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 DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 6/11/09 
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
It lags! D :

The forcefield is really cool and well done (except useless against most vanilla and other mod weapons), although a little too weak and it LAGS horribly.
and that is just one guy with the field. On grasslands. And nobody around.
Also even against your own weapons the whole field is just too fragile for its own good so making it tougher could be better.

The wormhole things were really cool and work really well and the actor lock on the actor specific weapons and all those safety scripts are really awesome and new.

Although the the bomb and the grenades detonate too early to do any nasty damage to the target since their detonation zone is just barely enough for the blast radius itself. And the explosion just barely touches the target.
Also enable that large circle explosion animation on explosive weapons, that thing looked really great.

Then the cloak guy is really cool, but he lags amazingly alot and I think his cloak is a little too sensitive. For stuff like walking, climbing, crawling and such the cload should stay active and turn off only the the actor is gonna fly or is shooting or is hurt. Personally I'd let the flying be cloaked too.
Also the effects are a little too dense and dramatic when the cloak is turning off.

Other than that this mod got really nice, but much too laggy for me. And the actors are a little too weak to my taste.

Btw, try adding a 5-8 second EMP field for the electric cannon.
I just shot it and it happened to hit a EMP grenade I had lying around and it looked pretty cool.

Thu May 28, 2009 4:02 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
'Kay, the only problems I have are the Yosei's just hanging in one spot, too stable, the Shinobi's cloak is too sensitive and only shows the torso, and the point defense shield is WEAK. A single shotgun blast pierced the Shishi's shield.

Thu May 28, 2009 4:31 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
I'm gonna try one more thing to make both the defense system and cloaking less laggy. They function by checking all particles and actors at every step, so it's kinda hard. Actually, if any brilliant programmers have any suggestions, I'm all ears.

Also, balancing the PDS is really frikkin hard. Sure, I want it to be decently effective, but I also don't want to make it invulnerable to half the weapons in the game. I figured there'd be commentary on the issue, so I'll be sure to take more of a look at it.

Thu May 28, 2009 4:55 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
Make it able to withstand a single magazine of shotgun fire, but not recharge in time to stop the next one. Also, if the Yosei is crushed against a wall, instead of gibbing, it goes through it in a perfectly straight line at a uniform and very slow speed until it reaches a big enough pocket of empty space.

Thu May 28, 2009 5:10 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
Yeah bummer about the old droppod. I really liked that thing.

Thu May 28, 2009 5:22 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
Apart from the AI bug. It should be used SOMETIMES. Also, the AC Shinobi and the PD Shogun were designed for squad command, weren't they?

Thu May 28, 2009 5:24 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09



The mod seems to be even more balanced than what it was, with the only visible problem being the terrain rape on the centry machine gun. Otherwise great job

Thu May 28, 2009 6:50 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
I've got an idea on how to fix the lag generated by D9. It's more like a temporary solution, but it might be better than this unholy lag.
The idea is to calculate the time, needed for projectile flying on some maximum speed (of your choice) to penetrate let's say half or 3/4 of a protective field' radius, and set the checking thingy to, ugh, check the stuff that flies through the field once in that time the same way it does now. Or does it check ALL the stuff that moves on the map?
At least it won't check that stuff every fraction of a second (not sure how it's called in CC).

Also, I would like to say that grenade machine gun is fantastic. It packs quite a punch without being continent-annihilating uber gun, it shoots far enough to kill distant targets and yet you can use it to kill those who try to hide from your wrath behind the nearest pile of rubble and corpses.
There is only one issue with it, and it is the fact that when you manage to drop it (by getting killed, for example) it just lies there and not only you can't pick it up even with another specialist Shogun, but it also escapes destruction if you try to shoot it. It also can't be abducted by an aircraft.

Thu May 28, 2009 7:50 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
:grin: Ive been waiting for this!!
great job!
you could make it so that you have a var called "prehealth" that updates itself every step to the actors health (self.prehealth = the feild doesent activate untell the first shot actualy hits you, then you heal back too the health you were on last step you were on, and then open the feild. (if ~= self.prehealth than self. = self.prehealth).

Thu May 28, 2009 8:36 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
or alternatively you could just make it run on a timer and be a kind of "pulse based" repulsion.
also, having the point defence's "field" being animated would be awesome, but thats more of a secondary issue.
the AMSR didnt actually kill a ronin i shot in the head with it. maybe up the power of the "terminal ballistics" just a little on entry? i feel like the D10 could also use a bit of a hollow point effect on it aswell, it doesnt feel that "heavy" at the moment. i dont mean it needs a lot of extra damage, but maybe just take down its piercing power and up its stopping power.
the terrain rape on the machinegun sishi is also pretty high, as is the terrain rape from a few of the particles that gib out of the sishi turret itself..
a flashwhite() on the turrets after they've been "constructed" would make their weapons appearing look less conspicuous.
some actual gibs (and an explosion) on the turrets wouldnt go astray. hopefully the new dropship actually has gibs.
also, something that could be cool and easy to make would be a vacuum grenade. just make all the objects fly towards the epicentre, and rely on them colliding to do damage. kind of the reverse of the concussive grenade everyone was talking about.
just some C&C..

Thu May 28, 2009 9:19 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
The safety on the missiles and rockets IS annoying, and makes them mostly innefective. I have 2 simple fixes for this.

Rocket Launcher: Add the old one back in. Make the new " Safety System" version an anti-air weapon, and the older one can be a sexy, sexy rpg.

Shishi Missile Turret: Give it a timer, or a proximity sensor. After a certain amount of time, impacts set it off, or make it so the missiles can't detinate within range of a friendly unit / the Shishi that fired said rocket.

Thu May 28, 2009 9:50 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
Question: What do all the new lua scripts do? Because I saw something about the AMSR bullet exploding, but it does no such thing.

Thu May 28, 2009 11:04 pm
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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
the AMSR bullet actually has some terminal ballistics on it, which reduces terrain rape and adds in some extra power (though currently not enough. before it was rapetasticly overpowered, but now it feels woo wimpy for an anti-material rifle, though still a bloody awesome weapon). it doesnt "explode", it gibs into some stabby mopixels. if you're going to poke around in the code, at least poke around properly.

Fri May 29, 2009 5:01 am
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Post Game crashing with DSTech
So After annihilating the enemy with various mods, I decided to add in the challenge that is DSTech.

I comment in the bit at the bottom of it's Index.ini file so it will make it read Activities.ini and add DSTech AI.

I start up grasslands, go to the Buy menu to spawn but the game freezes. I alt-tab out, bring up Task Manager and CC has crashed giving me this error box

Cortex Crash.bmp
Cortex Crash.bmp [ 242.14 KiB | Viewed 5397 times ]

This is making me sad because DSTech is awesome and I'd really love to actually fight AGAINST them

Fri May 29, 2009 11:08 am

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Post Re: DarkStorm Military Technologies - Updated 5/27/09
What happened the the electro rifle effects? It also crashes for me quite a bit but apart from that it is an awesome mod.

Fri May 29, 2009 1:31 pm
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