1. It's Lua. It's not an acronym, it's a noun. Don't abbreviate it, and don't capitalize every letter.
2. Build 23 is out. Whoop de doo, Lua on everything. This does not mean .ini modding is obsolete, nor will it ever.
3. Lua will add many possibilities to modding. That said, we don't need anyone to tell us new ideas. Not for a while. Don't post any new idea topics of things to do in Lua. Modders who know how to use it will get the process started.
STILL APPLIES4. Something being technically possible in Lua does not equate to something being technically feasible in Lua.
4a. Just because something can be made does not mean someone will make it for you.
4b. Your own incompetence is not grounds to make an idea thread or whine to someone about "x mod" not being made.
5. Lua scripting will NOT overtake the traditional CC .ini files. It is a seperate language, it will NOT BE REQUIRED for mods. It will not overwrite mod files, and will only serve as an addition to the game; not an overhauling. The correct term for what's done in Lua is scripting. The .ini file modification is correctly referred to as modding.
STILL APPLIES6. Lua is not a challenging language. Some grasp of basic mathematics and logic is all that's required. It's nothing excessive, and anyone who's been through a low-level fundamental math course, and is decently intelligent should be perfectly good at scripting in Lua.
6a. That said, the capacity to script in Lua does not mean you will be GOOD at scripting in Lua.
6b. Practice
will make you better. The same rules apply to posting Lua scripts as normal mods. Don't post something halfassed that you did in five minutes, and don't post your first script.
6c. Don't worry. If you honestly want to, no matter how little you know at the start, you'll get good at it.
Syntax counts.7a.
Trigonometry rocks.