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 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Pyrokinesis1019 wrote:
This is horrible! I just got it as a very late Christmas gift TODAY, and I haven't been able to open or play it yet, and now I'm reading all of this horrible stuff about it. Thanks a lot.

You do realize we're talking about MAG right

Mon Feb 01, 2010 1:22 am

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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Toes from Europe wrote:
You do realize we're talking about MAG right

Yes. . .
Just opened and played it now. I saw absolutely no people parachuting.
Guess I'll just have to play some more until I can start commanding people and whatnot.

Mon Feb 01, 2010 4:49 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Wow. My friend played this at my house a couple times and he liked it so much he's buying a PS3 mainly for this.

Fri Mar 05, 2010 1:31 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Ok. I just finished th Single Player Mode a week ago. Just 4 hour I can beat it.

I played it again 3 days ago. But, I was click the "Yes" button for "Run in Safe Mode". When I played the game, suddenly, My PC turned off it's own. I turned on it again, but in the middle of booting, I must choose which mode I want(Safe Mode, Safe Mode with networking, Start Windows Normally, etc). I selected "Start Windows normally". After Windows logo showed, suddenly the screen turned blue and rebooting. It's keep like this except I choose the "Safe Mode with Networking".

Just now, I posted this at Safe Mode Windows.yeah. and waiting daddy to reinstall Windows

Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:47 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
JangkrikBusterII wrote:
Ok. I just finished th Single Player Mode a week ago. Just 4 hour I can beat it.

I played it again 3 days ago. But, I was click the "Yes" button for "Run in Safe Mode". When I played the game, suddenly, My PC turned off it's own. I turned on it again, but in the middle of booting, I must choose which mode I want(Safe Mode, Safe Mode with networking, Start Windows Normally, etc). I selected "Start Windows normally". After Windows logo showed, suddenly the screen turned blue and rebooting. It's keep like this except I choose the "Safe Mode with Networking".

Just now, I posted this at Safe Mode Windows.yeah. and waiting daddy to reinstall Windows

You're going to need to get a better translator than the one you're using now. The quality of your posts has decreased greatly, mostly because people can't understand you. I suggest Google translate or babelfish translation. Either of which will help you more than what you're currently using.

Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:53 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
So anyone still playing this game? I still do from time to time. Mostly I only really find sniping to be fun now.

Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:41 pm
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Well, yeah, me. Just started a week ago, when I managed to get my tv to understand european image encoding.

Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:52 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I've been playing the MUCH BETTER AND MORE FUN BAD COMPANY 2, for the last week or so. I can say that it's much more entertaining than MW2, plus there are very few idiots who scream into their Mic's.

Fri Mar 19, 2010 9:03 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I tried the demo, I tried the full version on PC. I can honestly say it's not for me.

Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:08 am

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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Mw2 is awesome, don't know what you guys are talking about. I never liked the vehicles in battlefield games. I haven't played bc2 but I've always liked infantry only games a little more.

And for those of you who think bc2 is better, all new games are pretty much always fun for the first few weeks or so. I played *gulp* combat arms for a month before I realized how much it sucked... better than battlefield heroes at least.

Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:17 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I dissagree. The campaign for MW2 was apeshit stupid plot-wise. The multiplayer was even worse. It was like playing with a large crowd of angry howler monkeys who have the urge to scream "♥♥♥♥ YOU STUPID ♥♥♥♥ AMERICAN" every time I got the game winning kill.

In BC2 the plot is kind of stupid but nothing of the scale of MW2, the multiplayer is much more entertaining, buildings fall down, cover can't be used over and over again, which eliminates a lot of the camping. The battlefield changes greatly what would have been a great defensive point could get destroyed unleashing a flood of enemies, someone could strap a ton of C4 to an ATV and then drive it right into your tank destroying both in the process, and temporarily blocking a road. (Ps. I'm better at BC2, which is probably why I didn't like MW2)

Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:33 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Heh, MW2 is fun splitscreen with friends, knives only gets batshit insane on small maps, and the spec ops stuff is good way to waste a few hours laughing with friends at how much you suck. I'm better at FPS games on computer, where i can use my trusty wasd and mouse, rather than those crazy two handed contraptions, but my friends have PS3s (xbox sucks you're all halo addicted monkeys etc etc) so that's how we roll.

I did think the game felt like a giant stupid action movie though, but that's kind of okay just because that's exactly what it's trying to be.
All in all, don't play online and you'll be fine. There's generally less rage addicts in the group of people you know irl than on the internet.
Commodore111 wrote:
Mw2 is awesome, don't know what you guys are talking about. I never liked the vehicles in battlefield games. I haven't played bc2 but I've always liked infantry only games a little more.

And for those of you who think bc2 is better, all new games are pretty much always fun for the first few weeks or so. I played *gulp* combat arms for a month before I realized how much it sucked... better than battlefield heroes at least.
A) Combat arms is fine, the nexon community at least doesnt try to ♥♥♥♥ each other at every oppurtunity, though the people who are good at that game are a little too good for my tastes :P CA is good fun when you're bored and have a computer to huddle about. As you might have picked up, I generally only enjoy FPS when there's others around.
In any case, stop stating opinions as fact. I prefer the larger levels of BF to the small, fast paced crazyness of CoD, but some people will like the exact opposite. Some people like vehicles, some people dont. You havent even played BC2 and you're comparing it qualitatively against a game you sound like you've played a lot of, which seems a tad biased. Sure, this is a thread about MW2, but that doesn't mean it's valid to say "hey if you think this game is better than this game you're wrong because i dont like vehicles and you haven't played it to death yet".

I cant even be bothered going into how stupid just about every FPS plot ever is. that turned into a huge nonsensical rant without my noticing. Off I go to not talk about or play FPSs for a year I suppose. Sorry for this unreadable mess :P

Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:49 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Geti wrote:
xbox sucks you're all halo addicted monkeys etc etc


Lol, fanboyism aside, I guess it's already if you like the gameplay of BF- but I don't. I like being a one man army and sniping down four guys from 10 feet away in rapid succession. I like running over with Lightweight, Marathon and my UMP45 with extended mags and just mowing down the entire team once or twice.

Yeah there are a lot of dumb things in MW, but none of them are real problems. Knifing is only good when the game is too laggy, noob tubes ain't even as bad as they used to be (go play CoD4), killstreaks are easy to ignore or destroy, camping isn't as good as it used to be, and snipers are really hard to do well with now but that's how snipers like it anyway. It's not perfect for sure, but it's not as bad as the whiners say.

Not saying there's anything wrong with BF. I just don't like vehicles or relying on strangers is all (or friends for that matter).

And yeah, like Geti I play splitscreen ALOT- and I doubt BF would be much fun 4 player. Spec Ops is pretty sweet- especially the stealth mission. The ones with all the snow and the planes was hella fun- I beat it by knife only and without being seen till the last couple seconds as I ran towards the end. I beat the first winter stealth mission without killing anyone and just snaking around and using flashbangs as distractions. Good times.

Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:29 pm

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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I never said bc2 is bad, I just said I never liked the vehicle centric gameplay in the battlefield series that much. The destructible buildings are neat but they make the noob tube problem even worse. Enemy hiding behind a tree? Noob tube it. Enemy runs into a house? Noob tube.
Also, if the enemy steals your vehicles, you're screwed. I remember the fun I had in Halo custom edition on coldsnap. I stole the enemy team's mythos and got 10 kills with it before they took it back. It was epic lulz, but they didn't stand a chance without their best vehicle. If your enemy steals your tank in battlefield, good luck winning.

Reminds me in battlefield heroes when by cousin got into a tank, drove it under a bridge, and left it there for the entire game because he needed to do something else. Needless to say he lost that game.

Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:58 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
As a quick note, I cant be bothered having a giant rant again, in BF there's generally anti vehicle classes to balance that out, not sure about bad company but every one I've played has had them.

Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:26 am
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