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 FE7 Hector - v1.12, with a cape and some Lua bits. 5/17/10 
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Post FE7 Hector - v1.12, with a cape and some Lua bits. 5/17/10
v1.12 5/17/10 - Lua bits may be fixed later, when I figure out how is Lua formed.

Thanks go to LFoW for correcting my .ini, Gotcha! for his excellent WOOSH sounds and slash sprites, and Grim for his sprite sheet.

Now with Lua bits,
Activities (creepy),
And a damn good shield.

Now includes facemask,
Moar custom wounds,
A brain unit,
And slightly faster axes.

Mmk, so...I've fiddled with Hector a bit, and now:
His cape is longer.
He actually has armor -,- Pretty good armor too.
He doesn't fudge bleed everywhere.
He doesn't get ownt (as badly) from falling.
His axe(s) are semi-auto and a bit less broken than before.
Unfortunately, his cape isn't flowy yet. When I make moar cape sprites it will be.

Methinks that's it. Lemme know how I did :D

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Mon Aug 24, 2009 10:53 pm
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Post Re: FE7 Hector - now with Wolf Beil(s)!
I'm quite happy you did more work on this!
Lord Hector was just killed by King Imanasshole in my Fire Emblem gaming session last night, so this makes a great way to avenge his death. (Besides saving the world from dragons, and all that.)
I'll be testing it right away.

For what reason would the Vulfinator only attack once, then stop working?
Dropping and picking up did not help.
Also, Hector was kinda the most amazing of all units, he dies a little more easily than I feel is right.
Other than that, I like it. Face is lightly out of place, but not something I really care about.

Last edited by PhantomAGN on Tue Aug 25, 2009 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:31 am
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Post Re: FE7 Hector - now with Wolf Beil(s)!
I think hector is balanced very well... BUT the character could look better (face/cape longer, flowing).
I always thought he was larger and more muscular in Fire Emblem, like a giant lumber jack
ANYHOW - the wolf's beil, it doesnt attack for me right away, does it have some crazy delay on it?

Tue Aug 25, 2009 3:07 am

Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 7:14 pm
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Post Re: FE7 Hector - now with Wolf Beil(s)!
No, 60 on the main one, and 130 on the offhand. It's auto-fire, you should be able to maul just about anything with it after the first .06 seconds or whatever.
I made it so I could use an offhand axe and an uzi or something at the same time, if you need to change it around just delete the activation and deactivation delays in the .ini and you should be fine.

I'll work on the face and cape for sure, probably add attachments for armor (instead of lazy dent wounds) though I need someone to help me out with what the face should look like.
Honestly I wouldn't know how to transfer it from Fire Emblem to CC without making him look like a pinhead, so... yeah. His head is kinda small.

Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:17 pm
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