Re: Games that won't let go
Miles T3h R4t's Top 14 games that won't die.
number 14
Super puzzle fighter 2 turbo, in any of its incarnations, including the mortal kombat one.
I dont know why, but every puzzle game with falling bits will land on this list.
Number 13
Puyo pop. as i said before, except this one is slightly better.
Number 12
Chrono Trigger for the SNES... I want to beat lavos with only magus in the party, or at least, without chrono.
Number 11
GMod... who doesn't still mess with this?
Number 10
Maplestory: No matter how long I go without playing it, I get pulled back in again. its quite sad.
Number 9
Cortex command
what? (waiting music...)
Dirt has evolved into a Cortex command!
(victory music)
What? Skeleton spam has evolved into dummies with annoying guns!
(more victory music)
Number 8
Doom 1&2
With such great tunes as '
Behind the crooked cross/
E1M1', and '
them bones/
Barrels o' fun' done up as midi files, you'll soon forget that you can't look up.
Number 7
Diablo 2 LoD
I still play SINGLE PLAYER! I still haven't beaten NIGHTMARE let alone hell.
Number 6
Sonic CD
yes i'm a little biased, I like this more than some people. others might not even put it on the list.
Number 5
Guitar Hero series
Number 4
Every Half life game ever made
Number 3
Never played it myself but people STILL play it, even with how much total ♥♥♥♥ it is.
Number 2
Dungeons and Dragons
yeah, I went there.
BUT! The number 1 game that wont die