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 Mutagen Makers Federation VERSION 3! With added lua-ness! 
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
I mean......nevermind *does the robot*

Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:38 am
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
This gives me a great idea.

A bomb maker's pack.

It would include different methods of delivery, such as rocket, bomb, etc, etc.

Into these empty shells you would load different "chemicals", say things like gunpowder, napalm, shrapnel.

So for example napalm by itself would be good, but napalm and gunpowder would be the same as just gunpowder. Gunpowder and shrapnel would be much more effective than just gunpowder.

This would be good fun but probably impossible right?

Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:54 am
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
Thats actually a really cool idea if your doing it, tell me when its done plz

Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:08 pm
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
No, it's entirely possible. Just make a shrapnel bomb with a not very powerful explosion, and a series of sharpness based explosions with varying gibimpulselimits. The explosions would also vary depending on power. For example, gunpowder is not very useful unless packed tightly into some holder. So it would be the least powerful. C4 would be at the opposite end, or maybe Nitrous Oxide...

Sun Apr 12, 2009 4:13 pm
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
Jesus... I cannot keep your amazing work :grin:
Instant D'ling!!!

And abobination! yes!!!

[ EDIT ]

Spoiler :

Tested, Simply brilliant but the space time haven't crashed for me :P
The starburst cannon brokes all body what I've tsted scepting the MPAM...
And the abobination its really cool ^^ I think im in love!

Last edited by NaXx on Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Apr 12, 2009 6:29 pm
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
good ideas.

just a very ugly product :(.

Sun Apr 12, 2009 8:57 pm
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
Wow guys, thanks for all the comments and feedback! :grin:
...I had actually thought that my mod woldn't be so well received... :P

@Cornetto: Yeah, I know, my spriting is horrible, but if you look at my previous mods you will see that it has improved, even if just a little.

@The Decaying Soldat: The mini moai's voice really is annoying, but I intended it to be so. Imagine the following scene:
A coalition soldier and a mini moai are guarding a bunker:
Soldier: ...
Mini: Minimoai!
Mini: Minimoai!
Soldier: Stop making that noise, it's annoying.
Mini: Minimoai!
Soldier: I said stop, OK?
Mini: Minimoai!
Soldier:Shut up willya?
Mini: Minimoai!
Soldier: You are starting to make me angry...
Mini: Minimoai!
Soldier: Oh, just shut the hell up!
Mini: Minimoai!
Soldier: <grabs a shotgun> SHUT THE @$@$#% UP!
Mini: Minimo... <gets blown into pieces>

@Morbo!!!: Making transformations in the player's actors is easy, you just have to use the medpack exploit. To make an enemy transform, on the other hand, would require custom wounds, which are currently not possible to create. I guess we'll have to wait until B23, or use the trap method that Numgun suggested.

@Thoughtprocess: I've tested the moai serum and it works as it should. Wait a little longer, it might take some time for the transformation to happen. And the abomination actually drools: if you watch closely, you'll see a few drops of blood dripping out of its mouth every two seconds or so.

@Numgun: Oops, I think I accidntally put an extra zero on the zombie serum's price. Will be fixed in the next release, along with a HDFirearm version to use as a trap. And don't worry, I am already working on a bunch of new transformation serums. And thanks for the comments about the abomination's sprites, I put a lot of effort into it :) .

@xerxys: Yeah, Douglas Adams is awesome. :grin:

And I guess that's it. For those of you more curious about the further expansions of this pack, here are some things I am currently working on:

-Bottled ghost: Gain all the power of an ancient samurai's spirit just by pushing one button!

-Crab DNA: Crabs are already awesome. What about crab-like people?

-A HUGE actor: Can't tell what it is now, but be sure that it will be HUMUNGOUS.

-Insect Swarm: A classic mutation, a cloud of killer bees comes out of your body and starts hunting your enemies.

Well, thanks again for the positive comments, and see you on the next version :grin: !

Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:43 pm
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
Aside from the geneticist sprite, I find it quite impressive. The whole virus serum thing is very cool. (On the subject of geneticists, why would they be fighting anyway? O_o)

Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:59 pm
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
Could this possibly be converted to mac? I'm trying, but I'm stuck trying to replace "Shell Sniper Rifle" in Guns.ini.

Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:27 am
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
you bring a whole new definition to lIMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR!!!'

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Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:47 am
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
What I like about the serums is that it is a weapon with a new concept. Your (poor) actor is only there to carry the weapon to the field, use his body to activate the weapon and die.

Also, the only use I find with the zombie serum is when your actor is bleeding to death, turn him into a zombie before he expires. Though a zombie doesn't add too much forces into your army.

Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:05 am
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
I really like the abomination, probably my favorite in this pack. Other than polishing some sprites and coding, this is a nice pack.

Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:45 am
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
I've created a Mac compatible MMF, albeit at the loss of some guns. However, the serums are still intact. The main problem with it was Gun.ini, so if anyone who can convert better than me takes up the job, go ahead. I'm not so good at this anyway.

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Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:18 pm
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
Tzsak wrote:
(On the subject of geneticists, why would they be fighting anyway? O_o)

Because they're man of science, playing with
live and dead daily, and don't fear to nothing!!

Tue Apr 14, 2009 1:37 am
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Post Re: Mutagen Makers Federation
Just a small teaser to what I am currently coding for this pack:


(Sorry for the bad quality, I am useless at making GIFs...)

The Advanced Field Suit ( AFS ) is an improved brainbot: it is made to keep our geneticists' most valuable organ, the brain, up and running even after their human bodies die. It is faster, stronger and more powerful than a normal brainbot, and is an AHuman with threads. Exactly, no legs, just good, old, tank threads. ( Thanks to Zalo for the walkpaths... This probably would never have worked without them. :P )
(The sprites still look a bit weird, but I am still finishing them.)

Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:27 pm
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