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 Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion 
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Give the enemy:
Enemy.Vel = Vector (500,0) -- I think that's how its done, someone confirm this

Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:37 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Roon3 wrote:
This should work for now:
ActivityMan:GetActivity().ActivityState = Activity.EDITING

I haven't tested it, I remember it crashing. (Or doing some other disappointing thing)

Thats the very code its using already.
The thing is, CC has a hardcode that when the bunker building has been done once or the game is running, it instantly brings you back into the game. Now until that changes, the module will lag quite alot since you need to place an actor in the module which will start repeatly activating the build mode. Now you can place stuff and such, but to continue the game, you must knock the actor that is in the module with an explosive or similar. Like a stick grenade. Once the actor is out of the module, the game will resume.

Also after reading through Exalions suggestions, I got the idea to make another grenade: Vortex Grenade.
Its something I've always wanted. Although I'll probably make it only affect actors and items to prevent it from lagging.

Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:41 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Roon3 wrote:
Give the enemy:
Enemy.Vel = Vector (500,0) -- I think that's how its done, someone confirm this

I do believe that'd result in a 500 pixel phase horizontally every frame... perhaps a smaller number would be better.

Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:48 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun wrote:
Roon3 wrote:
This should work for now:
ActivityMan:GetActivity().ActivityState = Activity.EDITING

I haven't tested it, I remember it crashing. (Or doing some other disappointing thing)

Thats the very code its using already.
The thing is, CC has a hardcode that when the bunker building has been done once or the game is running, it instantly brings you back into the game. Now until that changes, the module will lag quite alot since you need to place an actor in the module which will start repeatly activating the build mode. Now you can place stuff and such, but to continue the game, you must knock the actor that is in the module with an explosive or similar. Like a stick grenade. Once the actor is out of the module, the game will resume.

Also after reading through Exalions suggestions, I got the idea to make another grenade: Vortex Grenade.
Its something I've always wanted. Although I'll probably make it only affect actors and items to prevent it from lagging.

You've told Data right?
If he can fix it, and I can get a Build Module when B23 comes out I'd be so happy.

Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:04 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun wrote:
Also after reading through Exalions suggestions...


Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:11 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
How about a special killzone? What happens is, when you enter the zone, some MOSRotatings appear and fly towards you, just like the boulder trap in Indiana Jones.
Or something like that.
So it's still a killzone, but it's an escapable killzone...
You could probably do an arrow trap the same way too... and proper pit traps... you could make a pit trap by having an MOSRotating covering a hole instagib when an actor moves through the zone... or a big pinned object that unpins when you move underneath it...
Hey, I have another idea: a laser cage. When you enter the area, widelasers appear in a box around you, making you unable to escape...

Mon Apr 27, 2009 1:21 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Aw man I can't wait till this is finished.
Can we get another teaser? :D

Mon Apr 27, 2009 2:42 pm

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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
While I made the vortex grenade, I did 2 alternative sprites, one is unused.
It looks pretty cool, but I dont know what kind of device/grenade/explosive it could be. Suggest some good ideas!


Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:38 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
How about that effect in anime just before a giant magic energy explosion where tiny bits of the ground fly up as well as people around?
So what I'm thinking is slight terrain damage particles followed by moving everything in the blast radius a pixel or two up so they aren't on the ground and then setting all of them to effective zero gravity. Then after a little while make them all fly really fast outwards, so it's like a reverse vortex grenade... the thing is, if you got it to work, you'd have to balance out the amount of terrain taken out of the ground to use as projectiles on the effected enemies with the lag you get from firing the appropriate particles into them...
Alternatively you could just make it suck up pixels of terrain and then fire them very quickly outwards...

Tue Apr 28, 2009 12:50 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Hey by the way, is it possible to make weapons do burst fires? So that when you click once, it shoots 3 rounds?

Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:03 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
A bunch of people said it'd be supposedly possible using Lua, though I'm not sure on the exact code you'd use.
Hmm... A timer, code which fires when the timer is right, resets the timer and adds one to the counter variable as long as the counter variable's not three. Hmmm....... that probably wouldn't work because of the fact that I don't think there's anywhere appropriate to put that code...

Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:13 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Thats pretty much like your ordinary frag grenade.

I was thinking something more advanced. I had some of these ridiculous ideas cross my mind:

-Blackhole charge

Generates a powerful black sphere that sucks in everything that touches it.
It doesnt destroy them, but it makes them simply go "poof" if anything hits it.
It would affect everything. Bullets, items, farting, craft, actors and so on.
It would classify as a super weapon I think.

-Plasma trailer grenade

Shoots out about 8 randomly moving plasma balls in all directions that freely fly around the area of detonation and do bad things to actors that touch them.
Think of a bomb that fires out crazy emitters.

-Portable teleport

Either makes you link up with the teleport network and allow you to teleport yourself to another static teleport module on the map.


Teleport to nearest ally or brain or teleport module.

@ Warman: Click, release, click. Simple.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:18 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun wrote:
Click, release, click. Simple.


Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:32 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
How about a grenade that shuffles around the positions of actors in the area of effect? That could have some interesting results, expecially when combined with in-flight, well-aimed rockets.
Other ideas:
-Temporarily making everything in the effect radius zero-grav
-A deployable sentry gun
-A forced random teleport
-Proper sticky grenades
-Proper flash-bangs
-Reversing the velocity of everything in range
-One of those mines that jumps to head height before exploding

I think he means Lua based three round bursts, not just doing fully automatic fire and releasing the fire button manually.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 1:37 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
411570N3 wrote:
-Reversing the velocity of everything in range

This, perfect.

*Runs off to his evil lab*

Also your other ideas were really good too. Reminded me of this cool weapon in Wild Metal Country. A teleport missile.
You shoot at it and it partially locks on to an enemy target and when it hits, you and the enemy switch places.

I'll also try making a mine, it will be tough to make it unnoticable, but it will be a great addition to a deathmatch.
It will probably use a simple code like if actor is within range, it will gib itself.

Tue Apr 28, 2009 2:09 pm
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