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 Cyborg Zombie Missions - Correct file uploaded. 
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
Btw, how == where does the second player fall in.

Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:58 am
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
mail2345 wrote:
Btw, how == where does the second player fall in.

You could do it like Grif did both Zombie Defense and Zombie Offense, where the Zombie Offense gave the player control of a mother zombie that you would fire to spawn smaller ones to go attack. You could do something similar for player 2, or whichever would take on the role of the Zomborgs.

Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:09 am
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
Hmm. There might be some balance issues. Adding a timer might offset those.

Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:17 am
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
i meant in a co-op sort of multiplay, however versus also sounds promising.

If i may be so bold, If the number of zombies spawned were to be decreased in number by 1/3 then both players would have a chance in the overall game....

Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:02 pm

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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
Wow this is totally ridiculous!

I make the perfect base with UniTec actors/defenses/modules and I still get ripped to shreds!

And the infection is really ridiculous. The hp of my actors keep going down and sometimes when they are "infected" and get near a zombie, they heal!

Can someone explain how the infection and the zombie work?

Sun Aug 09, 2009 2:58 am
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
In my experience with the scene i observed that once youre infected your health will automatically start at 99hp and go down rapidly. However if said infected person is infected another time it resets the hp to 99 again and starts once more.

There are times however the freshly infected person gets to (approximately) ~30hp and then 2 zombies splurge out of that persons body, hence the infectee is dead and 2 more zombies are born into this chaotic world.

:roll: and no its not ridiculous. why? Because its ridiculous to question cyborg zombies. They bite you kno. Just pop their noggins.

Anyway i digress. What about the 2 player mode? is that a no-go? or a command line perhaps? maybe a small biscuit? anything?

much appreciated. :grin:

Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:06 am
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
Err. The zombie virus when entering a host injects it with multiple painkillers.

And anyway, you are probably lacking some medkits. If a person's health is about 90, they are cured.

2P is still unsure.

Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:10 am
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
I find this harder than some of weegee's missions. The only way I could survive is have 3-4 Klone soccer players on the roof firing mortars like an artillery barrage, and have one at the main door shooting an auto-cannon against the ones that get too close. Still damn fun though.

Mon Aug 10, 2009 10:07 pm

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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
I'm pretty sure that the base being overrun was the point. That's how it's fun.

Tue Aug 11, 2009 7:34 am
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
bombs man... a lot of bombs... thats how i finish it every time.

1- try to survive ( you won't just hold up as long as possible )
2- once your brain can move get a dropship or one of the cheap bombers( mod name unknown ) and blow every zombie out.
3- get another dropship, load brain, mission complete. ( cus most probably the first dropship will explode )

Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:42 pm

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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
The download site:

I made a lot of changes to this, here a list...
1.Heavy zombies heads gibs into a living moving head.
2.Zombies grow into bigger ones called Mash's.
3.Mash's are like mini bosses that are very hard to kill.
4.There are two types of Mash's Type 1 is great with handling kinetic blows and good with normal bullets. Type 2 is good at kinetic and is great with handling normal bullets and can use there own bullets to hit them. Both are armed with shotguns.
5.When a Mash hits it's "Critical Mass" you'll find out what it does.
6.The Group called Zpawns makes zombie spawn from the sky and includes the Monster Mass.
7. The zombies when they grow enough they can reproduce by themselves.

Please write back on this thread if you have a suggestion and you won't kill me if you are mail,akblabla,numgum.
Mail for the mod it self.
numgum for using his marine as a base line for Mash sprite.
akblabla for making the flying crabs spawner code.

Wed Nov 10, 2010 7:36 am

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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
What build was this made for? I tried in build 23 and i noticed the # of zombies dying was rising but i saw no enemies, do i have to wait or do something to make them come?
i am starting the game through the skirmish/battle mode, when i try through campaign i press start and nothing happens.

i added the line to my scenes.ini and have the map pack installed

Wed Dec 15, 2010 8:38 pm
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
racingfreak92 wrote:
What build was this made for? I tried in build 23 and i noticed the # of zombies dying was rising but i saw no enemies, do i have to wait or do something to make them come?
i am starting the game through the skirmish/battle mode, when i try through campaign i press start and nothing happens.

i added the line to my scenes.ini and have the map pack installed

Use campaign mode, and keep trying to press start.

Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:08 am
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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - Much less crashing!
Speaking of builds, I'll convert this to 24 later.
Difficulty slider makes a HUGE difference now.
Also revolver cannon changed to spike launcher, and auto shot pistol to heavy pistol.

Tell me if there are any issues that I missed.

Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:40 am

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Post Re: Mission: Cyborg Zombie Defense - B24 Compatible
I'm getting some sort of "unsupported compression method" errors whenever I try to extract the B24 version. I've tried downloading it multiple times, so I'm not sure what's going on :(

EDIT: Neeeevermind. My extraction program was out of date. All good!

Sun Dec 19, 2010 3:07 am
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