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 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I've noticed that you have UAV more often than not so having scrambler while messing around with a acog'ed sniper inside the main enemy group is a sure death sentence

Mon Dec 28, 2009 2:53 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
p3lb0x wrote:
I've noticed that you have UAV more often than not so having scrambler while messing around with a acog'ed sniper inside the main enemy group is a sure death sentence

Cold blooded? Problem solved.

Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:31 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
No, because if you have coldblooded you won't one hit kill with a sniper. And this would mean you would die in a CQB situation

Mon Dec 28, 2009 5:37 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I finally started playing it. So far, my favourite classes are:

M4A1 w/ Red Dot
That first machine pistol or that first shotty
2 Flash
Sleight of Hand
Stopping Power

M4 Silenced
Stopping (Cold Blooded once I get it)

Yeah, I know I am a noob.

Mon Dec 28, 2009 9:38 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
p3lb0x wrote:
No, because if you have coldblooded you won't one hit kill with a sniper. And this would mean you would die in a CQB situation

I use the WA2000 with cold-blooded and I frequently get one-shot kills. As long as you hit center chest or near that its a one hit kill.

Also, never silence a sniper with stopping power.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:29 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Scope0 wrote:
Also, never silence a sniper with stopping power.

Why not?

M4A1 with Thermal and Silencer
Silenced PPnumbers
Throwing Knife
Cold Blooded (Possible, I love this more than UAV jammer in CoD4)
Ninja once I get it but for now Scrambler (Goddamn heartbeat sensors)

I had the best goddamn game ever with this class. Plenty of sniping with M4 and fending off dudes with the machine pistol until I ran out of ammo with both and knifed a guy in the elbow just as he got my health to nearly nothing.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:50 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Contrary wrote:
Scope0 wrote:
Also, never silence a sniper with stopping power.

Why not?

you almost rarely get one shot kills; which he was talking about.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:55 am
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
p3lb0x wrote:
No, because if you have coldblooded you won't one hit kill with a sniper. And this would mean you would die in a CQB situation

Hit the head, neck, or upper chest. Barrett / Intervention only, really.

Contrary wrote:
Scope0 wrote:
Also, never silence a sniper with stopping power.

Why not?

If you are using silenced weapons, you should just go all the way and take cold blooded too.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:11 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Most of the time I hit people with the sniper I do not get one hit kills, I've even hit a guy in the goddamn head with the intervention and not gotten a one hit kill. Besides, good luck getting headshots on a guy running towards you while shooting at you

Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:13 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
With scrambler they can immediately tell where you are. It's extremely easy to hunt down people using it. Ninja pro would be better.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:29 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
I've gotten pretty good at sniping over the years, so over half of my sniper kills have been headshots. That's what you get from being raised on the Battlefield series, I guess.

Learning the maps is crucial to good sniping.

New dedicated sniper class, which I rather like:

Intervention, Fall Camo, heartbeat sensor
G18 Akimbo
Claymore + stun
Sleight of Hand Pro
Hardline Pro
Steady Aim Pro

I'm doing sleight of hand partly because of the challenge and partly because the quick-zoom of the pro is actually pretty darn useful. Steady Aim Pro with akimbo G18 and sniper is just about the best perk I could ever imagine having, and hardline is there because I don't need anything else. I might change to scavenger pro so that I don't keep running out of ammo, but I've never really liked cold-blooded. I always use the popular sniper positions near the friendly spawn, so enemies don't need the UAV to know where you are. Also, ultra-stealth is impossible when everyone you kill gets a killcam of exactly where you are along with an invitation to pick up +50 xp by killing you. It's far better to just stick by whatever you need to protect (usually a flag in domination) and let them come to you. Sure, cold-blooded + ninja pro means death for you, but if they're willing to go that far to kill you, then I don't mind. They usually come up the same way twice, so I'll know where to put my claymore.

I prefer ground war, and praying for domination. Sabotage comes next. Team deathmatch isn't my cup of tea; I'm used to battle lines being somewhat well-defined, so an 8-player game with no points to defend just doesn't cut it.

I am, by nature, a defensive player. I've gotten pretty good at it.

Testing out boomstick class:

ACR + grenade launcher
Frag + Smoke
Scavenger Pro
Danger Close
Last Stand Pro

It makes for good times. Also, 8 more ranks to prestige, then I can work towards 1000 intervention headshots. Also also, don't use scrambler. It's far too easy to pinpoint where you are and where you are going just by the hot/cold game, and when someone knows where you are, your chances of death tend to increase. It's also not that hard to read the map when it's simply mostly scrambled, which means that by the time scrambler does anything useful, they're already breathing down your neck and don't need the map to help them. The pro perk of delaying claymores is far better than the perk itself.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:37 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Fearful_Ferret wrote:
I've gotten pretty good at sniping over the years, so over half of my sniper kills have been headshots. That's what you get from being raised on the Battlefield series, I guess.

Learning the maps is crucial to good sniping.

New dedicated sniper class, which I rather like:

Intervention, Fall Camo, heartbeat sensor
G18 Akimbo
Claymore + stun
Sleight of Hand Pro
Hardline Pro
Steady Aim Pro

I'm doing sleight of hand partly because of the challenge and partly because the quick-zoom of the pro is actually pretty darn useful. Steady Aim Pro with akimbo G18 and sniper is just about the best perk I could ever imagine having, and hardline is there because I don't need anything else. I might change to scavenger pro so that I don't keep running out of ammo, but I've never really liked cold-blooded. I always use the popular sniper positions near the friendly spawn, so enemies don't need the UAV to know where you are. Also, ultra-stealth is impossible when everyone you kill gets a killcam of exactly where you are along with an invitation to pick up +50 xp by killing you. It's far better to just stick by whatever you need to protect (usually a flag in domination) and let them come to you. Sure, cold-blooded + ninja pro means death for you, but if they're willing to go that far to kill you, then I don't mind. They usually come up the same way twice, so I'll know where to put my claymore.

I prefer ground war, and praying for domination. Sabotage comes next. Team deathmatch isn't my cup of tea; I'm used to battle lines being somewhat well-defined, so an 8-player game with no points to defend just doesn't cut it.

I am, by nature, a defensive player. I've gotten pretty good at it.

Testing out boomstick class:

ACR + grenade launcher
Frag + Smoke
Scavenger Pro
Danger Close
Last Stand Pro

It makes for good times. Also, 8 more ranks to prestige, then I can work towards 1000 intervention headshots. Also also, don't use scrambler. It's far too easy to pinpoint where you are and where you are going just by the hot/cold game, and when someone knows where you are, your chances of death tend to increase. It's also not that hard to read the map when it's simply mostly scrambled, which means that by the time scrambler does anything useful, they're already breathing down your neck and don't need the map to help them. The pro perk of delaying claymores is far better than the perk itself.

You forget, that people actually play with Cold blooded and Ninja, even with no intention of killing snipers. My current favorite class has both, plus marathon pro.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:52 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Well obviously you're doing something wrong if you're standing still while using scrambler. The point is to keep moving while using it otherwise, as you said, it is fairly easy to pinpoint a scramblers location

Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:16 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Has anyone tried using Riot Shields? They're hilariously fun, and you get good points, but unfortunately your K/D suffers.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:18 pm
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Post Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
riot sheilding is lolgasmic fun, and the fact that the throwing knife is so useful with the riot sheild, makes it great. *smack* ow!

Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:51 pm
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