference. There are many non-Nintendo games that you would probably classify as 'generic shooters' that are very unique and entertaining. Kinect sucks ass due to motion lag, and you're wrong, Sorcery looked pretty good. Yes, the Microsoft conference was terrible. So what if they didn't mention Nintendo? I don't enjoy Nintendo games as anything more than just a distraction. Also, the Move looks like it is at least as good, and in some cases better, than the Wii's motion controls.

Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:58 pm
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Hey kids,
Duh102 here to remind you to keep your voices down and play nice with the other kids. If you play too rough, someone might get hurt, and nobody wants to get hurt :(
<3 Duh

Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:07 pm
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Post Re: Nintendo.
The hate, it is delicious.

@Robo: Heavy Rain, Valkyria Chronicles, LBP, MGS4, Uncharted, Dead Space, etc. Yeah generic shooters pretty much. Probably the Wii's best games are Okami and RE4, which are just ports of the better PS2 versions.

All opinions, of course.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:07 am
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Contrary wrote:
Probably the Wii's best games are Okami and RE4, which are just ports of the better PS2 versions.

Good heavens, you're making me want to ragequit this discussion before even taking part on it.

You know what? I'll do just that.

*Areku has left the building*

Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:20 am
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Contrary wrote:
The hate, it is delicious.

@Robo: Heavy Rain, Valkyria Chronicles, LBP, MGS4, Uncharted, Dead Space, etc. Yeah generic shooters pretty much. Probably the Wii's best games are Okami and RE4, which are just ports of the better PS2 versions.

All opinions, of course. ... &x=14&y=14


wii definitely doesn't have any good games

good thing everyone else agrees with that too

Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:55 am
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Discussing preference in games is like discussing preference in art. A pile of ♥♥♥♥ to a certain person might just be an awesome piece to another.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:07 am
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Post Re: Nintendo.
I'm moving to Uni this year and as my siblings paid for the games consoles along with me the only thing I'll be able to bring is my DS.
I'm very pleased that Nintendo's conference went so well and that the 3DS is so promising because I'm not likely to be playing console games for a long time, and while you might debate on who is the best on home consoles (personally I play the wii more than the other two as well), Nintendo is pretty much undisputedly the king company of handhelds.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 1:16 am
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Post Re: Nintendo.
As far as the thread goes, it'd be awesome if we could keep the "my console's ♥♥♥♥ is bigger than your console's ♥♥♥♥" to a minimum.

Wii has been disappointing, you'd thing they'd have jumped on any decent shooters they could get (only good two I've played are metroid and resident evil) what with the whole "holy ♥♥♥♥ I can aim at the telly now!" gimmick, but instead it kind of degenerated into a million tons of shovelware casual bull♥♥♥♥. Huge market, I'll admit, but where are my real games? I've been seeing the "lets make some money from casual games" side of things from nintendo for too long, and it's making me sad. In any case, as proud owner of a gameboy pocket and colour, I'm glad to see some put back into a handheld; they're most likely the only commercial games I'd bother with at the moment, but that's just me. I only play console games if I'm at a friends place and I barely play games on the computer any more. (Though, Mechwarrior4 has been seeing some play from me over the last few weeks, and I grab some <20MB indie whatevers if I have some time I want to burn, but mostly I find myself spending time drawing or coding if I'm going to waste time on the computer. Holy ♥♥♥♥ that's a stupidly convoluted sentence.) I'm also stoked because most of the starting lineup is the embodiment of gaming nostalgia lane for me.

tl;dr: I'm happy with the lineup, I'm sick of Nintendo being a casual games only company, and this e3 they kicked some ass, so that's cool etc.

Grif wrote:
killzone 3 halo reach infamous 2 metal gear solid rising call of duty black ops rock band 3 gran turismo 5 mortal kombat littlebigplanet 2 motorstorm apocalypse castlevania: harmony of despair gears of war 3 twisted metal marvel vs capcom 3 portal 2 star wars force unleashed 2 sonic colors crysis 2 dj hero 2 spiderman: shattered dimensions need for speed: hot pursuit god of war: ghost of sparta mafia 2 xcom super scribblenauts
I laughed at this.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 5:01 am
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Geti wrote:
As far as the thread goes, it'd be awesome if we could keep the "my console's ♥♥♥♥ is bigger than your console's ♥♥♥♥" to a minimum.

If my opinion counts, I'd like to keep this to a MAXIMUM.

@grif: you are the last person I'd expect to trust game review blindly. SMG and SMG2 are not good games. Many many games have been hyped up or hyped down by reviewers due to pressure from game companies. ... index.html
and as much as I hate to admit it

Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:45 am
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Why aren't they good games? O_o they were pretty fun, in my opinion. And, you know, as good as those games might be, they're not very nintendo. As I said, console dickoffery has it's place, but that place is not here. Go make a Console War thread if you want one, but this is intended for discussion of Nintendo, shortcomings or not, not "Hey these are some good ps3 games". PS3 is great and all, but this isn't the place to try to reinforce it.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:40 am
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Frankly, I feel obligated to bash on nintendo and xbox whenever possible. Don't you guys feel like you got to intensely hate everyone who's on the other side of any rivalry regardless of all logic?

I'm not really serious; I think Nintendo is fine. I own and enjoy my DS and sometimes my Wii.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:44 am

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Post Re: Nintendo.
Its people and opinions, ♥♥♥♥ logic.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:52 am
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Post Re: Nintendo.
Contrary, even if you were just joking, you shouldn't have thrown this thread off of it's topic.

This thread is about Nintendo, primarily their announcements at E3. Let's stay on track.

Mon Jun 21, 2010 9:18 am
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