Re: Game runs very slowly on AMD Turion
Firethorne wrote:
p3lb0x wrote:
You seem to be missing a something here. CC in INCREDIBLY hard on your CPU, it is very physics heavy unlike the games you mentioned.
Indeed, forgive my examples. I know HL2 isn't physics intensive at all.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdBpaWnyymo Ohhh Sarcasm, I like it! This video you linked, the doors falling onto each other in a domino fashion: Yeah, thats not that hard. The CPU just has to do some collision checks, and the GPU displays it. The CPU is doing comparatively little work.
Thanks to Geti for his post. At least someone is helpful here... I'll give that a go and see if I can get this going any quicker.
All the people linking you topics and giving you hints aren't helpful? Huh? Theres a difference between 'Not helping' and 'not giving me the perfect advice.' This is how you troubleshoot things, you list off a series of fixes and hope one of them sticks.
Keep trying to compare HL2 and CC buddy. Like I said, reletivly little work involved, until ♥♥♥♥ gets serious in the middle. Notice how then tons of peices of wood and ♥♥♥♥ fly around, the game slows down? Right. This is what CC deals with most
every frame.
About a thousand little particles flying around and hitting each other, plus a full AI routine dicking around, as well as music and ect. Like I said before, the GPU takes care of the display for HL2, which is a good portion of it right?
CC doesn't use the GPU. At all. The CPU does everything really. So its that havok system you seem to cherish so much, times 2,
all the time.Quote:
If I can't convince you that a flagship program of the Havok physics engine has a fair amount of physics... nevermind, this isn't worth it, and I assume my words would be lost.
HL2 is fairly simple in the way of physics, its bounding boxes, collisions, and ect. Also, shove the sarcasm up your own ass. Just because we all havn't shouted in unison "<THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED TO DO!>"
As for CC not working properly on my machine, I know this is still a beta. And I just want to put forth whatever information I can to make the next build better.
Who are you? Some sort of guerrilla coder, who swoops in under the guise of bug reports but secretly improves a game in every way! Sweet! Oh wait, your just an idiot with a superiority complex or something.
Sometimes betas are a bit buggy, and I'm fine with that, even if some people refuse to admit that they aren't always working properly on some systems. And if I can provide any information to help with the next build, I'm happy to help out the development efforts. Just let me know what info you want.
Are you really fine with that? Good, maybe now I can sleep at night without wondering. Also, who the hell is refusing to admit anything? We know that it doesn't work all the time on everything. Nothing does or ever will. Every setup is different, and its flat out retarded to ask Data to make it work on every system. HL2, your blue eyed physics dream or whatever it is to you, doesn't work perfectly on every machine. It runs fast on one rig, but slow on
a seemly identical rig. This is because it may have parts from other makers who installed things differently. Did you ask valve to release a new version for every single computer setup? No? Because it's retarded.
At any rate, the tweaks in the other thread really didn't give any noticable difference. If anyone has any other helpful suggestions, I'll give them a go. If your suggestion is to not buy X hardware, don't bother.
Then you are ♥♥♥♥ out of luck my friend. We gave you things that work, you either didn't try them all, or your idea of a difference is too big for us to bother with. Also, try buying X hardware, I hear it works better then yours.