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Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:12 pm
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This is the second (i guess?) mod ive made.

I think its pretty neat, but then again my opinion is pretty biased.

With his permission, I took apart SpacePope's Blunderbuss launcher.

And out came this:

Otherwise known as the David Versus Goliath and Goliath's whole fudging army gun.


After making "Gashdal's Gun" I had an Epiphony.

I wanted to make a gun that shot rocks.

and then the name came to me a few minutes later. Bam.
So Then after like *counts* 4 hours of trial and error, I finally got it to work.
Its mostly for-the-lulz because the rocks dont really do much, and as an added bonus,
The rocks gib into fire!
Wootz, so yeah, tell me what you think.

Credit to SpacePope, Theseus, Duh, and FlammableZombie. (they helped me get the code to work)

File comment: :O
Gashdal.rte.rar [1.17 KiB]
Downloaded 486 times
Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:48 pm
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
Well, I'll give it to you that it's one of the better Base.rte parts edits I've seen. I don't think anyone's done rocks before.
On the other hand, the offsets for both the way the actor holds the gun and the place where the rocks are emitted need... a lot of work.

Still, there are worse second mods to be had.

Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:00 pm

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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
Fredrick wrote:
Well, I'll give it to you that it's one of the better Base.rte parts edits I've seen. I don't think anyone's done rocks before.
On the other hand, the offsets for both the way the actor holds the gun and the place where the rocks are emitted need... a lot of work.

Still, there are worse second mods to be had.

yes, ill get to the offsets once i overcome my laziness to open the .ini file :P

and thanks.

Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:05 pm
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
Looks epic. I changed the AddToGroup to Gashdal's EPIC STASH OF INSTANT FUN. No sarcasm. Your first gun was competent, and this is just downright epic. I expect great things from you. Now make a giant stone sprite droppod that gibs into non-sharp fire, so you can still drop peeps with it.
Testing tomorrow.

Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:25 pm
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
Gashdal wrote:
Fredrick wrote:
Well, I'll give it to you that it's one of the better Base.rte parts edits I've seen. I don't think anyone's done rocks before.
On the other hand, the offsets for both the way the actor holds the gun and the place where the rocks are emitted need... a lot of work.

Still, there are worse second mods to be had.

yes, ill get to the offsets once i overcome my laziness to open the .ini file :P

and thanks.

Dude I told you to fix the offsets on the other gun and learn how they work. You just screwed yourself for not taking my advice. One of the hardest parts of all CC modding is offsets, and the gun offsets are pretty basic so it's not hard

Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:17 am
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
p3lb0x wrote:
Dude I told you to fix the offsets on the other gun and learn how they work. You just screwed yourself for not taking my advice. One of the hardest parts of all CC modding is offsets, and the gun offsets are pretty basic so it's not hard

Yeah he has a point, off-sets are pain.. but once you remember basic values for positioning things it's easy. If you need help try looking at weapons that are positioned similar to how you'll want your weapon to be held when you're done and use those off-sets as a reference.

Oh and about the mod, a gun that shoots rock that gib into fire is pretty fun, my next suggestion would be shooting rocks made completely of fire, and a new sprite. Flaming rocks would make it much more fun I think.

Also, I could help with the sprite if you'd like, I'm not the best spriter but I atleast know how to shade.

Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:12 am

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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
your first fun (imo of course) mod! congratz. make a sprite and fix the offsets.

Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:16 am
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
Theseus wrote:
p3lb0x wrote:
Dude I told you to fix the offsets on the other gun and learn how they work. You just screwed yourself for not taking my advice. One of the hardest parts of all CC modding is offsets, and the gun offsets are pretty basic so it's not hard

Yeah he has a point, off-sets are pain.. but once you remember basic values for positioning things it's easy. If you need help try looking at weapons that are positioned similar to how you'll want your weapon to be held when you're done and use those off-sets as a reference.

Oh and about the mod, a gun that shoots rock that gib into fire is pretty fun, my next suggestion would be shooting rocks made completely of fire, and a new sprite. Flaming rocks would make it much more fun I think.

Also, I could help with the sprite if you'd like, I'm not the best spriter but I atleast know how to shade.

It's also a huge help when you realized that you can use the actor viewer for offsets

Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:11 pm
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
Wow,i have been credited (fapfapfap) !

Lol,i call this "the rain of epic flaming boulders"

And what program do you use to take the gif's ?

Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:00 pm
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
ME TOO! Kwl. How did I help?

Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:48 pm
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
We posted on his post on mod making.

Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:51 pm
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
Oh yeah...but how did I help again...I can't remember...

Fri Mar 27, 2009 5:52 pm
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
Flammablezombie wrote:
If you want there's a relatively unused-ish chocolate sprite in the Ronin file. The thing it's used for is unused anyway.

SpacePope wrote:
Theseus wrote:
If you're really stuck on making a gun-firing gun, go tear apart Spacepope's Blunderbuss-Launcher, with his permission of course.

Tear my weapon apart,i'll be a great honour.

Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:11 pm
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Post Re: The DVGAGWFA Gun
Lol. Look though, there is a chunk of chocolate sprite. It's used to make the original antimass, called antigravity chocolate.

Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:31 pm
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