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 Roll To Dodge 2 (RtD2) - Finished 
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
:( Why can't I do that?


Fri May 07, 2010 11:13 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Ugh...I'm posting this from my PS3 without a keyboard so it sucks. Anyway, I can't boldface it on here so I'll post my action in caps.

Minor Action: Suggest to Rachel the possibility of furthering my cybernetic enhancements.
Time to watch Family Guy!
EDIT: Back on the PC, time to fix this.

Last edited by Ociamarru on Sat May 08, 2010 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat May 08, 2010 12:59 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
All your gear is fine, I already said that.

Ragdollmaster wrote:
>Order a Rocket Mk. 1 and stuff 500 crabs on-board to cause random gibbing due to MOID overload.

ETA: 5 turns. And no I'm not kidding. Why can't I have some harmfullless fun all the time once in a while?

Sat May 08, 2010 2:48 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Uh...other than BJJ and his impervious armor...well, even him...seeing as this probably merits a the hell do we protect ourselves from this?

Sat May 08, 2010 3:19 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
It won't be as devastating as what happens in CC, and it depends on where you are and where it lands. In other words, get inside and hope that this isn't build 13.

I've decided that that helicopter you all heard from the north has magically turned into this rocket.
Which is falling.
From the stratosphere.
With a load of crabs in it.
I love this job :grin:

Sat May 08, 2010 3:35 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
We can't take action, yet, though; we don't know about it until your roll, THEN we know about it. Right?

Sat May 08, 2010 3:40 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
"Use Ultima III and then summon Bahamut."

Sat May 08, 2010 4:01 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Hmmm... Change in action is in order, then! I'll rely on luck to get past this one...

Notice large glowing speck...Growing bigger, suggesting speed. Suggest to group a course of action, preferably involving a large amount of speed towards the friendly complex. If not, Acquire Bubble Wrap to remove "Shock" state
"Uh...Guys...We may have a problem..."

I'm assuming the crabs are to scale? They're probably not two-foot-high monstrosities we see in CC, so we could die of collision, or of smothering, or fuel detonation.

Spam Zealots, Upgrade Damage, ROF, and Speed.

Sat May 08, 2010 5:53 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Ociamarru, I say that you know about it NOW. K? :wink:

alphagamer774 wrote:
Notice large glowing speck...Growing bigger, suggesting speed. Suggest to group a course of action, preferably involving a large amount of speed towards the friendly complex. If not, Acquire Bubble Wrap to remove "Shock" state

Two things:
1. You can't say you notice something unless I say so. I tell you what you see and you act on it.
1a. Everybody sees something akin to a falling meteor to the north.

2. How will the bubble-wrap remove your shock?
WIKIPEDIA SAYS shock is a mental/nervous system reaction to something that scares or harms you.

I'll start doing the roll soon.

Sat May 08, 2010 7:25 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Ragdollmaster wrote:
"Use Ultima III and then summon Bahamut."

Sadly Ive got no clue who that is...

I miss Serious.

Also, Whos left to post there actions?

Sat May 08, 2010 10:32 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Hmmm, then I still do the minor action, and my full action is to
rest to regain all uses of my cybernetic enhancements.

Sat May 08, 2010 4:00 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Get in the back of the hummer, secure all loose gear, including things that aren't mine.

Sat May 08, 2010 9:22 pm
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
Duh102 (5) Rachel Heuber
Rachel leaves Fiona alone with her package and goes to check on Tyrone, who is in shock. She gives him and injection of 20mg of Propranolol Beta-blockers and helps him up.
"That's the best I can do, but are you hurt?"
"I... uh... n-no... i don't..."
No, no. That's fine. Just take it easy. Go have a seat in the Hummer."
Tyrone wobbles off and sits in the Hummer with Andrew, striking up a conversation on the way.
Fiona calls her over to look at something.
Medical Aptitude (+1 or -1 to rolls involving medical action, to put the roll closer to 5)
Analytic Mind (+1 to rolls involving deciphering properties and uses of objects)
CO2 charged repeating crossbow
9mm Uzi
Carbon fiber combat knife
Medical kit (5 4 Uses left)
Cybernetic Enhancement Kit (2 1 Use left)
Magnifying glass
Sleeping bag
Ammo (70 Crossbow Bolts, 12 Uzi Mags)

Hyperkultra (3) Fiona Lovegale
Fiona unwraps the package carefully to check for any bumps and bruises. She uncovers a small rubber-ish cube about 3 inches on all sides with three prongs that fold down on one side. Roughly engraved on the top are the words Phoenix Down Prototype.
I think Rachel would love to have her hands on this!
"Rachel! Come here a sec, I've got something I want to show you."
Electronics Expert: +1 to rolls dealing with circuitry
Weapon Specialist: +2 to rolls using Railgun Sniper -1 when using other weapons
Enraged: +1 to damage and attack-related actions. Can only be triggered by anger.
Railgun Sniper Rifle
Beretta U22 Neos
Incendiary and Kinetic Magazines (3, 2, 6 rounds each)
6 Handgun Magazines
Portable Microfusion Generator (backpack, charging 1 Li-Ion Battery)
Remote Controlled Rotor Drone with Video Feed and Grasping Mechanism
Satchel of standard electronic components
Lithium-Ion Batteries;
One empty sack
A 'Ph. D' from Rob

caekdaemon (3) Bob Jameson Jones
Unless he can find some extra mechanics or electronics, BJJ can't think of anyway to make his armour more impenetrable. But he does discover that his Night-Vision Goggles can be seperated and deactivated, so he removes the left side and lense, stores it in his toolkit and makes a few modifications to the right side so that it can be made translucent for normal use. He dubs it the Night-Vision Monacle and puts it on. Fancy! He then packs up his gear back into the HUGE backpack and sits next to Andrew on the back seat.
Mechanical Engineering: +1 to rolls involving mechanics
Unconventional Weapons: +1 to rolls using unique/strange weapons
Night Vision Monocle: +1 to actions involving seeing in the dark
Earplugs: +1 to actions while there is loud noise Not in use
Pancor Jackhammer
Beretta 92FS
Tools (in pockets and whatnot)
Earplugs (around ears, not currently in use)
Night vision Monocle
HUGE backpack, containing:
Speargun parts (Handgrip, Hollow steel shaft, 2 stainless steel cables)
Toolkit, containing small fabric bags and Night-Vision Goggles Left Lens w/ housing.
2 Adrenaline Needles (Strength) and 3 Amphetamine Needles (Energy)
Briefcase (broken lock, closed, contains all papers)
Individual First Aid Kit
Sleeping Gear (in a vacuum-compression sack)
Ammo (3 drums of 12 Gauge shells, 5 Handgun magazines)
Heavy Armour and Brunt-Force Absorbers (Always roll a 4 or 5 to absorb melee damage)
Bulletproof Plating (immune to small arms fire, except you if roll a 1)
Encumbered (-1 to any actions involving endurance, quick relexes etc)
Sore (Takes additional damage when physically attacked, overcome in 1 turns)

FoiL (5) Andrew Rodrigues
Andrew walks to the Hummer and sits in the back with Tyrone. He's a bit wobbly and has a bit of trouble getting up onto the back tray, but he seems fine. BJJ is messing around with his Night-Vision Goggles and packing up his gear.
Fists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
Hyper Focus (+1 to concentration. Can only be used 3 1 time before rest.)
AA-12 (Full Drum, 35 Rounds)
Colt 1911
Extendable baton
Weapon case (SMAW)
SMAW and 3 rockets
Swiss army knife
Utility knife
Top gun sunglasses
Ammo (3 Drums, 4 Magazines)
Resting (Hyper Focus renewed in 2 turns)

alphagamer744 (5-1=4) Tyrone
Mumbling and stuttering to himself, Rachel helps him calm down with a small relaxation drug.
"That's the best I can do, but are you hurt?"
"I... uh... n-no... i don't..." He stammers.
No, no. That's fine. Just take it easy. Go have a seat in the Hummer." She replies.
So Tyrone goes back to the Hummer to rest, and meets up with... Andrew?... on the way. He wobbles a bit when he gets up onto the back tray, but he straps himself in fine.
Exo-suit (Allows large loads to be carried, +2 to any straight-line sprints when not encumbered)
Heavy Weapons (+1 to firing from a stationary/prone position)
Model 6 Shoulder-Fired Anti-Vehicle Heavy Railgun
AUG HBAR Light machine gun /w extended mags, Holographic sight
H&K Mp5 /w grip, laser sight
XOS Lower Body Exo-Suit /w attached equipment storage rack (See abilities)
Ammo (38 Railgun rounds, 8 AUG Mags, 12 MP5 Mags)
Small camo Day-Pack
3 Rations
Two water bottles
Loud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc)
Shocked (-1 from this action)

Ociamarru (3) Vladimir Ivanov
Vlad is just standing around, so he closes and wears his rucksack and goes to the Hummer. On the way he loads a few shells into his shotgun. He takes the driver's seat, since it's the only one left, and thinks this time he will get some proper rest.
Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled, can only use 5 3 times before rest)
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions)
Resilience (Gains one extra roll before death)
Pilot Training (Able to fly aircraft)
Low-Light Goggles (+1 to actions involving seeing in dim light)
Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun
Beretta 92FS
Khazar-replicated knife
Carved Wooden Statuette of self
4 emergency flares, bright green
Flare gun
Ammo (4 bags of Shotgun Shells, 8 handgun magazines)
Rations (7 days)
Low-Light Goggles

Game Events:
From the north, the sound of the Helicopter is heard again, except this time it doesn't sound like a helicopter, more like a fighter jet or a rocket. Everybody correctly estimates that it will arrive or pass over them in an hour and fifteen minutes (5 turns).
The time is 3:45pm.

Map: You are at the little base in the middle, after the horseshoe bend.

NOTE: I have drawn a Hummer for the location of the characters.
Image Image

DRL RtD Players Google Map in conjunction with

Sun May 09, 2010 5:31 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
"Here. This is a little something my friend Rob was working on. It's called a Phoenix Down. It's supposed to be able to revive a recently dead person on the battlefield. I think you just pull down the prongs and plug it into their chest, and the little thing should do the rest. You'll probably have more use for it than I will.

Sun May 09, 2010 5:46 am
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Post Re: (srs) Roll To Dodge 2 - Hijacked until further notice
> Accept Phoenix Down, pack it carefully in whatever storage I have. If there are any seats left on Jeep, grab one.
"I'm sure I can find a use for this someday. Thank you kindly."

Sun May 09, 2010 6:04 am
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