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 Coalition answer to the Dreadnought 
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Post Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
I'd love a coalition unit to counter the dummy Dreadnought, I produced a quick sketch of it (colours could vary, that was just some rough ideas)

I call it the Coalition Vanquisher

vanquisher.jpg [ 155.2 KiB | Viewed 5869 times ]

I was thinking that the main body could be weaker than the dread, but the front attachable armour piece would be stronger, making it strong from the front but with a big weak point at the back, as I think this suits the coalition theme as well as keeping it balanced.

Also, I have seen the coalition mech thing from the intro, however I think it seems really strange and off balance, with its tiny legs and huge front end.

I would try making some sprites for this (well, I have tried) but I am a pathetic spriter and equally pathetic coder, so this is up for grabs by anyone.

Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:30 pm
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
actually it couldn't be that hard to turn that drawing into sprites, if you just bold up the lines, cut parts out, scale it down, and pallet it. I actually like how this looks.

Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:33 pm
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
I did try that before, but with something more complex admitedly, and it came out pretty terribly...I may have to try again though as this is quite simple by comparison, although if anyone else does want a go by all means do, I think this would make a good addition to the coalition forces

Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:37 pm
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
Exactly how prom makes his sprites: ... 8#msg94008

Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:43 pm
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
why would the coalition need an answer to something as useless as the dreadnought

Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:26 pm
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
It's not the dreadnought itself, it's the principal of an armored crab.
In other words: I have no idea, maybe cause they figured out that it's as costly as one equipped tropp but much more ressiliant and the firepower of an assault rifle added?

Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:33 pm
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
Grif wrote:
why would the coalition need an answer to something as useless as the dreadnought

Because every faction needs a useless walking pile of metal.

Dreadnoughts aren't completely useless, they're good for guarding long hallways or protecting soldiers by acting as a shield.

Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:40 pm
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
And giving you valuable shipping sconds when clogging hallways with gibs.

Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:48 pm
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
Grif wrote:
why would the coalition need an answer to something as useless as the dreadnought

"SIR! I've just realized, We don't have a horribly imbalanced robot, with obvious weak points, to battle THEIR horribly imbalanced obvious-weak-point-having robots with!"


"shall I stall them with the candy-corn skeleton-pirates again sir?"

"no, they might just send something that's actually dangerous"

"So maybe we should make our counter-robot actually not suck as bad as theirs does, so it might stand a chance against something good"

"NEVER, then it wouldn't be a fair fight!"

---Just my thoughts on it. technically the dreadnought only sucks because ACrab should have been ACrap... its kinda cool, and you can do some cool things with it, but if you use it the way it's intended... well... it can only really fight more of itself...

Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:53 am
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
I like fylth's picture, I think it would make a good looking coalition mech.
As for the usefulness of ACrabs, well maybe that will improve in the next build. They can however as mentioned before buy you some much needed time and act as shields, as well as clear hallways pretty well.

Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:24 am
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
They will get better when you can actually command your units I bet.
Or for assaulting a bunker that has a flat floor...

Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:44 am
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Post Re: Coalition answer to the Dreadnought
Here you go: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=10284

That one doesn't load in B23 though, so here's a fixed version:

Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:10 pm
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