The lost ones (wanderers) WIP UPDATE! #2!
the lost ones are humans who hail from an alternate dimension.
there weaponry is made out of a material known as 'apocolyptium', a material common in there world. things made of this are almost indestructable and very, very, strong.
there technolgy still dates back to the middle ages, but there great masters have figured out a warp hole that links our dimensions. and they like gold. lots of gold. so now there here they are.
upadate! added:
added old master unit
added masters key!
starts of missions!
this is all you need to see:
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recently resprited actors pose in formation! ^
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Maxumum Epicness guarented or your money back!*
mod contains:
wanderer: the average fighter, can be armed with a varity of weapons.
wanderers bow: bow and arrow, more types of bows & arrows coming soon.
wanderers blade: powerfull apocolypteum sword, capable of increadbly massive destruction.
(many thanks too shook for the base code for this)
wanderers key: this usefull tool can open any door: its creator is remebered saying "door?! what door?!"
wanderers sheild: this sheild is made out of apocolyiptium, its fun to laff as the pathetic morrons shoot at you as you walk twords them with your sword. it can withstaned a nuke*
Old Master: when a man comes in contact with apocolyptem for a long time, it builds up his tolorence too it.
these wanderers have been using apocolyptium for their entire lifetime. after a certen time, they actualy eat apocolyptium dust. after they have digested the dust, it dispersise through their bodys and slowly acumulates in their flesh, and replaces their bones. after years of dust, they have become almost indestructable. their skill in battle is unmatched. the Old master acts as your brain.
tri bow: fires 3 arrows!
Hailstorm bow: Fires 100 arows in a rain of death!
thats all for now folks!
* sometimes