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 Shadow Force Faction 
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Post Shadow Force Faction
This is a new faction, they are very very tough and powerful. They are based off the Dummy Faction as it is my first mod.


Warhead Ship MK1 (WHS MK1). This is a ship that when explodes, it forms into a deadly fireball. It is highly over powered and very cheap (just 10oz). This Atomic Warhead should blow your enemy away with 1 scuttle.

Please click HERE to see it.

The best weapon out of this is the Enhanced Pistol. To see what it can do to a cliff side please click HERE (too big to post on forum).
Price = 200

The control centre. The Shadow Force's Central Processing Unit with a 16xCore - Each core being 10 ExaHz. In total the power is 160 ExaHz. Much stronger than other brains or cores. It also has a terrabinary architecture.
Price = FREE


The main body/actor. The Shadow soldier (RK5) is very, very tough and goes great with the enhanced pistol.
Price = 250


The Patrol Turret. Armed with a machine gun and covered with multiple layers of very thick metal. It walks and shoots unlike the Watch Turret.
Price = 200


The Watch Turret. Small turret with a machine gun for enhanced base defense.
Price = 100


~UPDATE 1~ Sprites "smoothed" by using proper gradients.
~UPDATE 2~ Started a complete re-sprite, starting with the Enhanced SMG (Formerly Pistol).
~UPDATE 3~ Started work on Crystis Soldier. White version of Shadow Soldier. It is completely custom!


Last edited by The Haunted Shadow on Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:13 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:03 pm
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happy carebear mom
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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
The Haunted Shadow wrote:
The best weapon out of this is the Enhanced Pistol.

Holy bejezus! These look nicely sprited (recolors, but half-decent recolors), but way, way OP. Please tone it down a bit, or call that thing something other than a pistol :oops:

Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:09 pm

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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
Thanks :grin:

Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:18 pm
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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
OH MY GOD! you resprited dummies and added a bullet hose! how cool is that!

Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:19 pm
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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
Duh102 wrote:
The Haunted Shadow wrote:
The best weapon out of this is the Enhanced Pistol.

Holy bejezus! These look nicely sprited (recolors, but half-decent recolors), but way, way OP. Please tone it down a bit, or call that thing something other than a pistol :oops:

Repurpased Hyper Gamma Sprayer.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:24 pm
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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
Lizard wrote:
OH MY GOD! you resprited dummies and added a bullet hose! how cool is that!

As I said, I used the Dummy Faction as a starter/basis.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:01 pm
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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
Lizard is absolutely right. Overpowered mods are not that fun or good. People would take a balanced mod any day as opposed to an overpowered one. Anyone can just go and set the sharpness, particle count, and fire rate of a weapon to 9999, maybe tossing in a few glows.

That pistol is not really a pistol so much as a miniaturized chaingun hurling laser bolts everywhere. If it had 12 bullets and a fire rate comparable to the Vanilla weapons, people would be going "YES""GRATE""AWESOME" etc.

Resprites are fairly good.

Another thing I noticed; your Dummy and Dreadnaught units have more than 100 HP. This can lead to bugs and also cause you to get more money for refunding them since they have more than 100 HP. If you want them to be tougher, make their materials tougher, increase their impulse and gib wound limits, do whatever, just don't mess with the health :P

Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:41 pm

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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
I think the main part of this faction is the glow and the strength of the actors.

So build off of that. Make more actors and different guns.

You would also need to tone down the power of the pistol. If you are making a faction, think of what the assault rifle would be like.

Make the pistol MUCH weaker and focus on the guns and weapons.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:45 pm

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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
Ok thanks, erm I did mess with the materials but that's in my Base.rte

Also I made lots of overpowered mods and ppl loved them. But thanks for the critizism.

I will update it very soon.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:01 pm
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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
The Haunted Shadow wrote:
I made lots of overpowered mods and ppl loved them.

Unless you play Cortex just blow everything to bits, which I admit is a valid play style, people like balanced mods so they can actually have a chance of losing (in campaign missions).

Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:03 pm

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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
OK, anyway the link is updated, all health is at 100, no matter how high the health is it will still die. Say if it was a 200 you would die when health is at 100!

Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:24 pm
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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
The Haunted Shadow wrote:
This is a new faction, they are very very tough and powerful. They are based off the Dummy Faction as it is my first mod.

The Haunted Shadow wrote:
Ok thanks, erm I did mess with the materials but that's in my Base.rte

Also I made lots of overpowered mods and ppl loved them. But thanks for the critizism.

I will update it very soon.

Weird, isn't it?

Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:42 pm

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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
Oh yeah, let me explain that one... I used to mod pre-build 23 (a.k.a. the older ones). I was "THE CREATOR", I lost the password and forgot which one of my e-mails I signed up with. So technically this is my first mod under this username and build.

Not that funny really.

A lot of nitpickers on this forum isn't there.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:46 pm
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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
The Haunted Shadow wrote:

This guy? Well, at least you've come a long way in writing proper english.
I couldn't find any mods by you, it must have been before one of the wipes.

Anyway, I'll reiterate what I said in another topic just a few minutes ago. We the forumgoers give you mod criticism because we assume you want people to play and like your mod. Being mod users ourselves, we give you our opinions on what you can fix to make your mod more enjoyable/playable/believable. You have the option of totally ignoring us, but you've alienated at least one potential player by doing so.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:54 pm

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Post Re: Shadow Force Faction
Yes, I think I was anyway. I was like 12/13 back then but I suppose that is no excuse. I did make those mods.
I want them back.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:01 pm
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