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 Hello from the Greengrocers' Association 
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Post Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
Hello all,
I am here to make some mods and hopefully share them with you. Since my first real mod isn't something great, I'll post it here because in the mod making section they (you all) would kill me.
It's... oranges. Fresh oranges from Sicily, which blow up in juice and slices when destroyed.

Orange cargo destroyed:

Oranges when not blown up:

As you can see, Oranges are sold by the Greengrocers' Association:

I know it's not much, it's just my first mod! :P
Here's the zip (unzip it in the main directory):
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Tue May 26, 2009 1:13 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
I approve of this idea. All noob mods can go in the noob's introduction thread.

This is a great idea! Seriously!

hey, thats actually a good idea. +1 kudos for The idea

Tue May 26, 2009 1:14 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
This man is a revolutionary.

Tue May 26, 2009 2:22 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
ccontinisio wrote:
Since my first real mod isn't something great, I'll post it here because in the mod making section they (you all) would kill me.

Could be worse.
I remember an uber SMG posted once. It was posted as ini code taken from SMGs.ini and spammed bullets.

Tue May 26, 2009 3:07 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
I remember too.
Lagtastic, it was.

Tue May 26, 2009 5:08 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
Thanks all. Obviously it's just a first try, I didn't feel it could go in the mod section...
And thanks ProjektTHOR for the 'noob' :P

Tue May 26, 2009 9:28 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
Dammit, you guys got me all nostalgic.

Remember when all mods were base.rte edits? Those were the days...

Tue May 26, 2009 12:16 pm
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
Wow, you actually have good sprites and effects! Not at all what we usually get from newbs.
Here's what I suggest you do. Take an idea, such as your orange, and expand it to include at least four weapons and maybe an actor. That's generally considered a good starting place for a mod, and you can expand from there if you're still happy with your original theme.

This post i very good post, you should post like that more often +1

Tue May 26, 2009 12:20 pm
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
Duh102 posts like that all the time, what the hell are you talking about?

Tue May 26, 2009 7:34 pm
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
Why has this thread been moved from the Introduction section to the Mod Releases section? It's not a full mod, it's only an Heldable Device! :P

Wed May 27, 2009 8:48 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
Mmm deliciously useless.
For a first mod, it's alright.
It displays a basic knowledge of modding, and is decently presented.
And it got me to go eat an orange.

But next time, make something that can be used. Potato root bolas, alien acid grenade fruit, area-denial thorn bush seeds, hydroponic uber-fresh delivery dropships, stuff like that, if you're wanting to continue with the Greengrocers Association.

Or if you want to try some fairly simple Lua, make edible food.

Wed May 27, 2009 9:17 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
There was already a food fight mod(but it isn't up to date anymore), so you might want to consider if you still want to expand this, just an advice.

And something this small is hard to comment. If there was an actor, or a workable weapon, then we will know your coding, spriting abilities and creativity.

But hey, like Azukki said, nonetheless a good start.

Wed May 27, 2009 9:22 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
Thanks again.
I didn't want a lot of comments, that's why I posted in the introduction section. But someone moved it to the Mod Releases...
Actually I don't want to expand the Greengrocer's Association's arsenal, it was just a first try.

Wed May 27, 2009 11:10 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
You should though, even if its super simple and useless, I'd find it cool to see these in some kind of map or in a grocery store filled with vegetables and such and you go shooting everything and seeing salad fly everywhere when you're grinding your opponent that would be awesome. Just make more fruits (Watermelons?), custom wounds and this mod would be pretty cool seriously. Or turn it into some kind of clutter mod where you actually can have loads of stuff to wreak like crazy.

Other things you could do, make it so when you "throw" the orange, it gibs instantly and then you make a lua script where the orange heals the guy that shoots it (I don't really understand lua yet.) and it plays a munching sound, so that guy actually eat the orange.

So yeah like Azukki said, make that food edible!!

Wed May 27, 2009 11:55 am
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Post Re: Hello from the Greengrocers' Association
I have a lua script you might find useful for the single-use healing thing. It's an HDFirearm that self-destructs to give you health. Gotcha! has another that uses the grenade type, if you want to ask him. Mine sometimes takes off an arm.

EDIT: I suppose I should release it and you can use it if you like.

Wed May 27, 2009 1:42 pm
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