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 MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns! 
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Post MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns!

Suddenly! A Mod!

A collection of "Electron-Charged Particle Rifles". Special-purpose weapons, these work best against such conductive targets as robots, and Coalition faces. Designed for value, balance, and effectiveness on the battlefield of today. Not recommended for use against armored targets.

Virtually guaranteed to do something different from the great majority of first mod releases!
I'll probably add some additional stuffs, etc, later on, and possibly an actor to hold them (!), but here is a release!

Jpeg quality -- Sure not to capture the point at any point!

Give them a shot, curious as to see what feedback might be!
I've put together a few mods in the past, but never posted any, so I figured I might as well start at some point.

Now with added version 2!
I'll try to reduce the file size again for the next release.

File comment: 5 weapons total. (Old version)
MooseCo -- E-Pack.rte.rar [391.87 KiB]
Downloaded 387 times
File comment: Zip files, too! SCIENCE (Old version)
MooseCo -- [524.4 KiB]
Downloaded 365 times
File comment: Version 2 (6 weapons, 2 new)
MC_E-Pack_2.rte.rar [2.6 MiB]
Downloaded 403 times
File comment: Version 2, zip form! ADDITIONAL SCIENCE. Also, I managed to make the file size 6 times as big as the first release. Suddenly, file efficiency, thousands of it [3.47 MiB]
Downloaded 692 times

Last edited by Mooseral on Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:19 am
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Post Re: MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns!
DLing to see if you got something going.

Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:48 am
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Post Re: MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns!
Thanks for putting them in .zip for mac users aswell.
They all do exactly the same thing. Except the super, which is like a really wide range deflector. Improve the destroying force, these things only work at close range. I like how they don't damage terrain though.

Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:32 pm
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Post Re: MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns!
Yeah, I should probably differentiate them a bit more, both in style and function (they also all use the same firing sound, at the moment).

On the other hand, I tried to balance what they do somewhat subtly. The 100 is just a basic killy stuff thing, rather short ranged; almost a melee weapon. On the other hand, it and the extended range 102 will both destroy most (vanilla) targets with ease; they can break through a dreadnought's armor, etc. The 101 and 111 on the other hand, have a far longer maximum range, but will hardly harm a dummy let alone a dreadnought, but frequently kill a robot or coalition faster than any other rifle would (Dummies apparently have better armor than robots).

I think I might remove the 100, and tweak the 012 to be more different than the 102 than just being "a pistol luls".

Did you try shooting Coalition in the head/Ronin and Robots in general? I could probably give them a power boost, or a range boost, but I had them killing people pretty quickly at times.

I could potentially also make one that could deal with non-vanilla more heavily armored actors, but though it probably wouldn't rape terrain, it might horrendousrape vanilla actors, which is kinda not what I was aiming for.


Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:47 pm
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Post Re: MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns!
I'm not at all skilled with coding, but maybe you could make a gun that is only really good at breaking attachments so I can finally kill some of these tougher space marines that can survive the dropship engine of doom.

Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:15 pm
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Post Re: MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns!
Only good at breaking off attachments? As in, it only removes armor? I don't know how one might do that, as it's hard to make a weapon that specifically targets something, unless it's something weak (as these guns do, damaging unarmored bits). There aren't really damage types or anything such; the primary variables are the weight, speed, and pointiness of any given bullet/particle.

Also, would not a hueg minigun serve well in killing space marines, if that's the end goal? :???:
I haven't really tried fighting the space marines yet... I wonder if it would be possible on some actors to force particles past their armor somehow, and get at the mooshy bits within. A rocket which puts out a particle field or something, perhaps.

Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:38 pm
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Post Re: MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns!
Basically, we just want you to INCREASE POWAH TO THE LAZAH! And then we leave you alon and call it a day. Make it so it makes slight holes in walls instead of rebounding.

Mon Mar 16, 2009 11:40 pm
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Post Re: MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns!
Woop, well, I modified the pack before reading that last post. I did, however, add a couple of higher-powered lasers nonetheless. Also removed the 100, modified the 102 and 012 (basically buffed the former and nerfed the latter).

I could add some more classic-style armor piercing rifles in at some point; this particular line of stuffs so far has been aimed at efficiency against lightly armored/vanilla actors. Actually, I was going to start working on the anti-tank stuff, so it might be logical to add the mid-range weapons between the two.

Anyhow, just about to post something of an update, so opinions are welcome. The 'Dalek' is somewhat experimental, potentially(or probably) overpriced or underpowered, perhaps trying too hard for balance, dunno.

Tue Mar 17, 2009 6:37 am
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Post Re: MooseCorp (?) -- E-Guns!
Well, I'd just like to take this moment to say "OMG JEEBUS THIS MOD IS BALLIN MAD BALLIN SO BALLIN. BUMPPP!!!!". Also, I agree with the other people. Power up= yes. Or a price slash. They do rape Ronin pretty hard, but everything in this game rapes most actors pretty hard- Coalition weapons in general, random dropship gibs, walking uphill, etc. If you're going to be limited, you might as well be inexpensive. Or maybe wait for the next build and balance things when that shows up.

Say, when are we gonna see some explosives? The colour scheme is very pretty.

Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:33 am
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