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 Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion 
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
The Mind wrote:
war_man333 wrote:
Speed module? Is that possible?

With Lua, yes.


Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:24 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
hey chode you realize the wordfilter is entirely optional

and you look like a moron?

♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ kike ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ ass cock

Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:50 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
This'll be great. ( Speed Module + Sniper = :D )

And I hope that lua zones can effect MOPixels, I seriously want to have that moid accelerator/decelerator to screw things over. ( Dummy falls into a pit filled with speed modules. Prepare to experience subatomic fission )

For the 0G Module, reorienting your actors will allow you to jump off the wall/ceiling, or fly horizontally, and will enable exiting the 0G field with less of the hassle.

Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:47 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Numgun, you're going to need the traditional deathmatch super weapon. One use only.

You could actually use a slightly less devastating Ypsilon...

Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:43 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Wow! Really looking forward to those bunker modules. They open up a ton of new base design stratagies, and all around clone flingging fun!

Sun Apr 26, 2009 5:10 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Exalion wrote:
Numgun, you're going to need the traditional deathmatch super weapon. One use only.

You could actually use a slightly less devastating Ypsilon...

Instagib Tackle Box, it summons many tiny imps, and instagibs the nearest Moids. ( Chase Down! )

Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:01 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
@Exalion: yeah, but when you think about it you could just use one of the accelerator grenades and a "laser" or minigun for the same effect. i dont think its really necessary..

Sun Apr 26, 2009 6:23 am
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Foa wrote:
This'll be great. ( Speed Module + Sniper = :D )

And I hope that lua zones can effect MOPixels, I seriously want to have that moid accelerator/decelerator to screw things over. ( Dummy falls into a pit filled with speed modules. Prepare to experience subatomic fission )

The accelerator module affects items(TDE,MOSR ect) and particles (MOPixel, MOSParticle).
So yeah, shooting a sniper through it will supercharge the bullet.

Actors are affected by jumppads so you can make some scary things with those too.

Exalion wrote:
Numgun, you're going to need the traditional deathmatch super weapon. One use only.




But what kind of superweapon? What it must be however, a handheld device and it can NOT rely on "airstrikes" mainly because alot of maps are completely underground or everything interesting is in the bunkers.
Something like a ut2k4 redeemer, a homing missile swarm, a homing laser, AAL TIC, BFG9000 ect ect.
It must be a single use weapon too.

Geti wrote:
@Exalion: yeah, but when you think about it you could just use one of the accelerator grenades and a "laser" or minigun for the same effect. i dont think its really necessary..

You might think so, but then again, its not that powerful. The grenade first must be thrown the direction the enemy is. After it deploys a tiny field (30x30pixels, thats slightly less than a module size.) you must have your weapon ready to fire and position the field between yourself and the target. And you have 8 seconds to make this work.

While it does infact extend the range of the projectiles and their sharpness, it should be also noted the enemy can shoot at you too through the field.

Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:07 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun wrote:
Exalion wrote:
Numgun, you're going to need the traditional deathmatch super weapon. One use only.





I made a weird weapon a while ago, but never released it because it was horribly unbalanced. Maybe you could use a similar idea.

It had 200 bullets in a round, each bullet was made of 5 particles and completely invisible, but it fired the bullets so quickly that it emptied it's clip instantly.

It was like a shotgun on crack. It wasn't a vortex shotgun, but it did the job of MASS DEATH AND PAIN.

Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:22 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
numgun wrote:
But what kind of superweapon?

I vote for a handheld Ypsilon [beam]. Less rape and smaller of course, but still. Ypsilon to the face. Hmm. Even better would be if you could detect if an actor was killed by it, then write on the screen "You've been Ypped."

Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:28 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Numgun, when you release this, can you release some of the modules seperately as well?
That Build Module is EXTREMELY useful

Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:09 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
This should work for now:
ActivityMan:GetActivity().ActivityState = Activity.EDITING

I haven't tested it, I remember it crashing. (Or doing some other disappointing thing)

Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:18 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
Ok, ideas for superweapon(s):

- wall ignoring DEATH RAY: shoots a big (pink?) beam that totally ignores terrain, not harming it at all, but dissolves actors, and can be fired for about 10(to 30?) seconds before disintegrating.

- hyper ball (of death): fires a projectile which bounces off walls and kills everything nearby. 1 shot, long lifetime projectile.

- Quantum Dislocation Cannon: 'shoots a small projectile which travels a short while before triggering a black hole, which lasts a split second before collapsing' In other words, a massive terrain eating CANNON. 1 shot.

- Nasty Noise Gun: with earmuffs: fires an ultrasonic wave that kills everyone in the whole map, except user. 1 use only.

- 'noob sniper': a high-powered sniper rifle with 1 shot, which is homing and always kills.

- Disease gun: shoots a single projectile, which makes target 'infectious'. Health slowly drops, and all players within a certain distance also become infectious.

- Quantum Distortion Cannon: fires a small projectile which after a few seconds (give player time to run away) teleports everything in a certain distance somewhere else on the map, in exactly the same place. Fire it at two or more players and they'll teleport somewhere else inside each other. Boom. 1 shot.

- 'Molestorm' RapidRocketLauncher: fires several (10?) rocket-propelled explosives with digging blades and seeking heads at high speed. these projectiles dig through the map after other players, and don't stop until they detonate.

- 'Insurgent' tool: fires an invisible projectile, which makes the target explode violently a minute or so after. The idea is that they run off to fight other people and go KA-BOOM, and you get the kills for them and everyone unfortunate enough to be near them.

- 'gremlin' beam weapon: makes the targets weapons 'malfunction' and fire themselves at the wielder over and over again until the user is dead.

- 'Arnie AK' a one-hit-kill assault rifle with infinite ammo.

- 'Instant Zombies' a bomb which creates a team of undead monsters who go after everyone else except the user. when a zombie kills something, the corpse becomes a new zombie, although the player is allowed to respawn. Use them as meatshields, distractions or just let them wreak havoc by themselves.

- 'GravSteroid injector' shoots a projectile which sends the target hurtling in a random direction at a huge velocity.

- Stealth field and Ninja Knife: makes wielder invisible. ninja knife is instant kill close up weapon. field lasts about 30 seconds.

- 'Kool-Aid Man Kit' makes wielder invincible, unstoppable and able to smash through players and terrain at ease. lasts about 10 seconds, and wielder can't use any other weapons during this time (as if they'd need to!)

- 'Calm the beefmin' tranquilliser: infinite ammo, no damage. a weapon for upsetting enemies. Best used with a melee weapon 'stun and stab'.

- 'panic' personal emergency teleporter: teleports anywhere in the map, including terrain

- 'PACMAN' effect: user's movespeed doubles, instantly kills opponents who it touches. Can still be shot. effect lasts 15 seconds(?) weapons can't be used during this time.

- 'jumbler' seismic disruptor: shakes the hell out of everything. Not sure if it's possible, but it'd be damn funny.

- 'sudden death' device. starts a steady destruction of the terrain from the ground up, forcing players to gain as high ground as possible and resulting in a much shorter game.

- Temporal retrieval device: when wielder is killed, they get all the weapons they had when they died, exluding this device.

- 'spawnkiller' Telekinetic Field Disruptor: kills whoever spawned most recently, by tearing them apart from the inside out.

Hope some of those ideas are useful!

Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:43 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
You could make a super high powered version of that exorcism gun. Click once and everybody's heads blow up. : )

Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:17 pm
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Post Re: Ballistic Weapons: Mercenaries! ))AAL Discussion
-Weapon that makes every other enemy act as if in a zero gravity zone and pushes them a few pixels up as well, immobilisation
-Spawn short timer explosives at enemy positions, move or die
-Make every enemy fly upwards for a split second
-Make enemies have massive negative mass, for a demonstration of what this would do, try loading up a dummy with a few 100 kg of Anti-Mass
-Make enemies very heavy
-Randomly spawn temporary killzones
-Random use of Lord Tim's weather systems or similar
-Set the player's actor on fire, similar to the Mutagen Maker Foundation, but with the Player's health pinned at 100

Sun Apr 26, 2009 2:29 pm
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