Gundanium-Military Inter-tech V1.0 (WIP)
My first mod (to be released here), it is still in the early stages, so any comments will be welcomed.
In the 22nd Century, Miners on Venus discovered a new material that could withstand the harsh conditions: Gundanium. This sturdy, dark metal could withstand incredible amounts of physical damage in lab tests, and could also survive energy beams. Although the material was heavier than lead, they soon put the vast amounts of the new material to various uses: Mining equipment, protective gear, armor, and most recently, military applications. The miners who found the material soon after set up a company that is now known as G-Military Inter-tech. Their products span from Body armor, to Gundanium bullets, to near-indestructible shields. They now have a large development team who are making Gundanium more available to buyers as weapons and mercenaries.
G-Baboon: A heavy Soldier with Gundanium Armor. The armor protects him/her from falls, and the built-in power frame allows the user to carry heavy loads. the only downside is that all that weight makes him/her sink into soft ground, so it's best to use inside a base with concrete or steel floors.

G-Loris: A light robot with Gundanium Laminate armor. lighter than the G-Baboon, and faster too, although not as tough. Good for hit-and-run tactics.

G-Rifle: The standard medium-range weapon of G-MI, it features good piercing ability, and decent overall firepower. Uses Gundanium bullets, and the gun itself is very resilient, but rather heavy for a gun.

G-ARifle: A G-Rifle with an augmented barrel, and a larger clip. Features a faster rate of fire, but at the cost of piercing ability and accuracy. Using the stock, it can be dual-wielded.

G-ARifle Off-hand: The G-ARifle, but designed for the left hand instead. Has the safety and clip ejection buttons on their opposite respective sides. Recoil can be a problem when dual-wielded, but can be used as a sort of crude jet-pack. Found under the 'Shields' tab.
G-SRifle: A G-Rifle with a scope and a particle accelerator on the end of the barrel. Has a much longer range and sharper bullets, but at the cost of reload times and rate of fire.

G-Linear Cannon: A shoulder-mounted cannon that shoots a C-4 filled shell of Gundanium that explodes on impact, ripping apart armor, flesh, pretty much anything. Sometimes bounces off doors, so stand at a distance if breaking a door with it. Features a 3-shot burst capability.

G-Breacher: A close range weapon, it can slice through most materials easily. Nothing to do with Gundanium, except for the casing of the handle. uses a concentrated beam of pure plasma to cut through things. Useful tool for breaking doors, killing enemies quickly, and digging, but it can't harvest gold; it obliterates it.

G-Frag: A fragmentation grenade with Gundanium shrapnel inside. The shell of the grenade isn't Gundanium; how will it blow up then?

G-Shield: a tall shield that covers a normal clone from head to toe. Rather heavy, but is capable of protecting from a nuclear blast.

--To do list--
-Find out how to make wounds hurt less. Anyone know how to do this for the G-Loris?
-I know more than 100 health is frowned upon, but it is necessary until the G-loris' wound damage can be changed.
-Maybe a few more weapons...
-Re-sprites of the actors (right now they are re-colors of the Coalition heavy and Dummy, with few head modifications)