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 Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG 
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Post Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
When I play CC, the sound starts to lag really badly and sounds horrible. Anyone else having this problem?
I wish I could record this screwy music, but sadly, I have no tools for which to do so.

Also, the soldier sounds that are triggered by an event (Grunting when falling, after a kill, etc.) are not played. Actually, they might be, but the scratchy background music and shooting sounds drown it out then.

Also, the damn thing's laggy as hell, even with no mods installed. It shouldn't be a issue with my computer power (4.00 ghz (!) dual core, running on WinXp prof.) or my videocard (Nvidia GeForce 9200), so what could it be?

Sat May 02, 2009 2:11 am
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
Maybe CC doesn't like your soundcard. And it seems some computers just don't run CC as they should.

Sat May 02, 2009 9:17 am
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
Huh. That's not very helpful advice.

Hopefully the next version will fix this. Although I doubt it.

Sat May 02, 2009 8:58 pm
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
It's called lag. It makes all sound and visuals crappy. cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it.

Sat May 02, 2009 9:21 pm
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
This happens to me when I get a message on Google Talk. The sound begins to jitter or not play.
How much RAM do you have? Assuming it's on par with the rest of your specs, I couldn't tell you what the problem is. It could well be something wrong with Allegro, it's had a history of problems with window handles.

Sat May 02, 2009 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
Flammablezombie wrote:
It's called lag. It makes all sound and visuals crappy. cry me a river, build me a bridge, and get over it.
Woose1 wrote:
4.00 ghz [...] dual core [...] Nvidia GeForce 9200
Maybe, just maybe, he wanted to know why it was lagging on a computer with ridiculously awesome specs. Just maybe.
Anyway, have you tried checking how much CPU Cortex Command is using? Maybe you should try setting affinity on most of your other processes to one CPU and set Cortex Command's affinity to the now free CPU.

Sun May 03, 2009 2:01 am
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
Thanks, 411570N3. (Ahhg copy-pasting names suuuucks)

As for the RAM issue, I have 2.00 GB of it... so I think I'm O.K. (That is, assuming that I have any knowledge of how processing works, however.)


Unless that's not a lot...

I can try changing the processors's core affinity, however I'm not sure how that will affect the rest of my computer. :P

TheLastBanana wrote:
This happens to me when I get a message on Google Talk. The sound begins to jitter or not play.It could well be something wrong with Allegro, it's had a history of problems with window handles.

That sounds similar to what's happening, but what's Allegro? Since when are we using pharmaceuticals in our computers?

Sun May 03, 2009 6:02 pm
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
That's the library CC uses to process sound, graphics and user input.
And I guess it would depend on how much of your RAM is being used up. CC is very intensive on RAM usage. I have 1 GB RAM, and this kind of sound problem can be caused by things like another window opening up or other such things.
Are there any large programs running in the background when this lag is happening?

Sun May 03, 2009 7:11 pm
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
Define 'large'. I usually only have Mozilla Firefox running, and sometimes not even that.

Sun May 03, 2009 11:52 pm
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
Hrm, that sounds fine to me. I'm not entirely sure what it would be, I guess it depends from computer to computer.

Mon May 04, 2009 1:06 am
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Post Re: Music and just the sound in general are screwy, and LAG
Woose1 wrote:
Define 'large'. I usually only have Mozilla Firefox running, and sometimes not even that.

For me, FF takes about 100 Megs of ram with about 3 tabs.

Mon May 04, 2009 2:45 am
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