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 Rock Grappler *Update 
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
CaveCricket48 wrote:
I don't want the mission to be too difficult. How would you guys like randomly gibbing dropships above you? Or flying flak cannon crafts that come from the bottom of th map?

With the new system I've only gotten to Round 7 before chewing through all 3 of my stockpiled lives.

Randomly gibbing dropships would be awful. Flak guys from below doesn't make sense in a gorge you're trying to cross.

I say don't work on a time-sensitive element until you've made the grapple controls more user friendly.

I personally don't know why the grappling hook isn't more like the ninja-rope from Worms: Armageddon personally. I think while you have a hook stuck on something -and- have the grappler out, you should just use up/down to travel along it and left/right to swing and gain momentum.

Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:11 pm
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
LowestFormOfWit wrote:
I think while you have a hook stuck on something -and- have the grappler out, you should just use up/down to travel along it and left/right to swing and gain momentum.

What if you need to aim your grappling gun at a rock while hanging? It would be difficult if you kept moving up/down.

LowestFormOfWit wrote:
With the new system I've only gotten to Round 7 before chewing through all 3 of my stockpiled lives.

Is that higher or lower than your score in the older version?

I was also thinking of item upgrades that last untill their ammo runs out, like a super-sticky concrete sprayer, a placable boulder, upgraded grappling gun that has double rope length, and maybe new weapons.

Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
Differnet control methods for different Input methods maybe?
(can you detect that?)
Allowing the user to set their own control style would be neat, though if it plays well it plays well.

Better than gibs or flack, maybe mines?

Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:26 am
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
CaveCricket48 wrote:
What if you need to aim your grappling gun at a rock while hanging? It would be difficult if you kept moving up/down.

I'm not sure we're understanding each other. The UP and DOWN movement keys currently do nothing. UP only works to jetpack -if- you have fuel (which I don't think it that necessary), and DOWN just crouches, which is of little to no use in a primarily non-combat scene.

When you are grappled, UP should simply make you ascend your rope, and DOWN should do the same to descend your rope. LEFT and RIGHT similarly do nothing of real use while you are grappled, so remove the holding crouch thing to "swing" on your rope and this could do great things.

Also, make swinging back and forth allow you to gain momentum. Currently I have to jolt the rope upwards by quickly spinning my mousewheel to pull him upward at the right time to gain any momentum once I've lost it.

CaveCricket48 wrote:
Is that higher or lower than your score in the older version?

I was also thinking of item upgrades that last untill their ammo runs out, like a super-sticky concrete sprayer, a placable boulder, upgraded grappling gun that has double rope length, and maybe new weapons.

One round lower than my previous high round of 8. The fuel seems nigh-useless. I've only used it once in the countless times I've played this scene now, and it was to grab a Life heart that wasn't easily reached since no boulders spawned close enough to it.

As for your weapons ideas, I think that you'd have to change the difficulty of the scene to merit adding additional weapons that ease play. Either making it longer or have other dangers that only these new weapons could solve.

I honestly think if you fix the controls issue I have, that it's fine as is. If you insist on a new tool/weapon though, I wouldn't mind seeing like a one-use parachute or Translocator-like device.

Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:19 am
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
I'd say slow-moving missiles would be cool. I mean, it goes like jet-powered turtles, and instead of blowing up when their fuel's empty, they just drop. So you must dodge these slow-ish missiles while trying to get to the end. Think of the Metal Slug big missiles, they move about that slow, and smaller size. Maybe also make their explosion harmless to terrain, in case one hit rocks while they're still armed.

Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:22 am
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
Can you make it so that a person can grab items with grappler? Sometimes the key is placed in ridiculous places, barely reachable at all. Like half-screen above the nearest bouder.

Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:28 am
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
Really fun scene. Super addicting.

The only thing I don't like is all the new stuff. I agree with Lowest in that the jet pack should be straight up removed, perhaps the key as well. The scavenger hunt kinda takes away from the gameplay. I think that the heart should be replaced with a timer that gives you an extra life if you complete the level very quickly. Nailing a far away rock while swinging at high speeds is the most thrilling part, IMO and I think this reckless behaviour should be rewarded.

Or maybe keep the jetpack but don't point it out. Make it a super secret that only spawns some of the time, so that when it is found the player is all like "Booyah!"

I think that the enemies are kind of silly. Maybe slow moving aerial enemies that can only melee? Right now the clones are not very consistent, usually they do nothing but sometimes they kill you randomly by falling on you or getting a lucky spawn.

Edit: I've played it a couple times and my highest was 6 or 7.

Last edited by Contrary on Sat May 01, 2010 11:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:41 am
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
got to level 4.
god this is hard.
and not haha u died hard.
scary hard.
but fun.

Sat May 01, 2010 6:57 pm

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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
Same as Mr. T bag has said I pity the fool who dis's this! Its an awesome mission! Yet hard...

Sat May 01, 2010 11:41 pm
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
I can't start the mission. I select it and press "Start mission", but nothing happens.

I got it to work but I had to put SceneMan:LoadScene("Rock Grappler Ingame", true) in console.

Sun May 02, 2010 9:49 pm
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
What do you mean by "nothing happens?" Does it kind of load but kicks you back to the main menu?

If it does absolutely nothing when you click the start button, that's a problem with the button, not the mission. Try clicking in different areas of the button.

Sun May 02, 2010 11:55 pm
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
Kilgannon wrote:
I can't start the mission. I select it and press "Start mission", but nothing happens.

I got it to work but I had to put SceneMan:LoadScene("Rock Grappler Ingame", true) in console.

Sometimes you just have to press the button just right. Try it again. I too had this problem, but I just patiently try again, and it works.

Mon May 03, 2010 2:45 am
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
I have a feeling it is to do with clicking on a portion of the button that is currently resting over the planet, if that part is then when you click it it is like clicking the planet to deselect the mission.

Mon May 03, 2010 9:56 am
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
I've found that clicking the box but not the text will sometimes deselect the mission, but that clicking the text almost always works.

Mon May 03, 2010 9:59 am
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Post Re: Rock Grappler *Update
i made it to round 5, then died by getting shot then crashing, loseing my last 10 hp. fun AND hard with the items too.

Mon May 03, 2010 9:12 pm
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