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 Need help fixing error! 
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Post Need help fixing error!
I've tried to make my first map by copying others. I read (and sometimes copied) other people's code, and have put it together in mine.

I tried reading all the tutorials but it all goes in one eye and out the other.

I'm getting an error that I think has something against the 'GlobalAcceleration = Vector' line.

Here's a screenshot of the code and error:


If you see anything else that you think won't work, please tell.

Incase you can't read the screenshot (it's blurry in the preview), my code, (named 'Scene Making Test', and in a folder called 'Testing.rte') from the top to line 7 says:

AddScene = Scene
PresetName = Test Map
LocationOnPlanet = Vector
X = 0
Y = 0
GlobalAcceleration = Vector
X = 0
Y = 16

and the error says:

'Could not match property in Testing.rte/Scene Making Test.ini at line 6!'

I use Windows

Please help without boggling this newbie's mind! And so you know, (and will hopefully yell at me less) I mostly didn't read the tutorial on the forums because I got confused when it started talking about adding bunkers to it, and that comes first according to that, but later according to all my working downloaded scenes from the forums. :?

If you need more infomation, just ask.

Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:23 am
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I can't see what the problem is. Can you post the entire package?

Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:57 am
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I'm guessing 'Package' means all the code, so:

(0)AddScene = Scene
(8) PresetName = Test Map
(8) LocationOnPlanet = Vector
(16) X = 0
(16)Y = 0
(8) GlobalAcceleration = Vector
(16) X = 0
(16)Y = 16
(8) Terrain = SLTerrain
(16) PresetName = Scene Making Test Terrain
(16) BitmapFile = ContentFile
(24) Path = Testing.rte/Scene Making Test.bmp
(16) WrapX = 0
(16) WrapY = 0
(16) ScrollRatio = Vector
(24) X = 1.0
(24) Y = -1.0
(16) BackgroundTexture = ContentFile
(24) Path = Testing.rte/Textures/Background.bmp
(8)AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
(16) PresetName = Grasslands Middle Layer
(16) DrawTransparent = 1
(16) WrapX = 1
(16) WrapY = 1
(16) ScrollRatio = Vector
(24) X = 0.030
(24) Y = 0.015
(16) BitmapFile = ContentFile
(24) Path = Testing.rte/Middle.bmp
(8)AddBackgroundLayer = SceneLayer
(16) PresetName = Grasslands Back Layer
(16) DrawTransparent = 0
(16) WrapX = 1
(16) WrapY = 1
(16) ScrollRatio = Vector
(24) X = 0.020
(24) Y = 0.010
(16) BitmapFile = ContentFile
(24) Path = Testing.rte/Back.bmp

The things in brackets at each line say how many times I pressed space bar on that line before typing letters. The numbers in brackets aren't actually in the code. (The quote box won't put the spaces in, but it looks messy without the quote box.)

By the way, Gotcha!, I was reading (and copying a little quite a bit of) your 'Maps - Earth' code from Map Pack 3 to self teach myself. I'll have a .txt in the folder to give credit to you, but hope you don't mind. And also, it might help you help me for some reason (The Earth codes are made to fit your map, and the numbers won't add up for anyone else's?)

For the Materials.ini, i just copied yours (Gotcha!), took out the terrain debri and copied your materials folder with the .bmp's in it too.

For the background layers, i copied the back.bmp and middle.bmp from Base.rte/Scenes/Backdrops. Hopefully, I put them in the right way.

Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:32 am
happy carebear mom
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Code in Cortex Command is indented using tabs, and tabs only. Using spaces will cause problems.

Thu Mar 11, 2010 7:50 am
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I remember hearing you can use 3 spaces rather than a tab somewhere, but I've never tried it because of how redundant it would be compared to tabbing.

Thu Mar 11, 2010 8:59 am
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You can. I used to do that 'till i figured out you can use tab to make tabs.

Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:11 pm
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So instead of using the spacebar, I press the tab key before typing?

EDIT: I fixed up the code, and I can successfully open my map in skirmish. But it's all red with 'default' in black written all over it. i had a look at Materials.ini to see if it had the correct RGB numbers, and it did. Also, it had no background. And it was incredably small, so I'll need to resize it.

What's wrong now?

Last edited by Pyrodoom on Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:53 am, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:36 am
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Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:36 am
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Post Re: Need help fixing error!
It's likely that you're not using the material palette for your map if you're getting material mismatches. it's done on index, not RGB.

Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:34 am
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I use this as a guide:


And this is the map that I'm creating:


It doesn't look too good because I only put effort and detail into the top part of the ground, and then enlarged it.

And by the RGB numbers I mean this part of Materials.ini:

Color = Color
R = 140
G = 100
B = 64

As I said before, I don't know if for some reason that Materials.ini I copied would only work in 'Maps - Earth' from map pack 3.

EDIT: Seeing as I just posted a picture of my (Hopefully) soon-to-be scene, I would like to say that if you use any of my stuff, whether you change it, edit it, remove something, add something or leave well alone, please give me, Pyrodoom, credit.

Fri Mar 12, 2010 11:38 am
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I'm going to post some pics of when I tested my map. They may help, I dunno...

A problem: Bunker modules don't line up on one side of the wrap point. (Is that the term?) If you look at my map sprite picture thing with the pink air, you'll see the edges make a spike.

Pic 1: a bunker bit put to the left of a bunker module, the bit on the left of the spike, the module on the right. as you can see, they don't touch.
Pic 2: I moved the bit to the right just a little. As you can see, it overlaps with the module.
Pic 3: When both bunker pieces are on the same side of the spike, they line up well.

I'm guessing this has something to do with how wide my map is. Like it should be (a number divisable by 5) pixels wide for modules to line up.

Pic 4: A moment after the start of the battle. The backdrop works, the background texture works, but I still get the 'DEFAULT' terrain that dissapears when touched.

Now, I know the default terrain problem has something to do with the Materials.ini, so I'll attach it here.

Hopefully, this post will help scene makers help me better.

Now, the attachments!

File comment: PIC 1
bits and modules line up X, left.bmp
bits and modules line up X, left.bmp [ 469.69 KiB | Viewed 9857 times ]
File comment: PIC 2
bits and modules line up X, right.bmp
bits and modules line up X, right.bmp [ 410.47 KiB | Viewed 9857 times ]
File comment: PIC 3
bits and modules line up, good.bmp
bits and modules line up, good.bmp [ 400.52 KiB | Viewed 9857 times ]
File comment: PIC 4
test map moment.bmp
test map moment.bmp [ 1019.96 KiB | Viewed 9857 times ]
File comment: Materials.ini from MP3, all credits to Gotcha!
Materials.ini [1.71 KiB]
Downloaded 338 times
Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:28 am
happy carebear mom
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Map divisible by 24 is what you're looking for, and you're still getting the default terrain because your terrain is not in the terrain palette. Upload it and I'll convert it for you.

Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:35 pm
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I appreciate the offer, but I would like to try doing it myself.

So, two questions: What is the material palette and how do I get the terrain to be in it?

By the way, I fixed the not-lining-up problem. Increased map width by 6 pixels.

Also, is there a way to count how many pixels an image is high and wide, without zooming in and counting them?

Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:02 am
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Post Re: Need help fixing error!
if your using mspaint, go to image> attributes

Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:53 pm
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Post Re: Need help fixing error!
I'm guessing the material palette is this thing, but how do I get my map to be in it?

Also, thank you Dragonxp, knowing that will be a great help.

File comment: Material palette?
palette.bmp [1.3 KiB]
Not downloaded yet
Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:42 am
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