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 D&D and such 
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Post Re: D&D and such
asdfds Where were you guys? Oh well. I have spring break next week, lets schedule something then. When are you guys free?

Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:17 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
Aight my G's, this saturday I do not have anything planned as of yet, so for the 1800000th time I am going to try to DM. Get into the IRC around noon GMT-8. All are welcome, not all may play. Depending on how many show up I may divide the player base into 2 groups. I am thinking around 2 GMT-8 we could start. See you there I hope.

Thu Apr 02, 2009 2:53 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Well shitting ♥♥♥♥ nipples, Aspasia, you had to pick the day I'm holding my birthday party, didn't you?

Birthday was April 1st, by the way.

Guess I'll be missing out on this session, although I am playing DnD with some 'real-life' guys on Friday.

Fri Apr 03, 2009 5:32 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Well, after the first session went pretty well, wouldn't you know it, my computer broke. I do not know when it will be fixed. Sorry guys.

Fri Apr 10, 2009 8:00 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
Incoming Wall 'o' Text

Alright, I have fixed my computer which means we are ready to go again. Our first session of the new campaign setting went rather well, or at least compared to the previous sessions we have had. I feel that the pretty much sole use of Skype during the last three quarters of the game really helped improve the experience. Glad I tried it like that, and I am glad I was horribly wrong in a good way.

Our current roster is:

Dineras Bravus, Human Druid
Markavus, Dineras's trusty wolf companion

Keyes, Human Wizard specializing in Conjuration

Sarsinas, Lizardfolk Cleric

There is still plenty of room to join in, so feel free to hop on IRC on a day we are playing and join in. Hell, PM me and I'll try to find time to give you a personal crash course to the game if you just want to try it out without having to deal with group drama. Skype is not neccessary, but it is highly reccommended as the game will take a lot longer and be less vivid because I will have to juggle describing ♥♥♥♥ and keeping up with you guys. Also, with Skype you can have fun and laugh and crack jokes with the rest of us who are on it.

I would also like to stress the fact that this topic is not just for D&D, but also Dark Heresy, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplaying Game, Exalted, Paranoia, Traveller, and many other "Pen 'n' Paper" RPG games. Feel free to discuss your game of choice with others and possibly even organize a game together. I would also like to stress the fact that I would really appreciate if my players to check up on this topic once in awhile to find out the information I have posted on it regarding session time and such as opposed to yelling at me because they missed a session because I never told them/gave them warning/they had no way of knowing. Come on now guys, I always post the info here, so your excuse does not work.

Now comes the bad news. I am doing horribly in school due to a severe case of DGAF, and though I have said this before, I really need to concentrate on school work for a bit. Otherwise I am completely screwed over. What does kind of make this a moot point is that ComradePyro, who hosts the dicebot, is in Ohio for god knows what reason, probably for a vacation. I have not heard a peep from him in days and have heard he will be there for 2 weeks. So once again, yet not entirely of my fault(this time), D&D is on hiatus.

The end of my post will summarize the last session.
So pretty much the two travelling partners, Mombasa and demetrius (who played a mute barbarian) went into town for mead. After proceeding to be enormous clowns to the owner and his daughter by sheer force of cold shouldering, a man begged them for help. The man's father, being senile, had spent the entirety of the family fortune of adventuring gear. He was 65, clearly past the adventuring age. The man wanted the ♥♥♥♥ his dad bought back so he could atleast sell it back for the money, bringing dad back was optional. So after getting the rudimentary direction in which the old man was seen heading last, off they go into the nearby forest. Meanwhile, ComradePyro is chiling in his sacred grove. Suddenly the forest spirit flips the ♥♥♥♥ out informing him of a humanoid creature wreaking havoc through the forest, killing flora and fauna indiscriminately. So off Max Rockatansky and Dogmea- I mean ComradePyro and his animal companion go. Getting tired of following the trail at such a slow pace, demetrius ♥♥♥♥ MISSLE KICKS down the trail of destruction ending up outside of an Ancient Dwarven Ruin. The sound being unmistakable, draws ComradePyro. The two groups realize they have similar goals and descend. Unfortunately all but the Druid forgot that charging downstairs in the pitch black is a horrible idea, and nearly broke their necks. The group found navigated the dungeon, with demetrius (literally) eating many a dart trap. They eventually came into a large chamber guarded by a Golem. After solving the Golem's riddle the hidden door was revealed. Behind it were 4 Dwarven Skeletons in full plate wielding greataxes. They pose a definite threat yes, but if the valiant heroes are careful and wise, they may yet win the day. THIS IS NOT THE CASE. Demetrius decides to try and jump around the skeletons. Did I say around? Sorry, I meant through, because thats pretty much the thought process here. He evoked attacks of oppurtunity from three skeletons. He was at 8 HP. First one hits, 13 damage iirc. Second misses as does the third. Regardless, the only person who stood a good chance in melee against these brutes is now sliding across the floor unconscious leaving a bloody path. After many summonings and acidings, the party's morale and mortality are steadily decreasing. Markavus suffers a particularly nasty wound and is forced to retreat. The party is on their last legs and about to wipe when suddenly a savior comes in the form of a Lizardman priesssssssssssst. In only a few seconds this divine servant recites hymns to destroy the unholy abominations. After many introductions (Cleric was sent by same man as Mombasa and demetrius) the party is too wary of the chamber beyond and take a door that seemed to lead to a symmetrical, opposite side of the hallway they followed into the large room. Right behind the door is none other than the old man's corpse, had had succumbed to the numerous traps. So party bring s body back, gets reward and favor, and good times are had. Suddenly ComradePyro hears the forest spirit wail in pain. As he looks in the distance of his forest he see smoke and hurries out of the city. He arrives to find his sacred grove, and indeed most of the forest, being desecrated by (at this point) unstoppable flames. DUN DUN DUN! To be continued.

EDIT: I do not know how I could have forgotten this. At one point in the battle, the wizard, yes the wizard played by none other than Mombasa, finding himself with no weapons after flinging it ineffectually past the skeletons and against the wall, attacked an enemy trying to run by him in pursuit of one of his comrades. The events that unfolded can only be described as "going FIST OF THE ♥♥♥♥ NORTH STAR" on the skeleton. He punched it's head off. Yes. Yes you heard that right. What are you waiting for? Go get that man a beer!

Tue Apr 14, 2009 5:25 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Be home by this weekend k love you bye.

Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:46 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Aspasia wrote:
The events that unfolded can only be described as "going FIST OF THE fudge NORTH STAR" on the skeleton. He punched it's head off. Yes. Yes you heard that right. What are you waiting for? Go get that man a beer!

Gotta love dem Crit's.

I play DnD through Fantasy Grounds with some of my friends, and since last saturday, its pretty much been a nightly thing.

Only real highlights from our Games would be my Rouge friend stabbing a Halfling in the ass ... literaly ... and killing it. Me, a Dragonborn Fighter, kicking my Paladin companion into a supposedly trap filled room and nearly knocking him out with the non-lethal damage XP. And my other compadre a Samurai nearly getting violated by a wraith but being promply saved by my dragonbreath and the pally's lay-on-hands.

Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:46 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
Anytime a player asks if they can do something if they roll an x or 3 20s in a row. Case in point. My friend was playing an invisible rouge dude. He says "Hey Andrew, if I roll three 20s in a row can I rape the dwarf?" "He's wearing plate mail!" "I know" "...You know what, sure, go ahead." And the laughter echoed throughout the cosmos.

Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:55 pm
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Around 4 or 5-ish in the morning that's pretty much what our games devolve into, pointless actions, psudo-rape, and lots of dirty jokes. Take LordPedo, our Paladin, for example ... on second thought. Ill let you take care of that >.>

Also, just to clarify. Which game are you talking from?

Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:59 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
D&D 3.5. He was a Skulk(?) I have no idea it was a oneshot for winter vacation.

Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:29 pm
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Hmmm, Fantasy Grounds runs offa 3.5.
And I think it may be a Skulker class, something of a rouge that specilizes in Hide, Move Quietly, etc.

Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:39 pm
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No it was a race. Inherit +15 to hide or some ♥♥♥♥. its from one of the supplements apparently.

Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:43 pm
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Its from the Races of Destiny supplemental book.
Yeah, their pretty much stacked in terms of hiding abilitys and int.

Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:06 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
Apparently the actual printed insta-kill rules are two 20's in a row with a confirming roll after.

Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:36 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
Tucker is back so I am thinking we meet at 3:30pm GMT -8 but start at 4:45 or so. That way we will know how many people we have. Again, feel free to show up.

Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:11 pm
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