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 Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion 
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun wrote:
war_man333 wrote:
Blood looks a bit too red, other than that, cool.
Do you respawn in this?

Not yet, the tournament script hasnt been done yet. After B23 and this mod is released, I'm planning on making a topic in the Lua section complete with a list it needs to have so Lua coders can start making the tournament script (I hope :P ) for the mod when they actually have the mod under them. It will be much more fun to work with that when you have the actual thing.

After the script is done and fully working, it will be incorporated with the mod itself.

Also good news, I just finished making a system for you guys that makes making new maps for the mod VERY easy. You can make new arenas in matter of minutes.

And on top of that I also wrote 2 tutorials on map making. First one for the quick map making and the second one if you want to create a much more custom map.

And I also just used this system to cook up 4 new crazy arena maps.

Then the lightning gun has been finished. You'll love it. You toss actors, drag dropships and crafts, electrocute by zapping them in one place and much more.
Its like a nuclear gravity gun on candy.

sweet :grin:

Tue May 05, 2009 11:46 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun wrote:
war_man333 wrote:
Also numgun if you want to be EXTRA awesome you'd want to throw in a new backdrop.
That'd be EXTRA awesome.

Sure, paint/make me one. And paint/make it good.

This made me laugh.

Great job on the gore, num, it made me think about a silly game mode, vampire fight.
Kill people, and absorb the cloud of gore before it settles, and use it for ammo, power, and minion making.


Anyways, numgun, are you going to exploit your Effector Zones?
A pit of accelerators, a zero G well above a in a vital 3-4way Junction ( Can't get to where I want!!! ) , a hall of decelerators.

Wed May 06, 2009 12:01 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun wrote:
Also updated the first post and heres some more pictures:


Thats all the usable items so far. Not including modules, maps and so on.
This mod is fudge HUGE.

Looks awesome! Could we get a description for each of those yummy weapons/bombs/crates/etc.? :P

Wed May 06, 2009 12:24 am

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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Foa wrote:
Anyways, numgun, are you going to exploit your Effector Zones?
A pit of accelerators, a zero G well above a in a vital 3-4way Junction ( Can't get to where I want!!! ) , a hall of decelerators.

Not that much, my goal is to keep the maps simple and playable and not compltetely ridiculous (I already made a couple and now I regret them :roll: ).
However, you all are free to make such insane batshit crazy maps.
And making these maps easier than ever:

Just open up the scene editor, load a terrain you want to build on and after that, save. Done.

Its that easy.

Also I'm serious about that background thing.
If you can, please make any backgrounds in CC palette and send them to me. I'll put em up on some of the maps and get your name in the credits!

Minimum size is 640x480 and recommended is 800x600 or higher.

Wed May 06, 2009 12:30 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Dayum, this is feeling quite something counterstrikey, what with the maps and all. Unique! Definitely gonna DL when it's out.

Wed May 06, 2009 1:57 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
'Tis gonna be in the actual game? Hopefully?

Wed May 06, 2009 2:23 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun wrote:

says fail, but is actually win.

I recently made a backdrop, and it was kinda fun. I wouldn't mind trying to make a good one for this mod.
Of course I'd need a beta... :)

Wed May 06, 2009 2:25 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
The respawn script isn't the best, it works by checking if there's any actors on the map with that presetname, and if not, it makes one in the respawn area. It sucks because it only supports one actor per team. And now that I think of it it doesn't even work like that.
I think I could use the actors' destroy function to trigger the respawn timer and store the actor's presetname somewhere but that would be hard to do to support multiple respawns at once. Is it necessary to respawn many actors at a time, or does the player have only one actor on the field at a time? And are there more than one presetname for the BW actors?

Wed May 06, 2009 5:28 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Aspect wrote:
numgun wrote:

says fail, but is actually win.

I recently made a backdrop, and it was kinda fun. I wouldn't mind trying to make a good one for this mod.
Of course I'd need a beta... :)

Fail Win : You went out so well, you win.

And why thank you num, are you going to release these bastard scenes?

Piipu, what about that respawn point code from the Soccer Klone mode?

Wed May 06, 2009 5:42 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Bomb dispensers.
Pads that throw stuff upwards.
Bomb dispensers.

Also, I can't wait to grab a melee weapon and rush through to a guy using an accelerator. No range advantage for you. And the pure epic of flying at high speed through a freshly made cloud of blood and gibs seems like a promising concept. Now if team play were implemented...
"Line up men!"
"Uh sarget, is this such a good idea when we haven't checked for ambushes?"

So yeah, that's actually probably going to be the first thing I try when this comes out, lining up heaps of guys and trying to time my melee swings right so I don't die from crashing into the guys...

Wed May 06, 2009 10:01 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
piipu wrote:
The respawn script isn't the best, it works by checking if there's any actors on the map with that presetname, and if not, it makes one in the respawn area. It sucks because it only supports one actor per team. And now that I think of it it doesn't even work like that.
I think I could use the actors' destroy function to trigger the respawn timer and store the actor's presetname somewhere but that would be hard to do to support multiple respawns at once. Is it necessary to respawn many actors at a time, or does the player have only one actor on the field at a time? And are there more than one presetname for the BW actors?

Every player controls only one actor and if it dies, respawn.
And theres only one unit in BW. The other dude with the revolver and some yellow stripes is a brain "hero merc" that is ment as a skirmish commander so no need to worry about him.

But seriously, dont get too excited to it script yet. Once I release the mod, I'll make a new topic with a Biiig list of how I want the script to work.
And you'll have much more fun scripting it when you have the
actual content to test the script on.

Hell, if you really want to look at it now, here:

@ Foa:
This mod will include:
-12 new terrains
-14 new vanilla terrains that have been compactible with the arena editor
(Youll get these terrains normally in B23, but I had to do some work to make them
work with the scene editor so you could use the BW stuff.)
-16 Prebuilt arenas/bunkers

so thats techically 12 + 16 = 28 new maps in the release.

Wed May 06, 2009 10:24 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
B23 has 14 new maps?!
Whoa, if that's true, all I'm doing 'till B23 is refresh the devlog page.

Edit: I might also paint that BG thing you wanted, what would you like to look like? Mountains? A desert? Pie? A forest thing?

Wed May 06, 2009 12:27 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Have you got a velocity limiter so that you can't use accelerator modules to go to a ridiculous speed and crash the game?

Wed May 06, 2009 1:09 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Velocity caps at 500 and has for like, five builds now.

Wed May 06, 2009 2:07 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun, you dont seem to be using the dark gore sprites enough. it makes the blood seem a little lurid.
maybe add a few more/at all into the gibs?

Wed May 06, 2009 2:16 pm
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