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 [B33] MaximDude Corp. (10 Year Anniversary Update) 
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Post [B33] MaximDude Corp. (10 Year Anniversary Update)



I'm just gonna throw this out here because after so many years I really don't see myself ever getting that passion to modding back and getting this mod to a 'finished' state.
Thank you Dan for the wonderful 9 years I had with Cortex Command and all the awesome guys/gals here on the forums.
This is the last update I am releasing.

So basically, I'm a big liar. Modding is love, CC is life.

Today, MDC is 10 years old, and this calls for an anniversary update!

It hit me that MDC is turning 10 around the end of last year, so I just had to make an update for it and quickly got sucked into the neverending spiral of messing with CC.
Unfortunately, with the open source release and some stuff before that i've had my plate so full that it's spilling from the sides and neglected working on this update for almost half a year now.
I'm pretty much halfassing this release, so you'll have to forgive me.
A bunch of stuff is WIP and more stuff was cut out, some bugs and sloppy code are present, but I will fix these eventually.



- Not compatible with any build except B33A13.
- Gunship turret is controlled via binded keys - 'Z' and 'C' to rotate weapon, 'X' to fire.
- If brain crab dies activity ends even if player has more brains on scene - I honestly don't remember if this was fixed or not, so keep it in mind.
- Dropship class craft stabilizing thrusters randomly go crazy and run craft into the ground - no idea what causes this, started around B31.
- Gunship turrets being destroyed will follow with much console error spam - If this happens just kill it asap.
- Blast Door motors might or might not decide to self destruct - might have fixed this, I don't know. Pretty random occuring.
- For the Self Destruct module to operate properly, first place the module, then place explosives otherwise they won't detonate.
- Self Destruct sequence is: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right. Can be activated with an actor via pie menu when near the terminal.
- When entering Self Destruct sequence, movement of the actor is disabled. To enable movement again open the pie menu.
- Gunships cannot be returned to orbit unless unloaded. Either pew pew the enemy until you're empty or use the Dump Munitions option.
- Bomber has a secondary bomb bay preloaded with 150 bomblets. Activated/Deactivated through pie menu.
- Bomber may or may not implode as soon as it enters the scene - So i've been told, but I could not reproduce this bug on my end.
- Machineguns mounted on Machinegun Barriers will be stolen by unarmed actors.
- I may have forgotten to rebind some things that use the crouch button, so non #KeyboardMasterRace users beware.
- I'm probably forgetting more important details, sorry.

That's it I think.


Partly outdated pictures



New pictures



Too lazy to make pictures for the bunker modules, sorry.



MaximDude Corp. Update 9 (29/11/2019)

- Migrated to Build 33 - No longer compatible with Build 32 and earlier.
- Patched up Core Overload script - Can no longer be triggered multiple times and crash the game.
- Added Missile Complex Underground Add-on module to the pack.
- Added Missile Complex Guide Shaft Add-on module to the pack.
- Added Machinegun Barrier module and variations to the pack.
- Updated Auto Shotgun sprites.
- Updated Heavy Mobile Turret sprites.
- Improved Heavy Mobile Turret walkpaths.
- Updated Heavy Turret Ion Beam Cannon sprites.
- Made minor improvements to Sniper Rifle sprites.
- Renamed GunShip to GunShip Type MG.
- Added GunShip Type RL (Rocklet Launcher) to the pack.
- Updated DropShip engine sounds.
- Renamed Suicide Crab to Improvised Explosive Crab.
- Increased aim distance for all combat units.
- Rewrote Landmine team definition script.
- Added Roller Mine to the pack.
- Added Plasma Grenade to the pack.
- Added Deconstructor to the pack.
- Added Rifle to the pack.
- Updated Landing Pad sprites.
- Added custom gibs to Door Motors.
- Added custom gibs to Gate Tower door.
- Added custom gibs to Missile Complex Teleporters.
- Added custom gibs to Terminal.
- Reworked Drop Pod gibs.
- Reworked DropShip gibs.
- Reworked GunShip gibs.
- Added Pillbox module to the pack - Left/Right facing variants.
- Rewrote DropShip lua script.
- Rewrote GunShip lua script.
- Changed Core Overload feature triggering method to Pie-Menu icon - No longer depends on key input to trigger.
- Set up cargo loading limits to cargo craft.
- Removed cargo loading capabilities from offensive craft.
- Changed Missile Launch sequence triggering method to Pie-Menu icon - Can also be triggered via the CROUCH button.
- Renamed Ion Ball Cannon to Plasma Ball Cannon.
- Rewrote Plasma Ball Cannon lua script for much nicer head-popping.
- Made minor improvements to jet engine flash sprites.
- Changed mechanics of air dropped munitions.
- Rewrote Missile Complex lua script and ini structure - Fixed crash on reset activity and game exit.
- Updated flight velocity values on dropship class craft.
- Applied collision sounds to shells and casings.
- Applied collision sounds to Plasma Ball.
- Changed Plasma Ball to collide with doors and craft.
- Adjusted General Purpose Infantry hand positions.
- Made minor improvements to General Purpose Infantry helmet sprite.
- Added custom gibs to General Purpose Infantry.
- Reworked Frag Bomb explosion.
- Added Mechanized Brain Unit to the pack.
- Added custom gibs to Mechanized Brain Unit.
- Applied dynamic AimRange to mobile turrets (For keyboard controlls only).
- Applied AimRange restriction to Machinegun Barrier.
- Added Blast Door to the pack - Up/Down facing variants.
- Added Robotic Unit Model A to the pack.
- Added custom gibs to Robotic Unit Model A.
- Reworked Rocklet explosion.
- Reworked Cluster Bomb explosions.
- Reworked Compressed Air explosions.
- Reworked Rocket explosion.
- Reworked Grenade Launcher shell explosion.
- Reworked Anti-Materiel Rifle round explosion.
- Reworked Warhead explosion.
- Buffed Warhead GibImpulseLimit - Now less likely to explode from low velocity impacts.
- Reworked Baby Warhead explosion.
- Added Dump Munitions feature to GunShips - can now be used to return craft to orbit. Triggered through Pie-Menu.
- Enabled ammo HUD on GunShips.
- Enabled NativeDropShipAI on all dropships.
- Added thruster blast ground smoke effect to all craft.
- Reworked all multi-particle ammunition - Now single particle with damage multiplier.
- Enabled AutoStabilize on all dropships.
- Added Bomber class dropship to the pack - WIP.
- Added custom gibs to Bomber.
- Fixed GunShip crashing into ground issue - For the most part, I think. I have no idea why this is happening.
- Partly updated DropShip class craft thruster effects.
- Removed BG variants of Pistol and Micro SMG.
- Applied DualWieldable property to Pistol and Micro SMG.
- Updated some misc sound effects.
- Added new multi-sample fire sounds to some weapons.
- Added Freighter cargo dropship to the pack - WIP.
- Added Self Destruct Module to the pack - WIP.
- Added dyamic pie menu slice interaction to Self Destruct Module.
- Temporarily removed Laser Door from the pack - Needs to be reworked.
- Corrtected Offsets for all held devices.
- Increased sturdiness of all Weaponry.
- Increased sturdiness of all Door Motors.
- Increased sturdiness of all Turrets.
- Increased sturdiness of all Cargo Craft.
- Increased sturdiness of Brain Crab.
- Lots of tinkering with airdropped munitions for overall better feeling.
- Lots of tinkering with ammunition for overall better feeling.
- Lots of tinkering with animations and effects for overall better feeling.
- Lots of tinkering with random small values for overall better feeling.
- Lots of tinkering with sounds for overall better feeling.
- Code cleanup and structure changes.
- Sorted item order in buy menu.
- Added metagame support - can now be played with or against in metagame.
- Removed vanilla dependencies outside Base.
- Updated item list groups.
- Updated costs of everything - Badly, will probably do again in the future.
- Updated descriptions - Badly, will definitely do again in the future.
- Updated MDC logo.




Counter-Strike: Source - Sound effects.
Left4Dead - Sound effects.
Zeno Clash - Sound effects.
Subvein - Sound effects.
Insurgency - Sound effects.
Rogue Trooper - Sound effects.
Forts - Sound effects.
Door Kickers Action Squad - Explosion sprites.
PhantomAGN - Glow effects from MUGEN.

Special Thanks

Grif, Mind, Mail2345, CrazyMLC, Geti, Robolee, Duh102, Abdul Alhazred - Lua help.
CaveCricket48 - Heaps of Lua help, turret stand code as base for Machinegun Barrier.
Whitty - Less terrain rape Lua code and pretty railgun beam method from WWM.
4zK - Jetpack ground smoke method from Untitled Tech.
Kurrus, Billy999 - Testing.
Wutangfan1990 - Testing, various suggestions.
Some_Stranger - Being a cool guy.
• Everyone else who has downloaded and enjoyed the mod in the past, present and future.


Thank you for choosing


Last edited by MaximDude on Fri Nov 29, 2019 1:10 pm, edited 37 times in total.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:00 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
Looks good, been looking forward to the dropship turret, looked really nice.
A+ sprites.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:19 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
Looking really good so far. Nice job. :) Now for some more actors for all those guns. :grin:

Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:27 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
If the gunship is how I think it is, then you have made the greatest mod ever.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:30 pm
DRL Developer
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
Yes, plenty of fun stuff here.

About the gun falling from the gunship on return: Try replacing the destructor with the code below.

function Destroy(self)
   if MovableMan:IsActor(self.turret) then
      if self.turret.Pos.Y < 0 then
         self.turret.ToDelete = true

Also, the Base.rte Fire Leak wounds on the engines emit some really heavy particles so that might contribute to the flipping.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:32 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
This is why I like MDC.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:38 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
The gunship is so close to being awesome, but it's just not very effective. I say make the rounds more like cannon rounds, because the casings are kind of... contradicting.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:47 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
Cheesemonkey wrote:
The gunship is so close to being awesome, but it's just not very effective. I say make the rounds more like cannon rounds, because the casings are kind of... contradicting.

It makes heads explode and causes limps to come off with a mere scratch. I think it's good enough.

whitty wrote:
This is why I like MDC.

I like WWM more.

Gotcha! wrote:
Now for some more actors for all those guns. :grin:

I'm not really an actor person...

CrazyMLC wrote:
A+ sprites.

Thank you very much good sire.

@ Abdul
I'll check that out when I resume working on the rest of the content.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 6:49 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
This looks great YGMDL.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:00 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
We keep seeing more of these packs every day. This one is quite nice. Though most of the weapons are just generic reskins, you've got the same old rocket launcher, shotgun, machine gun and nuke. This ain't really a bad thing, its just kind of boring. I like the effects on the plasma gun, but the way it kills people (The instagibbing) is unsatisfying. The gun ship is great, though it could use a way to control both it and the turret at the same time.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:19 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
Nice. :grin:

Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:25 pm
Data Realms Elite
Data Realms Elite
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
Yay, it's the return of the miner, and we can finally shoot people with the gunship!

Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:30 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
Roon3 wrote:
We keep seeing more of these packs every day. This one is quite nice. Though most of the weapons are just generic reskins, you've got the same old rocket launcher, shotgun, machine gun and nuke. This ain't really a bad thing, its just kind of boring.

I never said this pack was anything out of the ordinary, plus, it's kinda hard to come up with new this these days.
I focused on quantity and quality, not originality. Well, not entirely, but most of the content is generic weapons and such.

Roon3 wrote:
I like the effects on the plasma gun, but the way it kills people (The instagibbing) is unsatisfying.

I hate the way instagibbing works... It just 'disassembles' actors rather then blowing them up to smithereens.
I guess I could do that... Maybe some other time.

Roon3 wrote:
The gun ship is great, though it could use a way to control both it and the turret at the same time.

Can you think of such way that would both work and be practical enough? Maybe with the mouse, but I doubt you can manipulate it via lua.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:36 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
Wonderful pack. It's a keeper.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:38 pm
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Post Re: MaximDude Corp.
MaximDude wrote:
Can you think of such way that would both work and be practical enough? Maybe with the mouse, but I doubt you can manipulate it via lua.

You can run a check on the DS and see if its player controlled. Then I think you just set the turret to CIM_PLAYER.

Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:10 pm
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