Crab Hammer V 1.1 (edited May 23) - shockwave of death!
Was thinking about whether to post or not, but decided to anyways...
I saw a youtube video about a crab-loaded rocket (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6eZ7mAiFOI) and decided to do the same, but have the rocket gib them instead of adding them to the inventory, so you can also use it as a normal rocket. Basically what this mod of the rocket MK I does is gib 50 crabs on destruction in a small confined space via teleporter and concentrator units inside the rocket, hence the additional cost. The crabs instantly die, sending a shock wave that randomly damages most weak-medium actors, but doesn't harm the brain, unless the shrapnel from the various crab shells actually hit the brain. Damages range from 1 limb lost, to instant death. An organic fuselage gives it improved suspension, and it uses the same teleporter that transports crabs to transport troops and equipment to the battlefield.
Here's a demonstration of the Crab Hammer's abilities:
-The Crab Hammer:

-Unloading a dummy:

-Before the explosion:

-After the explosion (the dummy on the left is untouched, and both brains are un-damaged):

It seems that some people misunderstood the principles of the Crab hammer, so I will attempt to explain it here. The rocket is
NOT filled with crabs the same way your would buy them; The rocket gibs them upon the rocket's destruction, which is why it doesn't drop crabs when you open the doors, and why you can still load/unload buy-able items. When the rocket does get destroyed, whether it be scuttle, or shot, or simply destroyed by another crab hammer, the crabs tend to spawn in a relatively confined space. This overlapping causes them to instantaneously die, and the force of the explosions of multiple crabs sends the shell fragments and organs in a rather deadly shower of crab shrapnel. Although I'm not sure why, the side-effect of all those crabs (or any other actors, I think) dying is that the pressure from it is so great that it tends to gib weaker actors, because the gib impulse limit (or impulse damage threshold, I'm not sure either) is not high enough to withstand it. Why it kills some actors that are really far away, or why it barely affects some actors underneath them (assuming an anti-shrapnel cover is above them) is still unknown to me. The reason why it gibs crabs instead of something more deadly, or more crabs, is because it is meant for fair play (no insta-gib brains, or kill everything on map).
Damages pretty much everything except doors, celing-mounted brains (rare but possible), etc.
Does damage actors, crafts, devices, etc.
Get yours
Today!EDIT: Next version (V 1.1) out. Some noticable changes are:
-new sprite (made of crab sprites)
-sounds, gibs and wounds modded to sound more organic (bones cracking, ughs, gahs, and hwehs)
--Version History--
V 1.0 (May 22): Initial release
V 1.1 (May 23): Organic version replaces metal version