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 Good gaming equipment. 
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Post Good gaming equipment.
Let me clear up the title a bit: with equipment I mean everything that is connect to your computer, no need for Graphics cards or MoBo's, just plain old mice, keyboards, speakers, screens, etc.
What would you advise, what do you have questions about, just ask it to the community here.

So I'll start off with both advise and questions:

Logitecht X-530 (surround speakers)
I really really love my logitech x-530 surround speakers. 5.1 audio and nice deep bass tones. The sound itself is clean.
There are quite a few problems with them though, they are rather loud(not sure if that's a problem.), the rear left speaker also suddenly thought it was a subwoofer when I plugged it into my new pc(aka probably a hardware problem in pc) and most anoyingly they pick up radio traffic from some kind of guy that, as a hobby, has conversations with his friends over his homebuild radio system. This only happens when the knob is to the left or to the right, leaving medium as a save zone, this with the loudness can be troublesome.
Price: 60 euo's
7.5/10 Because of great price/quality, but being let down by the problems.

Logitech MX 1000 laser (mouse)
I must say I really liked mine, when it worked. The mouse itself is precise and quick. Battery charge up time is extremly short with usable time being extremly long, charging takes about 5 hours and it can then be used for somewhere near 50 hours, at the least.
It has a grand total of 8 buttons and a scrollwheel that moves in 4 directions. The main advantages are the previous and next page buttons, and the scroll buttons(handy for long scrolling sessions.) It also has an alt-tab like button giving you a mini menu, but that is mostly useless.
The drivers are a real pain in the ass though, with the mouse not being usable during instalation. And often not even working after is installed for the first time. It also refused to work with my new pc, forcing me to grab the my parents version but using my own receiver.(same mouse, we own 2)
Then there's the awefull problem of it breaking down after 4-5 years of service: and with breaking down I mean the receiver not picking up signals from further then 20cm yesterday, and today not even when touching it.
Price: 80 euro's
7/10 It is old, it wasn't cheap then and still isn't, and the drivers are horrible.

Question: Does anyone here own a Razer Deathadder or something like that?

Thu May 13, 2010 9:34 pm
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1) I always break my left click by clicking excessively and too hard, and the sensitivity declines until it's bad enough I need to replace the mouse.

A) But otherwise, Logitech LX3 Optical Mice have served me excellently, being a budget minded gamer that actually prefers a standard layout and cord.
B) Invincible mice, who makes them?

2) Why do people like extra buttons that obstruct a firm grip, need mice that work on glass, or want a visual texture that makes it look like it's been dented into a shiny scrap?

Last edited by Azukki on Thu May 13, 2010 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu May 13, 2010 10:45 pm
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
I still use my Altec Lansing speakers which were for my windows 98, they work fine still.
As for mice, my HP mouse [corded] is durable.

Thu May 13, 2010 10:49 pm
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Altec Lansing BX1120 speakers are awful. They're designed as if to measure slightest air currents or wobbles, tipping over the instant it encounters any. After I bought mine, the left speakers gave out quickly, and they now sit on their sides on my desk, serving only as a weighted extension cord for my Sony V150 headphones. About those Sony V150 headphones, they're great, considering their low price, but they're nearly symmetrical, so I end up putting them on backwards all the time, which is obnoxious. Their plastic pivot points are particularly pulverizable.

Thu May 13, 2010 11:05 pm
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
Logitech G13 gamepad, Logitech MX518 mouse, Novint Falcon and koss headset( :P ).

Fri May 14, 2010 1:38 am
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
Azukki wrote:
2) Why do people need mice that work on glass

Some offices have tables with glass on top.

I use Logitech X-240 speakers, which were the first pair of 2.1 speakers I ever owned (my previous ones had integrated tweeters). They cost me 49€ or 62.2$, so they are pretty affordable and provide a clear and defined sound. The only part that bothers me is the headphone jack. The sound goes directly from the computers line out to the speakers line out, so you can't change the volume with the speakers volume control. And mine seem to be an early version, since the control pod doesn't have a bass eq.

Lifetech Laser mouse SE. According to the site they cost 19.9€, but I got mine for 6. Lifetech is what's called a knock off brand, so I bought around 2 years ago it without much hope for durability or quality. Lifetech proved me wrong.
I use it for several hours every day and the only problem I've had so far was solved by disassembling the mouse, cleaning the scroll wheel and then reassembling.

Fri May 14, 2010 3:30 am
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I use whatever el-cheapo mouse I can get, though the scroll wheel on the one I have now, some cheap Chinese <$1 thing, is real stiff.

As far as sound, I've used some $50 Sony TMR-RF960R wireless headphones for years with no problems whatsoever, even in a radio-heavy environment like a wireless campus filled with cellphone-toting college kids.

Fri May 14, 2010 3:39 am
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I just got a pair of $130 Razer headphones for the whopping price of $0, thanks to my brother going to Korea.

They are absolutely ridiculous. At first they didn't work, until I realized that you had to plug them into a USB port to provide power.

They deliver the single greatest audio experience I've ever had. They're truly amazing.

Fri May 14, 2010 3:46 am
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I've used this mouse since always. Most gaming mice feel either uncomfortable, too light, or too heavy. This design is perfect.

I had a shitty Creative Fata1ity headset, it's broken now, and I'm gonna have to invest into something new.

Fri May 14, 2010 4:10 am
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I'm sticking to my twin 5 year old Logitech MX-1000 mice until the bitter, bitter end.

And then I'll buy two more. Love 'em.

Fri May 14, 2010 8:16 am
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
Well, I was gonna talk about stuff like using pilot helmets as headphones and old record players as speakers, but I don't think we'd like to derail yet another thread with that. So I'll be boring this time.

For me, any mouse works, as long as it's optic. I'm also not much of a fan of headphones, but in my experience the old AYWA ones work the best, plus they're really cheap if you can find them. For speakers, my choice is to get a pair of JBL ones with a subwoofer, they usually have a good cost/quality ratio.

Fri May 14, 2010 9:27 pm
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
I have some oldass Yamaha speakers (I don't even know the model).
I have them for approx. 8 years and they still work better than any other speaker set I had. Though they occasionally go batshit crazy, but it isn't something that can't be fixed by playing with the input cables a whee bit.

And I use a Logitech MX Revolution for the past 3 years now.
Works great, though the battery lifetime did get shorter over the years, but it still lasts for over 18 hours.
Its big and comfy, great for both games and other ♥♥♥♥.

Sat May 15, 2010 1:01 am
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
O, it ain't koss anymore, just got me steel series h5. It's awesome.

Sat May 15, 2010 1:03 am
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
I use Fatal1ty gaming headset. Comfortable and sound quality is very good.

Planning to buy a new mouse. Logitech MX518 or Razer DeathAdder.

Sat May 15, 2010 2:40 pm
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Post Re: Good gaming equipment.
Grif wrote:
I just got a pair of $130 Razer headphones for the whopping price of $0, thanks to my brother going to Korea.

They are absolutely ridiculous. At first they didn't work, until I realized that you had to plug them into a USB port to provide power.

They deliver the single greatest audio experience I've ever had. They're truly amazing.

Razer has terrible build quality. I won't ever buy them again.

Sat May 15, 2010 3:21 pm
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