Sunburst Incoporated.Sunburst Inc. is the newest producer of our high-tech plasma weapons, such as the Seeker Rifle and X76 Plasma Sniper Rifle.
Videos of our products in action:
TheDrunken Homing Cannon This product fires adjustable drunken round that home in on actors when reaching a certain distance from them. Upon detonation, plasma energy is released from the tiny round, injuring the actor. A very powerful weapon.
The X76 Plasma Sniper Rifle This sniper rifle will obliterate most any enemy with its swift, powerful round that detonates into a pink plasma energy as well as some fire. This sniper is very powerful and has 6 rounds to clip.

And finally, the
Seeker Rifle. This is Sunburst Inc's most prized possession, and it allows the firing actor to control the direction of the fired bullets according to what direction the firing actor is pointing in. Again, a very powerful weapon.

(Sorry for the crappy intro image. I'll work on it)
Credits: Darlos for showing me how to make the drunken effect. Grif for showing me countless lua things, as well as TLB and anyone I forgot to mention.