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 A good gamepad. 
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
manteli wrote:
The PS3 controller's L and R buttons are very fragile. Sony must have used less money on PS3 controller than on the PS2 ones. My PS2 controllers are mostly in a good condition though.

No, it's because when your playing online all the time, you tend to hit the buttons harder, also, lots of the games have lots and lots of button mashing.

Sun May 02, 2010 10:55 pm
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
The only parts that are worn out on mine are my left stick and dpad from when a ruthlessly trained for SC4 all day every day for a year. Stuff like quarter circles on the dpad and 41236321473 (where each number is a direction) on the stick can ♥♥♥♥ up your controller if you have to do them in 20 frames or less. If you use akimbo USPs in MW2 and you mash on the triggers, it'll hurt your triggers.

Mon May 03, 2010 12:03 am
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
dragonxp wrote:
manteli wrote:
The PS3 controller's L and R buttons are very fragile. Sony must have used less money on PS3 controller than on the PS2 ones. My PS2 controllers are mostly in a good condition though.

No, it's because when your playing online all the time, you tend to hit the buttons harder, also, lots of the games have lots and lots of button mashing.

Not everyone plays online, even if they do have a ps3. AND even if they do, they aren't always rough with the controllers... I know someone who barely taps the buttons, and that guy plays MW2 12+ hours a day every day because he doesn't have a job. and he just barely taps the buttons.

CrazyMLC wrote:
I have a perfectly working PS2 controller right next to me, and I just shook it. It sounded like someone took a plastic pellet and stuck it in there, nothing majorly annoying.

I have never seen a PS2 controller that DOESN'T do this, was the point I was making there, This has been the only noticeable and consistent problem. everything else is from people spilling pop/steping on/getting mauled by pets.

Mon May 03, 2010 7:26 am
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
My favorite controller was the super unpopular "fatty" -ORIGINAL- XBox controller. I loved that thing to death.

I should convert it into a 360 controller.

Mon May 03, 2010 9:13 am
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
LowestFormOfWit wrote:
My favorite controller was the super unpopular "fatty" -ORIGINAL- XBox controller.

This. I never understood why people liked the smaller ones. And I still have my original controller from when I bought my box, despite it being however many years old and outliving even the xbox itself.

Mon May 03, 2010 2:13 pm
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
I'm gonna be unorthadox and say that my fav is a tie between the original Xbox controller and the N64. Go three-armed-mutant compatable game design!

Mon May 03, 2010 5:28 pm
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
Just my two cents, but I've played racing games on both the ps3 and the x360. And the x360 is just way better suited for that use. And assasins creed was designed for the x360 aswell, I think it actually won't take any other gamepad.

But both games are highly playable with the keyboard anyway, I actually prefer AC on keyboard+mouse setup.

But if you seriously don't want a x360 controller but do want to play AC just get one of those emulator programs.

Oh and I have a pink see through ps2 clone so my friend can play CC with me. No kidding. ... -tpi_1.jpg PROOF
Problem is you can't use 2 at the same time, atleast not with xp.

Mon May 03, 2010 11:50 pm
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
AC is on PS3 too, ya know. What you're saying doesn't really make sense.

I'm thinking about custom putting together an arcade stick. Does anyone knwo anything about that? My friends dad puts together arcade machines for a living, so he can hook me up with top quality pieces.

Tue May 04, 2010 2:22 am
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
LowestFormOfWit wrote:
My favorite controller was the super unpopular "fatty" -ORIGINAL- XBox controller. I loved that thing to death.

I should convert it into a 360 controller.

Not everyone is an 8-foot-tall amazon named gargantulouse with hands large enough to dual-wield dwarfs dual-wielding axes.

the fat-bastard is just to bit for my hands. That thing was designed for beefy 'mericans who spend there time outside throwing a football back and fourth like manlymen... it was built for football-player-hands, and wasn't Madden a launch-title? yeah...

Seriously though, here's a real controller

Tue May 04, 2010 5:57 am
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
Yesterday I was playing Mechwarrior and remembered that thing. Thats probably the ultimate controller for mech games.

Tue May 04, 2010 1:57 pm
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Post Re: A good gamepad.
FoiL wrote:
Yesterday I was playing Mechwarrior and remembered that thing. Thats probably the ultimate controller for mech games.

yeah, but I wanna do something weird. get it to work with FL-9 and use it to control instruments and effects settings. so many knobs and buttons.

Tue May 04, 2010 9:04 pm
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