Plasma Trapper + Rebounder = Bubblicious Technologies
BubbleTech is home of the finest bubble technologies, producing fun and satisfactory products. However, we currently only have two products available. More products should come in the future.
The particle rebounder is a fully functional bubble that keeps stuff inside it. Nothing can escape it, so you can drop ships, actors, or bombs in it, and the gibs will go bouncing away.
As time goes on, the particles gain speed. If you cannot wait then:
r is slow down particles
t is speed up particles
z to destroy is and send the particles or whatever flyingHere is the accelerator in action.

You really have to use it before you start a battle, or place it. Still fun to line up guys then put a dropship inside then send the gibs flying, killing most of them.
Note: If you want to change the color, I have made red, orange, yellow, green, blue, pruple, and pink, so you can just change the filepath in the ini to change the color of it.

The Plasma Trapper is a fully functional device that allows you to ensnare your enemies in a plasma bubble for 10 seconds while you mock them with laughter/run away. The actor, as well as its bullets cannot escape the plasma field, so you can feel free to shoot at them and watch them die. You can throw a grenade in the plasma bubble, but it , as well as the particle that detonate from it, will not escape the bubble.
Actors on your team are not affected by this in any way, preventing friendly fire.
Exhibit A: Trapping an enemy.

Exhibit B: An enemy trying to escape.
_____________________________________Color Changing:
Just change the filepath name of the glow effect in the ini to change the color of the glow.
If you can't get it, just PM me or post.
Credits: Duh102 for part of the glow sprite.
Have fun. :3
To-Do List:
Fix SetWhichMONotToHitCreate A grenade version
combine into one mod and one rteMake color change available to the plasma trapper, tooMake Plasma Trapper hit everyone including alliesAny suggestions? Feel free to voice them