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 Cell Actors (updated 19 May 2009, CnC needed) +Virus 
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
Normal guns first. Strategy guns later.

Sat May 16, 2009 3:19 pm
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
Just throwing it out there.

Sat May 16, 2009 3:20 pm
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
Or super pressurised oxygen, LIGHTING EVERYTHING ON FIRE!

Sat May 16, 2009 3:24 pm
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
Basically anything is possible. We'll just have to see if it works well with this mod.

I have an idea of a virus bomb. But since we have giant cells, we have giants viruses too. And, they are those bacteriophage, the virus with 'legs' which attacks bacteria only. In CC, they will be ACrabs of a few to 10 pixel big, with a jump pack, and armed with a close range weapon with kills any actor to release more giant viruses.

Sat May 16, 2009 3:46 pm
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
relax folks, I'll make something up. I have some other organic stuff that I have on my mind... and Decaying Soldat, brilliant idea! ACrab virus faction, but I think I'll make it in different sizes. It'll be the mortal enemy of the cell faction...
as for the organic stuff I'm thinking on... wooden/plant bunkers. There's already a 'creature' bunker (and still not done yet), so why not plant bunkers? While I'm at it I'll make some realistic, leaf-and-wood-gibbing trees, that you can shoot down and yell TIMBER as it crashes on your enemies. Also, sea-shell bunkers! Dayum, I want to make all of them...

Sat May 16, 2009 3:53 pm
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
carriontrooper wrote:
While I'm at it I'll make some realistic, leaf-and-wood-gibbing trees, that you can shoot down and yell TIMBER as it crashes on your enemies.

I always wanted to do that.

Anyway, don't push yourself too hard. You might overwork.

Sat May 16, 2009 4:20 pm
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Post Re: Cell Actors (woking WIP, CnC needed)
Ragdollmaster wrote:
We have giant cells running around in this mod. Is it that big of a stretch to assume that a giant cell organelle would be deadly? Maybe it's a mutated chloroplast that has acidic chlorophyll.*

*idea* Maybe if the chlorophyll hit an actor, it could start performing photosynthesis, and a bunch of oxygen would shoot out and disorient the actor like the Distractor device included with first-party content.

Photosythesis doesn't produce oxygen. Also why make acidic chlorophyll, that would just do the same thing as a lysosome bomb. My main point being why change the function of something to be a weapon when you can just create something new (like say the cells can secrete acid or something). Making up things is fine but it's just a bit unnecessary to change real organelles.

Sat May 16, 2009 5:17 pm
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Post Re: Cell Actors (woking WIP, CnC needed)
Prunelord wrote:
Ragdollmaster wrote:
We have giant cells running around in this mod. Is it that big of a stretch to assume that a giant cell organelle would be deadly? Maybe it's a mutated chloroplast that has acidic chlorophyll.*

*idea* Maybe if the chlorophyll hit an actor, it could start performing photosynthesis, and a bunch of oxygen would shoot out and disorient the actor like the Distractor device included with first-party content.

Also why make acidic chlorophyll, that would just do the same thing as a lysosome bomb. My main point being why change the function of something to be a weapon when you can just create something new (like say the cells can secrete acid or something). Making up things is fine but it's just a bit unnecessary to change real organelles.

Lysosomes do nothing but get rid of wastes. Making a bomb out of a lysosome is more or less the equivalent of putting your crap in a paper bag and throwing it.


Prunelord wrote:
Photosynthesis doesn't produce oxygen

Oh God. Only on the internet.

Sat May 16, 2009 10:31 pm
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Post Re: Cell Actors (woking WIP, CnC needed)
Ragdollmaster wrote:
Prunelord wrote:
Photosynthesis doesn't produce oxygen

Oh God. Only on the internet.

I don't know what I was thinking at the time, probably focusing on the ATP side of it and forgetting about the rest of it, it was about 2AM when I wrote it.

Ragdollmaster wrote:
Lysosomes do nothing but get rid of wastes. Making a bomb out of a lysosome is more or less the equivalent of putting your crap in a paper bag and throwing it.

Actually they produce digestive enzymes that dissove organic (or non-organic) matter, even to the point where a lysosome can burst open inside the cell and kill it if it is no longer needed by an organism (my text book jokingly called them suicide bags).

Last edited by Prunelord on Sun May 17, 2009 1:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat May 16, 2009 11:30 pm
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
Oh, so it's like taking a crap in a bag, but with the crap being acidic. Well, that's cool; maybe it could work something like Shook's old acid bomb, it burst upon impact and spread out acid particles depending on how it impacted a surface (eg, if it hit the ground directly, acid would go straight down, or if it hit the ground going very fast horizontally, acid would fly out in a spread out pattern)

Also; ATP? I haven't had classes about this stuff for a while, but I thought ATP was made by mitochondria through cellular respiration, and chloroplasts made glucose. Can't be sure :???:

Sun May 17, 2009 12:47 am
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
Well it's probably more like throwing a stomach full of stomach acid than acidic poop but it doesn't matter. Yes you are right, mitochondrion make ATP from glucose which is made by chloroplasts. I was thinking cellular respiration in animals where CO2 is only produced when the glucose is actaully being converted into ATP.

Actually a chloroplast could make a bunch of oxygen as a distraction or something. And speaking of mitochondrion, a mitochondrion could be used as an explosive bomb by producing lots of energy quickly as an exothermic reation.

Sun May 17, 2009 1:28 am
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
Prunelord wrote:
Actually a chloroplast could make a bunch of oxygen as a distraction or something. And speaking of mitochondrion, a mitochondrion could be used as an explosive bomb by producing lots of energy quickly as an exothermic reation.

Consider respiration is almost a step-wised, controlled version of burning. Yeh, should work for giant mutated cells.

Sun May 17, 2009 2:22 am
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
Microtubule (sp?) missiles anyone?

Also; how about a cancer bomb. It would drop one cancer cell which would perform rapid mitosis (I mean, that's kind of the whole point of cancer...) and create a crapload more cancer cells, which would smother other actors. Kind of like a crabbomb.

Sun May 17, 2009 2:52 am
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
Ragdollmaster wrote:
Microtubule (sp?) missiles anyone?

Also; how about a cancer bomb. It would drop one cancer cell which would perform rapid mitosis (I mean, that's kind of the whole point of cancer...) and create a crapload more cancer cells, which would smother other actors. Kind of like a crabbomb.

LOL, I can imagine how the enemy base is stuck by a whole lot of cells.

Sun May 17, 2009 3:29 am
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Post Re: Cell Actors (updated 13 May 2009, CnC needed)
A cancer bomb would be awesome, could be a bit laggy like crab bombs but still awesome.

First things first though, need a gun, any gun as there are currently none with the cell pack.

By the way nice new avatar soldat

Sun May 17, 2009 4:11 am
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