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 The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2! 
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP
I want my money back. You promised that the next mod you released would have good sprites. This most certainly doesn't have good sprites. Here's a suggestion stop trying to make your sprites black. It seems like your trying to make them look better by making them hard to see. Another suggestion, please improve your grammar and spelling. This could be really fun if the sprites are better. I'm gonna delete this and wait for Dhu102's knight mod instead.

Last edited by shadow on Wed May 06, 2009 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 06, 2009 9:07 pm

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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP
That's one sexy looking Actor.


Wed May 06, 2009 9:11 pm
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP
shadow717 wrote:
I want my money back. You promised that the next mod you released would have good sprites. This most certainly doesn't have good sprites. Here's a suggestion stop drying to make your sprites black. It seems like your trying to make them look better by making them hard to see. Another suggestion, please improve your grammar and spelling. This could be really fun if the sprites are better. I'm gonna delete this and wait for Dhu102's knight mod instead.

I was talking bout the mech fed. ill work on the sprites right now.


Wed May 06, 2009 9:13 pm
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE!
Right. Now instead of 2 colors sprites got 4 colors. Brilliant.

Thu May 07, 2009 12:01 am
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE!
To be honest, it isn't much better.

Thu May 07, 2009 12:16 am
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE!
FoboslC wrote:
Right. Now instead of 2 colors sprites got 4 colors. Brilliant.

im using paint, its not the tool im used too but ill get this done better.

new bows and improved master.

Thu May 07, 2009 12:17 am
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2!
all it needs is work. try looking at the vanilla sprites and base your guys colours off of those. they would look much better if you used the colour scheme and look of coalition armor.(white and grey) i would recomend to stop adding content and start polishing the stuff you already have!

good luck with your mod. if you want i would be glad to do a little spriting for you.

Thu May 07, 2009 2:32 am
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2!
I like the weapons actualy. That sword IMO is innovative simply because I have yet to see a sword or melee weapon that does not require a click to be activated. It simply kills on touch whether or not it is being fired so props on that but maybe make it a real sword not a glowing one. Yea and sprites could use a little work.

Thu May 07, 2009 3:12 am
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2!
devilsboy005 wrote:
It simply kills on touch whether or not it is being fired

It has been done before, but I believe this is the reason why they're not done too much anymore. Easy to impale yourself if you drop it.

Good start, but definitely work on your sprites. Try pillow shading at the least and work with lots of shades of colors. I suggest Gimp, just because you can see the whole palette at once for easy color selection.

Thu May 07, 2009 3:49 am
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2!
also, "Im using paint" is a stupid thing to say. most people use paint, or maybe GIMP. i use a mixture of both, but if i can do things like this in paint
[The extension bmp has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]
you can get something better than a black and red blob. it would be alright if you said something more along the lines of "I'm not good at spriting, but im trying to learn" but claiming that you even have the capacity to create "good sprites" at the moment is a joke, because of this. even if CC wasnt your style, these would look acceptable. but they dont.
also, never just post a straight .bmp screenshot. the filesize is enough to piss anyone off, save them as .png images.

on the bright side, at least the concept isnt too awful. it isnt really good, but if you execute it well, these could be cool. until then, expect a lot of (hopefully constructive) criticism.

Thu May 07, 2009 5:31 am
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2!
Geti wrote:
also, "Im using paint" is a stupid thing to say. most people use paint, or maybe GIMP. i use a mixture of both, but if i can do things like this in paint
you can get something better than a black and red blob. it would be alright if you said something more along the lines of "I'm not good at spriting, but im trying to learn" but claiming that you even have the capacity to create "good sprites" at the moment is a joke, because of this. even if CC wasnt your style, these would look acceptable. but they dont.
also, never just post a straight .bmp screenshot. the filesize is enough to piss anyone off, save them as .png images.

on the bright side, at least the concept isnt too awful. it isnt really good, but if you execute it well, these could be cool. until then, expect a lot of (hopefully constructive) criticism.

im not used to paint, i used several similar tools, which im decent with, not good. and what i said about cc not being my style is because im not used to making individual body parts. i can make fairly good whole sprites. its also smaller sized actors thain my taste, but im learning
thanks for the advice about the .pngs, however.
also, i cant shade the legs like normal, then it stops looking like a robe, and more like baggy pants

Thu May 07, 2009 4:56 pm
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2!
I support this. The castle and knight mods actually opened a new dimension in CC: A (magical) medieval world battling for gold on some unknown planet. And it needs more factions to further expand that universe.

Like everyone said, shading. Also, I think the actors' designs needs some changes too. Since this is a WIP I'll wait.

Thu May 07, 2009 5:40 pm
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2!
Just shade the outside edge of each robe, and improve the sprites in general. Sadly, this is far too obviously a resprite of the Nonjas.

Thu May 07, 2009 5:44 pm
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Post Re: The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2!
Its making calls to a mod that I don't have...

Thu May 07, 2009 9:33 pm
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