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 Prison Escape: Episode 2 
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
TheLastBanana wrote:
[However, it's short because I'm doing it episodically - there will be an Epsiode 3 (and probably more after that).

What are you, Valve?

Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:31 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
I was thinking of releasing it in one big clump, but by the end of the big clump it's going to suck, because I'll be tired of working on it. This gives me more time to think things out and do them well.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 7:41 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Nice mission backround. Just gona camp it out to bed and save it for weekend..

Wed Jan 20, 2010 8:34 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Haha nice.
It's my birthday.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:18 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
3POK_PHALE wrote:
TheLastBanana wrote:
[However, it's short because I'm doing it episodically - there will be an Epsiode 3 (and probably more after that).

What are you, Valve?

No, he didn't delay it till past 2010.

Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:41 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
When I pause and resume, the menu music continues to play. Lovely mission though.
In my second run through Brutus ended up on top of the hill instead of behind it, leaving him with a line of wounds along his front, making his enthusiasm to attack hilarious. <Insert Black Knight quote>

Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:08 am
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
411570N3 wrote:
When I pause and resume, the menu music continues to play. Lovely mission though.
In my second run through Brutus ended up on top of the hill instead of behind it, leaving him with a line of wounds along his front, making his enthusiasm to attack hilarious. <Insert Black Knight quote>

Sometimes the music keeps playing and sometimes it doesn't. I don't know what governs that but it's out of my power as far as I know.
And yeah, for things called actors, they're awful at acting. It's not that hard to remember where you're supposed to land, is it?!

Thu Jan 21, 2010 5:11 am
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Amazing mission. The cutscenes are stunning.

Thu Jan 21, 2010 7:45 pm

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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Hmmm... the doors are strong in this one.

But the Hinges are WEAK.

Thu Jan 21, 2010 10:26 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Hey, I have a few problems.

At the end of the mission, I go up to Fiona and the rocket, but nothing happens. I then attempt to fly above and beyond the map, and I hear a disgusting sound that can only be described as bones resetting, then the game crashes.

To recap.

I finish the mission, but when I reach the logical end of it, nothing happens.
I go out of the exit over the rocket, and exit the map off the right side of the screen.
I hear the sound of my body rebuilding itself, then the game crashes.

I use a mac, which makes a difference I imagine.

Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:08 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
I love it, nice job.
I have congratulate you, it's the first mission (as far as i know) that have dialogues and cutscenes in it. COGRATS!
I hope you'll continue doing awesome missions. :bow:

P.S. I use a Mac, no problems, completed on first try.

You should have made this a bit harder, i realized that you can respawn only on the second run when i did something stupid and died ;P

Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:14 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Flammablezombie wrote:
I go out of the exit over the rocket, and exit the map off the right side of the screen. I hear the sound of my body rebuilding itself, then the game crashes. I use a mac, which makes a difference I imagine.
You should be getting into the rocket. The mac part's not a factor on this, probably. However, this map has an intolerance of putting in anything extra. I am going to assume you did not order anything.

Oh, and on the subject of ordering things, if you DO call something down, and it kills some coalition pawns, the game either becomes unstable, or crashes outright.
For example, Rod-From-God aimed down onto some units who have not yet seen you.

Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:28 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
I seem to get a crash as soon as I kill the last of the third group of reinforcements. Hmmm.
Also: Mac.

Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:40 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Flammablezombie wrote:
At the end of the mission, I go up to Fiona and the rocket, but nothing happens. I then attempt to fly above and beyond the map, and I hear a disgusting sound that can only be described as bones resetting, then the game crashes.

At the end, when you go up near Fiona, she should start talking. You're not supposed to fly out of the level.

kiberkiller wrote:
You should have made this a bit harder, i realized that you can respawn only on the second run when i did something stupid and died ;P

If you've played the first one, you'll notice that it's ridiculously hard :P This one is fairly easy, but I wanted to make it a bit more accessible to people who aren't as experienced in the game either. Because you're incapable of dying, you can gauge your performance by how many times you died as opposed to whether you were even capable of beating the level.

PhantomAGN wrote:
Oh, and on the subject of ordering things, if you DO call something down, and it kills some coalition pawns, the game either becomes unstable, or crashes outright.
For example, Rod-From-God aimed down onto some units who have not yet seen you.

Yeah, you're not supposed to order anything. I can't really disable the buy menu, so the fact that you can't switch actors and have no gold at the start was the best I could do.

Dr. Evil wrote:
I seem to get a crash as soon as I kill the last of the third group of reinforcements. Hmmm.

Would this be the clones coming out of spawn tubes at the very end or the clones that come out of a drop crate?

Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:43 pm
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Post Re: Prison Escape Episode 2
Here to report a crash:

I killed the first coalition soldier that I happened upon after entering the base, and as soon as he settled into terrain, the game crashed. I can't give a more detailed explanation, I just followed the campaign as it told me.

I am running Windows, if that helps.

Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:53 am
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