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 Prison Escape: Episode 1 
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
TheLastBanana wrote:
That should fix your problems :)
If it doesn't, you're going to have to wait until the next PC build before I can fix it.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:59 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
OKAY, I see if that fixes it and post it if it does.
It makes the whole thing pause from the start.
HEY, I just thought of a good idea. Why don't we put the brain offscreen? Then the guy will respawn without a hitch, problem solved.
Didn't work. Thought it bloody would. W8 a sec, I didn't edit the .lua. 1 sec. Nope. Doesn't work. Good thing I keep a zipped copy so I can get the original version where the respawn bug is the only thing stopping me!

Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:15 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
Bladecat4 wrote:
OKAY, I see if that fixes it and post it if it does.
It makes the whole thing pause from the start.
HEY, I just thought of a good idea. Why don't we put the brain offscreen? Then the guy will respawn without a hitch, problem solved.
Didn't work. Thought it bloody would. W8 a sec, I didn't edit the .lua. 1 sec. Nope. Doesn't work. Good thing I keep a zipped copy so I can get the original version where the respawn bug is the only thing stopping me!

ya... it seems the only way to fix this is to make the your body the brain...

Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:15 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
Next build, this will all be fixed as soon as it comes out. Sorry, you'll just have to sit tight 'till then :???:

Thu Feb 19, 2009 5:50 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
Your scenes get better and better, again the awesome story.
It's pretty hard, until I went digging through the wall and stole the guys Gatling gun.

This is very cool scene, I noticed the first time playing through I didn't have to do the objectives in order, they just popped up whenever I did one, the second time playing through, I couldn't tell because I just did it in order.

One thing that confused me in this was it said to go to the nearest friend, so I dug through to the girl, although she was the objective after that.

and a Second thing, I dug the girl out of her cell but didn't break the cell door and so it didn't give me the objective.

Could someone tell me what's the difference between the normal and the action version? (I haven't been here very long).

Sun May 10, 2009 9:19 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - Action version added!
The normal version is a stealth mission, whereas the action version has enemies coming in through the roof for people who prefer more gunfire. In B23, action is being phased out because it's just too much of a pain to get it working. As well, the objectives will have clear markers on them so you'll always know where to go :)

Sun May 10, 2009 9:58 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
B23'd! And bumped.
There are now objective markers.
Action version is gone for now, as it was generally lame and glitchy.

Thu May 14, 2009 1:06 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
And your promise that B23 would fix it for mac users...?

Thu May 14, 2009 7:47 am

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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
How about making this official content? With some graphical improvements to the objects and replacing the vents with bunker bits could make it really worth a good official mission.

Thu May 14, 2009 10:37 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
why not make the vents official content too? theyre bloody handy, though the sprites could use a bit of tweaking.

Thu May 14, 2009 10:41 am
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
numgun wrote:
How about making this official content? With some graphical improvements to the objects and replacing the vents with bunker bits could make it really worth a good official mission.

I don't think it fits in very well...

Thu May 14, 2009 1:20 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
Roon3 wrote:
numgun wrote:
How about making this official content? With some graphical improvements to the objects and replacing the vents with bunker bits could make it really worth a good official mission.

I don't think it fits in very well...

Stfu, this is as good as it gets. It features single actor controlling, a healing system, checkpoints, multiple goals, timers and lots more. With some tweaking and refining this would be AWESOME.

And on top of that it has a good story and a very fitting scenario.

Now something that wouldnt fit in is something ridiculous like Klone Soccer.
Thats a bit offtopic in CC.

Thu May 14, 2009 3:20 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
Flammablezombie wrote:
And your promise that B23 would fix it for mac users...?

The reason B23 fixes it for Mac users is that the version that works properly was only compatible with B23. It should work for all forms of B23 CC now.

And numgun, the fact that it's played from the side of Ronins is a bit of a problem. It's possible it could be part of an expansion pack (assuming these are made) where you do play as Ronins, though.

Thu May 14, 2009 5:44 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
Klone Soccer would make a good unlockable minigame. Say, pay an entry fee in the campaign menu, choose your faction, you get 3 of the same troops from that faction, and the bonus is a missile with your faction colors! And the reward would be rights to enter the next contest and more gold than you paid to get in. So it'd be a skillful way of getting money. Anyone like that concept? We could even have little ref bots that you could control and sneak into the enemy base to cause carnage.

Thu May 14, 2009 5:48 pm
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Post Re: Coalition Base #836-AOC - B23
TheLastBanana wrote:
And numgun, the fact that it's played from the side of Ronins is a bit of a problem. It's possible it could be part of an expansion pack (assuming these are made) where you do play as Ronins, though.

Or there could be scattered random side missions where you play various scenarios from various perspectives, just as bonus stuff to complement the main game.

If there are expansions, a full Ronin campaign would be a great one. They're by far the most interesting faction so far.

And yeah, the vents would be good official content. If not these ones, then similar ones.

Those grenades are still a real annoyance, they always blow you apart when you try to go down into the pit and get them.
A Lua grenade supply box would be a cool fix to this, ie a bunker system that checks your inventory for grenades and if you have less than a defined maximum, then it would give you grenades at a certain rate.

Fri May 15, 2009 4:18 am
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