Re: World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
You'll have a few problems tanking as a shaman, as they're not really designed for it, maily because:
A) Unlike most of the real tanking classes you never get plate armour, meaning less health, and you have far less health than the only non-plate tank, the druid, because his bear form gives him the equivalent defence of plate armour and boosted HP. On top of this plate armour has far more Stamina (health) than the other armour classes
B) You get no taunts
C) You don't cause that much threat compared to real tanks
D) Equipping a shield will lower your DPS and reduce your threat even more
E) Not equipping a shield will make you even more likely to die and you still probably won't get threat
F) You don't have very good mana endurance
G) You have very very few options for attacking more than one target
I mean you can try if you want but it'll be tough

Never heard the phrase "totem tank" before.