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 Good gaming equipment. 
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
I've been using a Microsoft Comfort Optical Mouse 1000 since I got my computer (it shipped with it) and it works great. The laser is very responsive and the design is, as the name may apply, pretty comfortable. I don't think it's that expensive to buy and it has fair quality and reliability- it's kind of the Toyata Camry of mice.

Sat May 15, 2010 5:18 pm
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I have a simple USB Dell mouse that you see in school computer labs, and it works perfectly. I've only had a single problem with it when the left click didn't work, but a few bangs on the button fixed it.

For a mouse pad, I use a Pente board that works as well as any actual mouse pad.

Keyboards and speakers, I just use what's attached to my laptop. I also have some ancient Sony Headphones (MDR
CD10) that are in good condition and have nice base.

Sat May 15, 2010 8:59 pm
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
maart3n wrote:
Logitecht X-530 (surround speakers)
I really really love my logitech x-530 surround speakers. 5.1 audio and nice deep bass tones. The sound itself is clean.
There are quite a few problems with them though, they are rather loud(not sure if that's a problem.), the rear left speaker also suddenly thought it was a subwoofer when I plugged it into my new pc(aka probably a hardware problem in pc) and most anoyingly they pick up radio traffic from some kind of guy that, as a hobby, has conversations with his friends over his homebuild radio system. This only happens when the knob is to the left or to the right, leaving medium as a save zone, this with the loudness can be troublesome.
Price: 60 euo's
7.5/10 Because of great price/quality, but being let down by the problems.

I had my speakers pick up radio signels, Its kinda funky, But mines more extreme cause they can pick up Phone calls of the non wired variety, without a safezone. I Replaced them now with my older ones, which have alot of static issues.

Fri Jun 04, 2010 11:40 pm
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most shitty speakers let me know I'm getting a text message ten-fifteen seconds before my phone tells me

Sat Jun 05, 2010 1:06 am

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Only interesting part of my hardware is the speakers. They're old Labtec ones, I estimate from 1992 or so, and I've been using them since 2004 - before then they were gathering dust attached to a 486 computer.
The volume keeps cutting to about 50% of normal on the left speaker; someday I'll get into the thing and fix that, but if you want to open up these speakers you actually have to pry the faceplates off with a screwdriver or something. Oh, and these keep picking up radio signals too (thankfully it's very faint).
The best part? They have better sound than any other pair of speakers in my house. And my house has something like 12 pairs of speakers in it.

Sat Jun 05, 2010 3:41 pm
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
I had a mouse for 9 years, it costed 500kr (about 60$), then it broke... And I loved the design and the reability was just awesome.

So I rang around the whole countrytrying to find one of the same sort, but there where none. But then I found out there where a newer version of the same mouse - but the 'new' version had not been sold for 3 years...

... Then I found ONE store in Sweden that had the Logitech G3 Laser Mouse, it costed exactly 789kr (96$/79€) and thats ALOT for a 3 year old mouse...

But I bought it... And I love it.


Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:51 pm
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So, I'll just bump this topic.

A week ago I got my new razer Mamba, and I think I've gotten used to it so here's the review.

One of the most important factors when buying this thing is whether or not you have the money, it's 130$ according to the razer store and that's nowhere near other gaming mouses.
But the stats are just plain mind blowing:

1ms response time in wired and wireless mode.
5600 Dpi making for ultra fast movements.
Button profiles can be bound to programs, making sure you have the right settings for every game.
On the fly Dpi change, now I hear you saying: "I won't use that!" Just wait until you're lying on a hill with a sniper rifle and the smallest movements trows your aim off, but you can't change mouse sensitivity in the game options because that would ♥♥♥♥ up your aim with other weapons. Now let's say you could temporarily make it a lot less sensible, tada precision!

I personally thing it is really comfortable, but every person hold their mouse differently but still this is way better then the much less curved mx1000.
My experience with the 5600 Dpi was rather short lived because that is just way to much, it works if you set sensibillity in games really slow and then gives smoother movements, but that just isn't worth it. The only use is to "cheat" when playing games that make your movements slower with tanks or heavy weapons.
The main point of criticism I could find on the internet was the cable going into the mouse with relative ease, but doesn't coming out that easy. I think there is a core of truth it this statement, but once you put the cable in it means the battery was nearly empty and you aren't going to take it out while gaming anyway.
Pictures(in gallery section)

9/10, 1 point less if you won't get it as a present....

So tl;dr
Expensive, ultra quality, wireless gaming mouse.

Thu Jul 15, 2010 12:47 pm
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im a laptop diehard.
touchpad only. cept speakers dont hurt.

Thu Jul 15, 2010 9:30 pm
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
Azakan wrote:
I had a mouse for 9 years, it costed 500kr (about 60$), then it broke... And I loved the design and the reability was just awesome.

So I rang around the whole countrytrying to find one of the same sort, but there where none. But then I found out there where a newer version of the same mouse - but the 'new' version had not been sold for 3 years...

... Then I found ONE store in Sweden that had the Logitech G3 Laser Mouse, it costed exactly 789kr (96$/79€) and thats ALOT for a 3 year old mouse...

But I bought it... And I love it.


So it's like my G5 but more expensive and two versions older.

Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:09 am
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
I don't know why but this tiny NexXTech Retractable Mini Optical Mouse is my favorite mouse now.
Its light, it's fast, it's cheap, I'ts portable, and best of all it has Blue LED lights.

Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:20 am
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I just realised my Sony MDR CD10 headphones where made in 1992. That makes them 18 years old! Yet they still perform great right now.

Mon Jul 19, 2010 8:54 pm
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I'm going to tell y'all a story. Two stories, actually; about the greatest keyboard and mouse combo that I've ever known.

Logitech G15 (Discontinued)

Logitech G7 (Discontinued)

Together, I could do anything with these. They were perfection incarnate, the peripherals of gods.
I can't emphasise that enough; I loved these.
I truly loved them, thinking about them is almost bringing a tear to my eye.

The mouse first, as it was the first to go.

The mouse was wireless; probably the first wireless gaming mouse. People were skeptical, and rightly so.
But I could see past what turned out not to be an weakness, but a strength, and I saw the perfect mouse design beneath.

It had one additional side button. Just one. No confusion, nothing superfluous.
Below the side button was an enormous space for your thumb- this mouse felt right in your hand god damnit. Not just right, perfect- ergonomic bliss.
It was heavy, too. No, not heavy, weighty. Either way, this wasn't an issue because of how smoothly it glided. Despite being the heaviest mouse I'd know for around seven years, you could slide it around a mouse pad. Literally, I could have made it glide from one side of my desk to the other.
The mouse-wheel was, like the rest of the mouse, perfection. It stuck out, a lot, which made it really easy to scroll sideways. Scrolling was loud, with this mouse, loud and angry. When you span that wheel, everyone in the room would know.

I can't describe in detail all the nuances of this mouse, but I can tell you that I would take it over any other mouse, ever.

As time passed, I still loved this mouse, even as the battery life became shorter and shorter.
One day, I realised I was just switching the batteries, rather than using the mouse.

And so, I thought I'd buy some new batteries. Of course, I can't find any.
So, I figured I'd just buy a whole new mouse, and use the batteries from that.
And I would have, except the line was discontinued. No more seemed to exist.

The mouse was still perfect, but the batteries had let it down.
Would it have been the same with a cord attached? I don't think so.
I think that the lack of restraint was like a metaphor for freedom. This wasn't a mouse that would limit you.
Quite the opposite.

I still have that mouse. One of the batteries is missing, but I can still use it for short periods at a time.
I don't, though. For the same reason I stopped in the first place.

Episode 2 of 'Stuff I ♥♥♥♥ love' coming soon.

Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:00 am
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
I'm using this mouse/keyboard combo right now: ... vices/2963
The mouse feels really good overall and the keyboard has fairly quiet, low keys, which I like.
My one issue is they have some real problems with batteries. The mouse has a little light that flashes when "the" batteries are low. The issue is, there's two sets of batteries, and I'm never really sure which one it's telling me about. What makes this especially confusing is that the light will turn on and stay on for weeks at a time before the batteries run out, and other times the batteries will just and up and die with no warning whatsoever.
Well, okay, up and die is probably the wrong term. The keyboard just cacks out like that, very abruptly. On the other hand, the mouse's speed gradually dwindles to a snail's pace and eventually starts jittering about as you move it. That's really my signal to change the batteries, not so much the indicator.
All that aside though, I quite like the feel of these, so that's why I'm keeping them. Now if only they sold these but with a goddamn wire. That would be nice.

EDIT: Oh, also, I'm using these as a headset: ... vices/3622
They're pretty good quality, if not a bit sensitive. Personally I find them fairly comfortable and they haven't caused me a problem yet. Apparently they rarely work with Windows 7, though. If you're looking for a decent and cheap headset, this is a good choice in my opinion.

Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:55 am
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
I'm using Logitech UltraX Premium keyboard and MX518 mouse. Two near-perfect products.

Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:17 pm
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RAT 7 ftw

Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:04 pm
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