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 Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest 
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Post Re: Manhack Launcher *Update (8-17-09) Again: Throwable Manhacks
If you want to use it, i made another sprite for the manhack

sorry for the bad pic, the photo hosting i use is not very good

i tried to make it as accurate as possible, but the CC palette is extremely limited in combine colors

and could somebody add a red glow around the camera?

Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:17 am

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Post Re: Manhack Launcher *Update (8-17-09) Again: Throwable Manhacks
Looks nice. Those things were a real pain in HL2... Quite literally.
I agree with the other guys. A full HL2 mod/campaign would be awesome.
Erm... I'm a bit new to CC, to be honest, but looking at the huge range of mods already on the forums, would a
HL2 mod really be that difficult? I mean... there's eleven weapons. Grav gun and RPG (Or at least one that can be aimed in midair) would probably be cut out. All the others are fairly simple, although I don't know how you'd
do the secondary fire. I've never seen it on any other CC weps. Could the cut ones be replaced with something else, like, oh, I don't know, G-man's briefcase? Anyone willing to do some Combine skins?

Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:18 pm
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Post Re: Manhack Launcher *Update (8-17-09) Again: Throwable Manhacks
Quantum wrote:
Looks nice. Those things were a real pain in HL2... Quite literally.
I agree with the other guys. A full HL2 mod/campaign would be awesome.
Erm... I'm a bit new to CC, to be honest, but looking at the huge range of mods already on the forums, would a
HL2 mod really be that difficult? I mean... there's eleven weapons. Grav gun and RPG (Or at least one that can be aimed in midair) would probably be cut out.[1] All the others are fairly simple, although I don't know how you'd
do the secondary fire.[2] I've never seen it on any other CC weps. Could the cut ones be replaced with something else, like, oh, I don't know, G-man's briefcase? Anyone willing to do some Combine skins?

[1] The grav gun is completely possible. I think.
[2] Pretty sure, for keyboarders, anyway, that a secondary fire could be [g], assuming they are using the default scheme. Assuming you could lua in a secondary fire to a gun. Or, you could just me two devices.

NOTE: My CC knowledge is also limited, but I believe all these things are possible.

Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:39 pm
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Post Re: Manhack Launcher *Update (8-17-09) Again: Throwable Manhacks
Default HL2 doesn't have ironsights; just make sharpaim altfire for keyboard and inventory for mouse users

kids these days

Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:54 pm
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Post Re: Manhack Launcher *Update (8-17-09) Again: Throwable Manhacks
Grif wrote:
Default HL2 doesn't have ironsights; just make sharpaim altfire for keyboard and inventory for mouse users

kids these days

Much better than my idea.

Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:52 pm
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Post Re: Manhack Launcher *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
Update. Sprites for the Manhack haved been tweaked a bit, and I've added the Manhack Nest and Hive. The Hive isn't shown yet because it's a little unreliable, so the canister is still there. As for making a Half-Life 2 mod, I'm probably not going to do it because I just don't have the dedication to do it. And my spriting skills are not the best. So, enjoy the chunk of HL2 you already have!

Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:09 pm
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Post Re: Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
I see you took all the manhacking a step further.
Great updates, keep it up, good sire. :D

Maybe you can make a controllable manhack?
You can base it off a dropship.

Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:16 pm
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Post Re: Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
Or better yet: A fireable manhack canister. For when a manhack launcher simply doesn't cut it.

Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:04 pm

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Post Re: Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
Judging by the .gif's, the manhacks really ought to bounce off terrain more.

Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:54 pm
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Post Re: Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
Okay, I just DLed, and read the thread. i have 2 comments.

Since they have a short lifetime, I suggest maybe making them actors of some kind, so that they don't just expire, or get absorbed or some crap.

2) if they don't already have the sounds from HL2, I have the ability to rip all the manhack sounds from the game. If I did so, would you use them?

Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:10 am
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Post Re: Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
1. They expire with Lua, not ini code.

2. I don't have any HL2 sounds in this mod, and I don't plan to. If you rip them for me, however, I might use them. I dunno.

Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:49 am

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Post Re: Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
That nest is win

Also nice touch up on the sprites!

Could you possibly make the nests shoot faster by like a second?

Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:51 am
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Post Re: Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
Omg that was my idea a while ago! Anyway I never had the time and skills to finish it so... I bow down to your awesome manhack mod modestly.

Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:23 am
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Post Re: Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
Here are all the Manhack sounds, as ripped from Source Sounds.Gcf

You WILL need to adjust some of the volumes, which I believe you can control how loud it is in the .ini's, but i'm not sure, If you can't just DL audacity, and Amplify to -5 to -12 for a few of the sounds (mainly the loops, and the blood-splats)

Also 1 or 2 of the sounds used are NOT in game. The Loop sounds are constantly looping, the different blade sounds are for when it comes into contact with ANYTHING, including terrain, and the blood-splats are for wounds. Since the game already has wound sounds, they are unneeded.

My only request is that you make the manhacks slow down and hover lazily if they don't have a target, Not wear off over time, and give them a GibWoundLimit, say maybe 12-20? this way if the AI uses them, or they glitch (i've had it happen with the pods) you aren't totally screwed.

For hovering lazily, its just wind resistance. I could probably do it myself, but if I did it, i would make them actors, and I don't feel like doing it.

manhack.rar [671.24 KiB]
Downloaded 254 times
Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:02 am
Profile YIM WWW

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Post Re: Manhack Productions *Update (8-18-09) Manhack Nest
Ok if they are going to have HP then I demand that they move faster. A lot faster.

Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:11 pm
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