Re: Need of in-game Area Making Tutorial
DouKos wrote:
Duh102 wrote:
I assume you still mean making terrains, yes? Then
this tutorial is your best bet, though you can ignore any mention of BunkerModules, you don't need them.
Ok thanks, i ve seen that tutorial before, but i hoped making a skirmish map would be easier than this. I mean just put a bunch of stuff into an existing map through the in game editors and then be able to play right away. So i really need to poke around with scripts huh? Tough luck

100% of the work can be done in-game, but it's a bit limited. Here's how to make a simple customized scene in the scene editor:
1) Game Editors -> Scene Editor
2) Choose a scene from the list like "grasslands", and click "load".
4) To summon the buying list, either hold the right button or the 'L' key, go to "Add new object" and release. Try building a long passage underground with a few troops and brain.
5) If you make a mistake, you can move or delete any piece you put down by using the right-click menu.
6) From the same menu, you can change your brain/troop's team before placement by clicking the red or green heart.
7) When you're done, right-click and move down to save. Give your scene a different name like "New Scene1". If you did everything right, your scene will appear in the list under "Skirmish battle".
If you notice, you didn't get any of the fraction stuff. It's easy to get them all, but it takes a few more steps.
1) In the Cortex Command folder, create a new mod folder like "CustomScenes.rte"
2) Copy an index.ini from another folder and place it in the new folder. Erase everything except the "DataModule" at the top.
3) Make an empty folder called "Scenes". If you don't the game will NOT save your scene data, and will cause the game to crash. If this happens, just remove the added info from the index.ini.
4) Hard part's done

Open CC and this time select "Create New" from the Scene Editor. Select your folder and whatever else you want from the list. This should give you all of the vanilla fractions.