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 IRC is no longer... a thing 
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
We've got tons of people with ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ names, look at p3l, ♥♥♥♥, look at me, look at pyro, look at daman, we've all got some pretty ♥♥♥♥ stupid names, I'd accept someone called "seph1r0th1337" if he wasn't as much of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ as his name implied, and if "MrJim" was a complete ♥♥♥♥ gibbon, he'd be treated like a gibbon.
It's not about names, or regdates, it ALL boils down to how they act, and not many people in the entire forum would act correctly, despite how long they've been here.

Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:09 pm
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
Internet Etiquette is harder to pick up on when you're attacked for failing at it, though I dare say a three-strikes rule to getting yelled at is fair.

Entitlement and understanding the feasible limits of other's work are the big things here.
If only the forum could force lurking, and decide (using magical brain reading) when a given would-be poster was mature enough.
But expecting average internet-people to be reasonable should not be unreasonable.

Mon Mar 01, 2010 6:23 pm
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
For once, I have to agree with Clam. He's the IRC punching bag, everyone picks on him, but even he understands the way the cards are stacked on #DRLchat. Right from the get go, if you come in and act politely and intelligently, you will not be attacked. No one sits on IRC waiting for new people to come in so that we can scream obscenities at them and make them feel persecuted.

So long as you act respectable on IRC, you will be respected there.

On the flip side of the coin, if you come in and act like an idiot and start talking out your ass, you probably will be the subject of some harsh counter trolling. But you have to earn that by really pissing some people off.

tl;dr, Misconceptions of Data Realms IRC being a troll cave, obviously not going to get us any closer to having it back because the decision has been made.

Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:01 pm
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
Every time I went into IRC I had to warn/ban people. There's always something unKosher going down, and Data doesn't want his new users subjected to that.

I know you guys can be polite and nice. And every time you are behaving poorly I'm sure it's just a joke or even ironic. I personally have no problem with joking around, and it's my kind of chatroom. But it's not the right environment for our new players, which is why I tried to get you guys to setup the #bros channel or whatever.

We can't tell newbs to "go to the forum". IRC isn't a subset of the forum, it's an alternative method of communication.

Someone earlier said "All IRC channels are like this", and they quite certainly aren't. Perhaps you just gravitate to channels that behave in a manner you enjoy?

And idiots and folks who talk out of their ass shouldn't be trolled or abused; they should be warned by a moderator and/or be shown by example on what appropriate behaviour is.

Until all those things are rectified (which will likely require (a) 24/7 moderator(s) that will adhere to the rules), there's no sense exposing our potential customers to your self-acknowledged hate levels.

Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:17 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
Why don't you uh, turn the IRC back on, and remove the links like you said. This "Rizon" network bull♥♥♥♥ isn't working out so well.

Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:40 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
Kelas wrote:
Why don't you uh, turn the IRC back on, and remove the links like you said. This "Rizon" network bull♥♥♥♥ isn't working out so well.


Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:41 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
Side note;

eric wrote:
[17:58] <@ProjektTHOR> So all weasel has confirmed here is that there is a specific group of users that he is displeased with, and instead of penalizing as he would anyone else, he opts for some kind of synthesis between being underhanded and being lazy. He removes a critical public relations resource instead of dealing with the users he thinks are problematic (whether they are truly problematic is not up for discussion). Regardless, this is just more evidence of
[17:58] <@ProjektTHOR> lazy Andy is, and it's sad that Daniel would just blindly employ someone who is clearly doing nothing and actually /taking away/ parts of the community. Fail.

Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:22 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
IRC in it's current state is not a "valuable" resource; it's in fact a liability. The only way to fix it is to have someone moderate it. I don't have enough spare time on my hands to do it, plus it was not required of me in my contract.

However, as I mentioned several times: Once I can get an IRC moderator (or two) that I can trust, I'll turn it all back on and make it public again.

If you want to continue using it, be my guest! the server isn't going anywhere, you can do your thing. I'm not "punishing you" or taking away your toys; I'm just making sure newbs don't stumble into you.

Just chill out and wait a few months. Sheesh.

Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:27 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
weasel wrote:

Silly weasel, the internet isn't Jewish! :lol:

Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:30 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
weasel wrote:
If you want to continue using it, be my guest! the server isn't going anywhere, you can do your thing. I'm not "punishing you" or taking away your toys; I'm just making sure newbs don't stumble into you.

Just chill out and wait a few months. Sheesh.

[12:38] * Connect retry #98 (6667)
[12:38] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)
[12:38] * Connect retry #99 (6667)
[12:38] * Unable to connect to server (Connection refused)


eric wrote:
[18:30] <@ProjektTHOR> "Look, I called it. Andy is just waiting for people he likes to leave the community. So much for community /building/"

Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:31 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
cortex.datarealms is just the default apache page on http, and nothing at all for irc.

Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:33 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
PhantomAGN wrote:
cortex.datarealms is just the default apache page on http, and nothing at all for irc.


Unable to connect : : Connection refused: connect

Side note; I've used to connect to the IRC since it's conception.

Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:35 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
weasel wrote:
IRC in it's current state is not a "valuable" resource; it's in fact a liability. The only way to fix it is to have someone moderate it. I don't have enough spare time on my hands to do it, plus it was not required of me in my contract.

However, as I mentioned several times: Once I can get an IRC moderator (or two) that I can trust, I'll turn it all back on and make it public again.

If you want to continue using it, be my guest! the server isn't going anywhere, you can do your thing. I'm not "punishing you" or taking away your toys; I'm just making sure newbs don't stumble into you.

Just chill out and wait a few months. Sheesh.

I may be a little out of place, but I'm rather upset at the loss of the IRC (read: It's gone to us but still around to you). I frequently logged in (nearly every day) to discuss purely on CC modding. It was an extremely valuable resource to me as a modder since I could use it for feedback, help, collaboration and debugging for any of my mods.

Xextredge was completely conceived over IRC. The Dummy Factory was done between me and Kyred solely over IRC. My Behemoth has gone through countless iterations through feedback and help from discussion with others OVER IRC. I find it an incredible loss if not only for its value as a modder's resource.

With all respect I don't feel a plug pull is the appropriate solution at all. I've lurked in IRC long enough to know that no "flaming" of sorts I've seen is anything better/worse than these "new users" you speak of deal with when they post on the public forums.

The people who actually needed IRC as a resource were able to use it as such regardless of the "liability" you feel was present, so please explain in further detail why the need to fix something that's worked for a long time.

Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:30 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
weasel wrote:
IRC in it's current state is not a "valuable" resource; it's in fact a liability. The only way to fix it is to have someone moderate it. I don't have enough spare time on my hands to do it, plus it was not required of me in my contract.

However, as I mentioned several times: Once I can get an IRC moderator (or two) that I can trust, I'll turn it all back on and make it public again.

If you want to continue using it, be my guest! the server isn't going anywhere, you can do your thing. I'm not "punishing you" or taking away your toys; I'm just making sure newbs don't stumble into you.

Just chill out and wait a few months. Sheesh.

If I'm correct, isn't your contract actually just having you as a PR guy who'd write little devlog bits?

It's been a good 20 days since the last devlog, and long before that you began to root around in the community as a self-appointed moderator and as of late tech guy, ♥♥♥♥ around with the server and the community rules.

You were supposed to be PR between data and us, not between the forum and everything else, and I'm CERTAIN you weren't supposed to go screw around in the servers, which, by the way, was actually what brought services down.

You're an idiot who's bitten off more than he can chew, and you're too lazy to actually go at it and fix it when you've got dozens of suitable and former IRC moderators, but you've just brushed it off and shut the entire thing down.

Really, I despise you, you don't do the work you were hired to do, and when you do some work, it's completely unrelated and often causes more problems than it fixes.
Please, just leave.

Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:31 am
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Post Re: IRC is no longer... a thing
Guys you're all retarded

this plan isn't exactly rocket science

weasel is trying to get you all to leave because you're counterproductive to the community data's trying to produce

it's really, really, really not a complicated plan

and it's going to work. eventually.

the ultimate goal is to reform the community by excising the pointlessly negative segment that most frequently dwells on IRC and keep the productive forum members. luckily I straddle the important middle ground, and have also been pro-weez from day one.

Tue Mar 02, 2010 3:39 am
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