HL2 Gravity Guns *Build 32 compatible
The Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2. Pick up pretty much anything and then drop it or throw it.

The gravity gun comes in three flavors: Normal, Super, and Disintegrator. The normal verion can pick up anything under 600 kilograms, while the super gravity gun can pick up anything under 9999999999 kilograms. The Disintegrator is as strong as the Super version, but it kills things with radiation and vaporizes devices.


Fire - Pull/pickup objects.
(While Holding Fire) Release Fire - Throw object.
(While Holding Fire) Pie Menu - Drop object.
Another Gravity Gun variant is the Mod Gravity Gun. This gravity gun has settings that are changable with the Mod Chip (a new device in this mod specifically designed for changing the Mod Grav Gun's settings). Hold FIRE when using the Mod Chip to bring up the settings menu. Select different options with UP and DOWN, and change the option values with LEFT and RIGHT.

The Phys Gun is a device used at construction sites to lift, rotate, or pin heavy objects.

Fire - Start device operation.
(during operation) (mouse users) Mouse - Move cursor.
(during operation) (non mouse users) Up/Down/Left/Right - Move cursor.
(during operation) Fire - Grab object under cursor.
(during operation) Jump - Pin/unpin grabbed object.
(during operation) Crouch + Left/Right - Rotate grabbed object
(during operation) Pie Menu - End device operation.
Note: Colors may vary on all gravity gun models.
CaveCricket48 - Sprites, coding, most of the Lua scripting
Valve - Sounds, Original Gravity Gun concept/idea
For any additional information about the mod, please see the README included in the mod folder.
Build 32--------------------
Build 23-26