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 Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP) 
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Post Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
Story: we are the humans who chose too stay on earth, which is now a wasteland due to humans.
we have found that the combination of our toxic atmospheric chemicals and genetic modifications have allowed us to harness the forces of esp, using it for healing, pushing, lifting, and killing. our goal is too fix the earth, but that takes a lot of gold, so thats why we're here.

our units:
black lands soldier: basic soldier, bur taught the art of healing himself and those nearby.
ScreenDump003.bmp [ 900.05 KiB | Viewed 18208 times ]

black lands commander:
comander heavly trained in arts of esp, any enemy close too him will die

Esp soldier (comming soon)
heavly traind soldier with the abilty too heal itself and push away enemys who get too close.

our weapons:
esp takes time too learn, and not everyones gifted with it too a high level, so we have these weapon sets. currently comes in three flavors!

demolitionest weapons:
missile launcher: for those pesky tanks
rocket pistol: not intended as a party favor!

sniper weapons:
sniper pistor: for those moments when a huge rifle is impractacal, we have this.
sniper rifle: these things realy hate people!

gunner weapons:
baby machenegun: like an smg, only funner!
AutoRifle: ye old minigun!

coming soon:
tech weapons,
esp weapons
esp god!
esp tools (levetational gun, digger)
Made with lua!
first mod too use a luad actor!

BL.rte.rar [79.39 KiB]
Downloaded 771 times

Last edited by lafe on Sat May 16, 2009 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat May 16, 2009 12:07 am

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Post Re: Black land armys- a physic mod (WIP)
It sounds cool, but I'll have to test to make sure.

Sat May 16, 2009 12:11 am
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Post Re: Black land armys- a physic mod (WIP)
Extrasensory Perception?
Yeah....., ESP is generally just looking into the future. Much like how gypsies/prophets do it.

You should just at least rename this to sorcery.

But I will at least try out.
And the sprites. Make them better.

Sat May 16, 2009 12:14 am
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Post Re: Black land armys- a physic mod (WIP)
Yeah, I believe you mean Telekinesis.
Anyways, this looks like an interesting way to take advantage of the new Lua capabilities.
Might try it, but if they work like they say they do, they're pretty overpowered.
Either that or they make awesome sentries.

Sat May 16, 2009 12:18 am
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lafe wrote:
first mod too use a luad actor!

nope sorry

superluadactor.rte is sitting in my cortex command folder right now

created may 12th 2009

Sat May 16, 2009 12:19 am
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Post Re: Black land armys- a physic mod (WIP)
Roy-G-Biv wrote:
Extrasensory Perception?
Yeah....., ESP is generally just looking into the future. Much like how gypsies/prophets do it.

You should just at least rename this to sorcery.

But I will at least try out.
And the sprites. Make them better.

i can just re-right physic powers, im tring too keep them semi-futureistic, these dudes are an army.
sure, i can work on the sprites. i thought the soldier was pretty good, but ill re-work him.

i hope you like it :grin:

also, there fairly overpowerd :evil:
im going too make the death abilty have shorter range.

Sat May 16, 2009 12:22 am
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Post Re: Black land armys- a physic mod (WIP)
I did in fact, try him, and I think there's something wrong with the ESP soldier's ability to heal.

It heals others fine, but healing itself when shot once in the leg, it just completely killed itself.
No I did not use a rocket launcher, I used a weak pistol to test it out.

Sat May 16, 2009 1:54 am
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Post Re: Black land armys- a physic mod (WIP)
Roy-G-Biv wrote:
I did in fact, try him, and I think there's something wrong with the ESP soldier's ability to heal.

It heals others fine, but healing itself when shot once in the leg, it just completely killed itself.
No I did not use a rocket launcher, I used a weak pistol to test it out.

he does that sometimes.
normaly he heals fine though, but he needs someone near him, so he heals himself and his freind.
i could easly change this, but the idea is that he needs to see someone whoes healthy so he can direct his own healing. also, im making the phy-mage, hes just a soldier traind too use it as a weapon.

Sat May 16, 2009 2:02 am
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Post Re: Black land armys- a physic mod (WIP)
That was the very WORST mod I've ever seen.

The sprites are FLARGLE HORRIBLE, you just ripped off a bunch of vanilla weapons, and dont FLARGLE FEATURE something that is just a ripoff of the vanilla medic drone! Your weapons were generic and FLARGLE, not even an ATTEMPT at anything worthwhile, all you did is make FLARGLE sprites, added FLARGLE coding, and LIES, paired with FLARGLE spelling and grammar, YOU FAIL.


Calm down. Constructive criticism only please - I don't want to see this again.

FAILURE.bmp [6.99 KiB]
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Sat May 16, 2009 2:16 am
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
I think you mean psychic.

Sat May 16, 2009 2:28 am
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
Extra Super Psychics?! REALLY?!
I cried a little. this is bad... I miss the days when people actually tried.

lafe wrote:
sniper pistor

I lolled

Just for that someone needs to make a gun called a pistor, it will be a blunderbuss that fires laser bullets that are seeking missiles.

Sat May 16, 2009 2:50 am
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Post Re: Black land armys- a physic mod (WIP)
3POK_PHALE wrote:


did you even look at the code.[question mark here, my damin shift key is jammed[exclmation]
everythings based off the pistol[exlemation]
even the bazzoka[exclemationpoint]
and ive never done lua before, so i coped the file, and moded it heavly, i made its so it can heal the healer, heals from greater range, and heals faster. i also made a version that syphons the life out of enemys into you. and the soldier is the best spriting ive ever done for cc[not that that says much]

and by the way, i am a game dev, and my most recent has gotten over 1000 veiws. see it right here, im no lier ... re=related
and my current project;

Last edited by lafe on Sat May 16, 2009 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sat May 16, 2009 3:10 am
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)

Sat May 16, 2009 3:12 am
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)
3POK_PHALE wrote:

right, like the vannila rocket pistol, or the vannila lifting gun [lifting gun coming next update] or the mega tazor/tazor lazor weapons coming next realise.
or maby the pocket sniper [which is half for the lols]

also, i AM a gamedev! [OMG shift key worked for once ]
read my post above, and argue with that.

Sat May 16, 2009 3:18 am
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Post Re: Black land armies- a physic mod (WIP)

Indisputable proof that you program.

That doesn't mean you don't suck at modding.


Sat May 16, 2009 3:40 am
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