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 A way to get AIs to use mods? 
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Joined: Tue Aug 11, 2009 6:23 pm
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Post A way to get AIs to use mods?
Well, I tried searching this, but I didn't find anything about it, so I'm making a topic. Well, I just got this mod that is a Coalition Dreadnaught like the one in the concept art screen in the game intro. I thought of how cool would it be if I could make the AI use it as a usual unit.

How do I do that? Is it possible?

Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:46 pm
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Post Re: A way to get AIs to use mods?
Activities. Someone else will probably explain it, but it's in the activities. The enemies only spawn with the weapons/actors/dropships/whatever you have in the activites :)

Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:48 pm

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Post Re: A way to get AIs to use mods?
So, I just copy and paste all my mods into activities?

Also, I'm having some trouble with trying to get the new mod to work. I get RTE Aborted! (X_X)

it said it failed to load dataobject file or something like that Coalition.rte/Devices/GatlingGuns/MagazineGatlingGunA.

Here's the mod.


Here's what I found in Activities.

// Begin list of Activities or "Game Modes"

AddActivity = SceneEditor
PresetName = Test Editor
SceneName = Grasslands

AddActivity = AreaEditor
PresetName = Test Editor
SceneName = Grasslands

AddActivity = GibEditor
PresetName = Test Editor
SceneName = Editor Scene

AddActivity = ActorEditor
PresetName = Test Editor
SceneName = Editor Scene

AddActivity = GABaseDefense
PresetName = Skirmish Defense
SceneName = Grasslands
TeamCount = 2
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
TeamOfPlayer2 = 1
FundsOfTeam1 = 5000
FundsOfTeam2 = 5000
CPUTeam = 1
Difficulty = 3
SpawnIntervalEasiest = 20000
SpawnIntervalHardest = 8000

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = King Of The Hill 2 Player
Description = Be the first person to stay in the Hold Area for a total of 3 minutes! Player 1 VS Player 2.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/King Of The Hill 2P.lua
PlayerCount = 2
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
TeamOfPlayer2 = 1
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = KingOfTheHill

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = King Of The Hill Versus Computer
Description = Be the first person to stay in the Hold Area for a total of 3 minutes! Player VS CPU.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/King Of The Hill CPU.lua
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
TeamOfPlayer2 = 1
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = KingOfTheHillCPU

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = Dummies Strike Back
Description = The dummies are tired of being used as... Well, test dummies. Watch out for falling drop crates! Player(s) VS CPU.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/Dummies Strike Back.lua
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = Dummies

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = One-Man Army - Easy
Description = Heavily armored brain 'bot + heavy weaponry + no resources = Tons o' fun with a Gatling gun. (lol) Player VS CPU.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/One Man Army.lua
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = OneManArmyEasy

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = One-Man Army - Medium
Description = With an upgraded pistol and more armor, this isn't nearly as hard as hard mode. It is still hard, though. Player VS CPU.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/One Man Army Medium.lua
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = OneManArmyMedium

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = One Man Army - Hard
Description = Fight off a relentless army of enemy soldiers as a single, lightly-armored soldier. Player VS CPU.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/One Man Army Hard.lua
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = OneManArmyHard

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = Coalition Crackdown
Description = Coalition soldiers are flooding in from everywhere. Hide in your base and protect yourself! Player(s) VS CPU.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/Coalition Crackdown.lua
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = CoalitionCrackdown

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = Ronin Rumble
Description = The Ronins have a bounty on your head. Build a base and protect it from them! Player(s) VS CPU.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/Ronin Rumble.lua
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = RoninRumble

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = Boomfest
Description = One-Man Army - Easy, but only explosive weapons are allowed. Bring sunglasses. Player VS CPU.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/Boomfest.lua
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = Boomfest

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = Full-On Assault
Description = All of the factions versus you. Player(s) VS CPU.
SceneName = Ketanot Hills
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/Full-On Assault.lua
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
InCampaignStage = 1
LuaClassName = FullOnAssault

AddActivity = GAScripted
PresetName = Zombie Pit
SceneName = Zombie Pit
ScriptFile = Base.rte/Scenes/Scripts/ZombiePit.lua
InCampaignStage = -1
LuaClassName = ZombiePitMission

AddActivity = GABaseDefense
PresetName = Test Activity
SceneName = Actor Test
TeamCount = 2
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
FundsOfTeam1 = 1500
CPUTeam = 1
Difficulty = 3
SpawnIntervalEasiest = 25000
SpawnIntervalHardest = 15000

AddActivity = GABaseDefense
PresetName = Default Activity
SceneName = Grasslands
TeamCount = 2
PlayerCount = 1
TeamOfPlayer1 = 0
FundsOfTeam1 = 1500
CPUTeam = 1
Difficulty = 3
SpawnIntervalEasiest = 25000
SpawnIntervalHardest = 15000

AddAttackerSpawn = ACDropShip
CopyOf = Drop Ship MK1
AddInventory = AHuman
CopyOf = Robot 2
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = SMG
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Pistol
AddInventory = HeldDevice
CopyOf = Riot Shield
AddInventory = HDFirearm
CopyOf = Heavy Digger

What do I do with this, and what does the stuff above mean?

Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:57 pm

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Post Re: A way to get AIs to use mods?
Also, I just tried it after removing a few new mods and after removing the Coalition Dreadnaught mod, and I got the same message. How did it happen? Did I corrupt a file?

Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:10 pm
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Post Re: A way to get AIs to use mods?
pastebin and edit more, noob.
the mod is broken, it uses the old path of the gatling gun sprites. you can change the path or give up on the mod, whatever.
no you dont ♥♥♥♥ copy paste your mods into activities. go here
itll tell you in detail how to make an activities.ini. if you want to use more than one mod and base stuff, use grifs way. if you just want to make one mod and/or base stuff spawn at you use the first one. search more.

Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:10 am
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Post Re: A way to get AIs to use mods?
But, I did search.

God, I understand this is the internet, and that people get tired of hearing people ask for help, but is EVERYONE on EVERY GODDAMN forum in the WORLD a rude ♥♥♥♥♥?

Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:24 pm
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Post Re: A way to get AIs to use mods?

This tells you how to do it, but you will need a bit of knowledge on how mods work. And a little patience.
Justin1221 wrote:
But, I did search.

God, I understand this is the internet, and that people get tired of hearing people ask for help, but is EVERYONE on EVERY GODDAMN forum in the WORLD a rude ♥♥♥♥♥?

He's not usually so mean. Deal with it. Besides, that was pretty tame compared to some of the other people here.
We told you how to do your request. If you keep whining about not being able to do it, you will be mercilessly flamed.

Last edited by TorrentHKU on Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

Wed Aug 19, 2009 7:20 pm
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Post Re: A way to get AIs to use mods?
Learn to use the search button. And If your going to refer to everyone on the internet as a "GODDAMN ♥♥♥♥♥", please leave before people flame you to death.

Wed Aug 19, 2009 8:00 pm
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Post Re: A way to get AIs to use mods?
this question has been asked about 10 times over the last year. im sure you could find something in like 2 seaches, especially if you knew it had something to do with activities. like, oh look, lets search for activities.ini
about half a page down there is another topic about it. it also had a link to the wiki which has everything you need to know.
also, if you follow the rules, including not posting massive blocks of code when you could link it, and not double posting. what you asked for is entirely possible, and i just explained how, however meanly. if youre going to complain about that, you're just proving a lack of patience on your behalf.

by the way, if your CC is still broken, its likely you edited a base file and somehow changed the path, itll probably be most easily fixed just by reinstalling over your current CC path, and if you've bought CC you really should back up your settings.ini somewhere else, it contains your CC key, and noone wants to lose that.

Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:01 pm
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