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 Mission: [Coalition] Dummy Twins 
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
i went to campaign, it just seems to not want to load.

Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:20 pm

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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
That's just great, now I know that hundreds of dummies rain from the sky. I wanted that to be a surprise.
Anyway, testing now.

Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:41 pm

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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
Ok I played it. Beat it on my 5th run. Barely.

So I started off in the little bunker with the brain bot and I decided to see with the camera what I'm dealing against.

"Well, not too bad, a couple sniper shots will do and then were good."

After ordering a guard for the brainbot and a guy with a sniper I proceeded to attack the base.
As I got closer over the first landing pad, dummies started landing there.
Well, I had predicted the obvious, yay me. The guard takes care of them while I move the sniper to position. I zoom and snipe all the guys I can while more dummies keep coming down and my guard wasting them.

I fly up and throw a grenade to clean up the most highest window to take out the other dummy guarding there. Then I crawl in and take out the top brain.

By this time I'm thinking to myself:
"Peace o cake, nothing can stop me now. This mission is over in a couple seconds."

Meanwhile dummies are literally pouring just outside the large base, I kill the dummies in the second highest floor and then sneak to destroy the lower brain. Just when I thought the mission is over, it tells me to kill some remaining dummies.
Well, I buy a new guy for that, with a shotgun and a grenade launcher and begin mopping up the stranded dummies all over the place.

Then I get to know that some ♥♥♥♥ orbital bombing is about to take place. Now things are starting to get very serious! While I shoot the dummies I send my brain guy flying into the base and hope that it will make it while my guard and shotgun guy dies by the dummies I was ment to mop up.

I managed to make it inside and the bomb rain starts. While the outside is as bad as hell, I decide to take my sniper guy to take out any dummies inside the base. While doing that, the rain stops and suddenly TONS of dummies attack the base. Within a few minutes the whole outside wall was covered with climbing dummies and their deadly guns. At this point I had missed what the last objective said, so I fought a bit while trying to figure what to do. Then I decided that its probably best to retreat.

I order a rocket and fly it between the enemy dropships and land it on the roof of the large base and open the doors. Then I pull a daring attempt to go outside with my sniper to clean the path, and I fail totally. Now its only my brain dude left and the rocket waiting on the roof.
I get a bright idea to shoot the dropship midair so their gibs will crush the climbing dummies, thus providing me a clean path.

I do it and it worked. I run to the rocket and just for kicks, I fly through the whole field while avoiding the dropships with the rocket and arrive at my former starting base which was totally demolished.
After a moment of amazement how it busted it was when I through it would still remain after the bombing, I launch my rocket to space and claim the win.

And that match had ALOT of close calls.

This mission ROCKS. It totally got me the first 4 times and I was wasted before I knew it.

Thu Jun 25, 2009 12:16 am
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
LowestFormOfWit wrote:
I'll try it out, but
weegee wrote:
Dummy facility seems to be almost unguarded,

makes me scratch my head. There's a bloody dummy at every door and every hallway. I'd call that almost completely covered.

Almost completely covered? IT'S LIKE FORT FRICKIN NOX IN THERE!

Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:52 am
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
Manticore wrote:
i went to campaign, it just seems to not want to load.

that's because the file itself is DummyTwins.rte 2. just erase the space and the 2 in the folder name and you'll be golden.

Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:13 am
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
I still haven't won this mission despite trying 6 times. I'll still try to beat it because it's very challenging.

Though the bombing comes way too fast. It will kill any first-time players who have not seen my long post of spoilers (sorry about that).

Thu Jun 25, 2009 1:54 pm
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
The Decaying Soldat wrote:
I still haven't won this mission despite trying 6 times. I'll still try to beat it because it's very challenging.

I was not even able to beat Maginot without tweaking initial funds :) And even with loads of gold it is more than challenging. Sweep phase tend to end quickly because dummies stop spawning while killing each other with the same joy. If you see Shelter signs, drop everything and get armored brain's fat ass to the building over the air. Not a single chance to reach it in one piece on foot.

Cortex command is hard. I could make some difficulty settings changing funds and timings to make it playable by all kinds of players, but the game's UI does not seem to allow difficulty selection for missions.

Thu Jun 25, 2009 2:36 pm
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
WALKTHROUGH (big wall of text olo)

If you're using vanilla content (yumyum); order three Coalition light soldiers. Give one a heavy sniper rifle (instant headshot kills for dummies), one a gatling gun (mows down outer forces at a scary rate), and one a Mauler (takes out anyone at close range). If you're using money cheats, feel free to throw in a guy with a homing rocket launcher as well, and have him stand around shooting dropships and gibbing the poor dummies on board. Anyways, get the sniper between the second and last dropzones (the ones closest to the base) and pick off the outside guards. Also make sure to shoot the engine of the big sliding door where there's a Dreadnaught over the entrance; the HSR can penetrate the surrounding metal with ease. Now send in the guy with the Mauler, keeping the Gatling gunner with the brain bot. Have the Mauler kill the dummy and dreadnaught closest to the door and then fly immediately up to where they were standing so you don't get shot by the other dummies. After a second or two when they stop aiming, jump down and run up as close as you can for max damage, clearing the bottom floor. Hustle your brain bot and your gatling gunner inside as quick as possible. Now you've gotta kill the brains. Move your brain bot as far to the left as possible without going off the map and have the Gatling gunner guard him. Fly up with the Mauler operator and take out the dummy to the top left, then quickly crawl into where he was to avoid getting shot by the small dummy turrets. Fly back out and start shooting at them, eventually killing them (Note; might want to order another one because he's guaranteed to take some damage here) Send your sniper rifler up the outside of the building and take out some of the upper guards with a few potshots, distracting them while you get the Mauler guy up the ladder. Make sure not to use your jetpack in visible range of the dummies; this way you can get the jump on the dummies by firing first. After taking them all out, shoot the top most door of a brain bunker and use the little opening it gives you to kill the brain. Quickly fly to the next one as a Dreadnaught will appear and be all "YOU SHOT MY BRAIN, BOY." Rinse and repeat. Now the orbital bombing starts. Play a few rounds of cards, and maybe hit CTRL+O for a few seconds so you don't wait too long. Now it's going to start raining dummies. Fly your brainbot quickly up the shaft and get him outside and to the highest area on the top-left. Get a Rocket MK2 and fly it over to him quickly while you send your troops out to distract the forces (they have no chance in hell of actually surviving, but you'll be able to make it out unscathed).

Recommended Walkthrough; using chocolate content (yumyum)

I found the mission to be a lot easier using the Darkstorm troops. Order an Electro shogun as the 'sniper' role, Minigun shoguns for the gatling gunner role, and Coil Gun shoguns for general support/ownage. Order a Shinobi with a nano key and a DS Shotgun, and maybe a stun gun, and have him Solid Snake into the base using stealth and whatnot until he gets up to the doors. Open 'em with the nanokey and decimate a brain quickly with the shotgun. Take out the Dreadnaught that comes out and hide there, then move your brain across the map along with all of your shoguns into the bunker. Recommend the Coil Gunner for taking out the lower level of resistance. Now destroy the last brain and get your brain up to the top, ready to fly outside as soon as the bombing stops, and order a Rocket MK2 again.

Walkthrough for retards; buy a crapton of MPAMS. Enjoy.

Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:27 pm
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
I basically killed everyone in the building with one shinobi, who was armed to the teeth. His stealth power is way too handy.

Thu Jun 25, 2009 3:53 pm

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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
Even though this mission was ULTRA HARD, I loved it completely. It provides the advanced CC player the challenge that will kick his ass and then brutally splatter it all over the place. And we've been waiting for it and you just deliver the bomb.

This mission is extremely hard because it spams high-level threats at you at a very short notice which makes any planning for an "organized" invasion completely futile and it forces the player to rely on a few units that he has well equipped and can handle them all skillfully. I would call this mission "extreme rambo squad assault" type mission.

I'm defenately keeping this because its made out of win and features alot of things and idea that could be used for creating new missions.

All I would suggest is making the message last longer and more visible (try all caps)
and have a marker that points towards the top border of the map at the middle
when youre supposed to escape and fly to space.

Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:44 pm
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
Ragdollmaster wrote:
Walkthrough for retards; buy a crapton of MPAMS. Enjoy.

I bought one MPAM. Does that count? :P

Anyway, great mission. In my eyes, it's good enough to be vanilla content.

Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:32 pm
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
I am proud to say I beat this in my first try, but that doesn't mean it wasn't any kind of difficult. I thoroughly enjoyed this mission. If the map were a bit more filled out (in regards to more of a base rather than the edge of it peaking over the map's left extremity), it would be absolutely perfect. I loved the amount of surprises that popped out at me. This is definitely one of my favorite missions. As zalo once said, "the first experience is always the best."

"Orbital strike? Go for shelter? ...Aw, hell."


Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:06 am
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
My first reaction:
"Orbital strike?"
"Nah, I'm sure this bubble shield can hold it out"

It didn't.

Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:08 am
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
After completing it with vanilla, I tried it with all my overpowered mods. Darklone Heavies and DSTech Ferratuses laugh at your puny orbital cannons.

Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:56 am
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Post Re: Mission: Dummy Twins
numgun wrote:
All I would suggest is making the message last longer and more visible (try all caps)
and have a marker that points towards the top border of the map at the middle
when youre supposed to escape and fly to space.

Thanks for advice, did everyithing you said. Hope I didn't break anything :)

I'm glad you guys enjoyed the mission :grin:

Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:48 am
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