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 Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP) 
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
saying than you can code as well as a REAL dev is a big fat lie so far.
i can too, ive made physics engines. also, i can program, i cant sprite for cc worth a dam, however.

Sat May 16, 2009 2:57 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
lafe, I think I'm dying of idiocy poisoning. Can you give me a dying wish, please?

Fix your spelling and grammar, so I can understand what you say.

Sat May 16, 2009 3:23 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
lafe wrote:
saying than you can code as well as a REAL dev is a big fat lie so far.
i can too, ive made physics engines. also, i can program, i cant sprite for cc worth a dam, however.

that was an attempt of a physics engine...
this was not a realy good physics engine...
please LEARN to mod next time.
also why is your mod named a physic mod?!?!?!
where is the physics?
read some tutorials ask some questions make some tests on the mod and THEN releace it.

Sat May 16, 2009 4:54 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
vagyr wrote:
lafe wrote:
saying than you can code as well as a REAL dev is a big fat lie so far.
i can too, ive made physics engines. also, i can program, i cant sprite for cc worth a dam, however.

that was an attempt of a physics engine...
this was not a realy good physics engine...
please LEARN to mod next time.
also why is your mod named a physic mod?!?!?!
where is the physics?
read some tutorials ask some questions make some tests on the mod and THEN releace it.


Lafe making a falling sand game in game maker or something similar isn't hard.

On topic: ugly collation resprite combined with bad coding and overpowered actors equals no dl. Try to actually work on one faction and stop releasing a bunch of shitty WIP'S. This forum doesn't take kindly to noobs. Hang out for a while and learn from people instead of ignoring what everyone has to say.

Sat May 16, 2009 6:02 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
Lafe, mah boi.
Actually put effort into your mods and people will actually like them.
Plus, you seem to act as if you are a modding king. It's very annoying.

Sat May 16, 2009 7:27 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
shadow717 wrote:
vagyr wrote:
lafe wrote:
saying than you can code as well as a REAL dev is a big fat lie so far.
i can too, ive made physics engines. also, i can program, i cant sprite for cc worth a dam, however.

that was an attempt of a physics engine...
this was not a realy good physics engine...
please LEARN to mod next time.
also why is your mod named a physic mod?!?!?!
where is the physics?
read some tutorials ask some questions make some tests on the mod and THEN releace it.


Lafe making a falling sand game in game maker or something similar isn't hard.

On topic: ugly collation resprite combined with bad coding and overpowered actors equals no dl. Try to actually work on one faction and stop releasing a bunch of shitty WIP'S. This forum doesn't take kindly to noobs. Hang out for a while and learn from people instead of ignoring what everyone has to say.

This is a nicer version of what I said

Boba_Fett wrote:
Plus, you seem to act as if you are a modding king. It's very annoying.


Its for this exact reason I hate his crap so much.

What You need to do is actually try, DO NOT make your own sprites or improve (ALOT), get original ideas, balance, and fix your spelling and grammar. That was constructive, right?

Last edited by Disst on Sat May 16, 2009 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sat May 16, 2009 7:51 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
Cut him a little slack, epok. hes a new modder, and ya he has a long way to go. And when you type please:




This. All this does is takes up space uselessly

Sat May 16, 2009 7:54 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
@Epok, I know a basic spelling and grammar level is really all you're asking, but it helps to spell completely correct yourself when you're pointing this out.

Also I have a REAALLY big peeve for people using "alot" as one word...

lafe, I think everyone here has made their point already about this but I'm going to just explain the main reasons why I didn't download this. Firstly, the aforementioned presentation issue; it all seems a little rushed. There's no big race going on here, so take your time on your mod posts and present your mod with pride. Use JPGs for preview stills (BMPs are uncompressed and wasteful). GIFs are preferred; several users on this forum (such as The Mind) offer to make them if you ask nicely.

Second, and probably most importantly, there appears to be no psychics (the medic doesn't really count, because they're... well, a medic). While I know this is a WiP, you might want to at least hang on until you have your first one before releasing the WiP. I would start them first, personally, but everyone works different orders. Either way, your namesake act needs to show up. Otherwise, you're a steakhouse that doesn't stock any steak.

You can see why people get fed up, right? :)

Sat May 16, 2009 10:02 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
if you want i could make the grammer and spelling better in the op.

Sat May 16, 2009 10:48 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
In short;
Lafe can't sprite or spell and can only code mediocre crap. How about instead of arguing, you try to oh, I don't know, GET BETTER

Sat May 16, 2009 10:55 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
Kilgannon that really wasn't helpful.

It is true that this mod is not very good, but just pointedly saying that and leaving is as bad a post as this is a mod.
If anyone says that about your work (and I am talking to everyone now) just ignore them, they aren't worth listening to.

The only posts you should bother reading are the ones with constructive critism. This is where people say "Your mod is bad BUT this is how you can fix it".

Sat May 16, 2009 10:57 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
This thread should probably be locked. It's too off topic, and it's just an overpowered mod with bad sprites. If lafe wanted to improve it he would listen to what people have told him from his other mods. Instead he runs around releasing bad mods and ignoring constructive criticism.

Constructive criticism: Improve your sprites, I don't know how many times I've told you this. I can't sprite to save my life, but I think I can sprite better than you.

Don't release an overpowered rape machine gun. Sure it might be fun for you, but everyone's got one. Same goes for Chuck Norris* actors.


Sat May 16, 2009 11:11 pm
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)

Sun May 17, 2009 8:25 am
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
lafe, your sprites are god aful when they arent just a plain rip, you cant even use the snipers whithout 'splodin.
all in all, it should be a god awful mod, and yet, for me at least, its not (though you do need A LOT OF WORK, especially on spriting), i just find so much fun! i love youre machine gun, and its actually the first time ive seen bullets that can actually take damage :shock:
baisicly, its kinda fun, but needs work. LOTS AND LOTS OF WORK.

i didnt comment on your spelling 'cuz i too have carp spelling, but, really, i could tell that you rushed it, pistor? reaaaaaly?

Sun May 17, 2009 9:38 am
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
hey yeah you guys are fun and all. Bravo for being stupid.
Thread lock'd. Please await appropriate further reactions
Screw this, i was about to fix this thread by deleting posts. But this is unfixable. Nice job

Edit: oh and if you guys think im a bad mod because i locked this topic, think what would happen if i left this open. Massive flamewar, or massive banage.

Sun May 17, 2009 10:40 am
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