This Killzone based mod, made by me and my friend, is now here for all of you to enjoy. This is not finished, and we'll be adding more content to it in the next few weeks. This IS our first mod, so don't expect to see anything ground-breaking. Also, notice that this mod is not entirely faithful to the original Killzone.

////// WEAPONS ////////////////////////////////////
MORE PICTURES WILL BE ADDED///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-- Helghan Sniper Rifle
Basic Helghast sniper rifle.
-- Assortment of pistols
Basic pistol, auto pistol, auto shotgun pistol.
-- Auto Shotgun
The frame of this shotgun was stolen from the ISA faction. The Helghan model features an automatic firing mode.
-- Helghan Assault Rifle
The basic assault rifle that forms the backbone of the Helghan military.
-- Heavy Machine Gun
The basic heavy machine gun used by the heavy/medium Helghast soldiers.
-- Squad Cannon (Will be updated soon)
An extremely powerful handheld cannon, that shreds everything to pieces. Semi-Automatic.
-- Grenade Launcher
Normal grenade launcher, mostly used only by the Elite Helghan troops. This updated grenade laucher now features a revolving clip for a faster firing rate.
-- Rocket Launcher
A rocket launcher with 3 rockets per clip. Extremely fast firing rate. WARNING! DO NOT USE AT CLOSE-QUARTERS!
-- Heavy Flamer (Will be updated soon)
The ultimate close-quarters weapon. Causes severe burns.
-- Grenade pistol (NOT READY YET!)
A single-shot grenade, handy if don't have a direct line of fire.
-- Minigun (NOT READY YET!)
The heaviest gun in the Helghast arsenal.
-- Compact Helghan Rifle (NOT READY YET!)
A smaller version of the basic helghan rifle. The small size required the omission of the automatic firing mode. This compact version uses larger bullets, that have better penetration capabilities.
-- Combat Knife (NOT READY YET!)
Deadly at close-quarters.
-- Helghast Assault Shield (NOT READY YET!)
Protects the vital parts of the body.
/////// ACTORS ////////////////////////////////////

-- Helghast Light
Basic infantry unit. Light armor.
-- Helghast Medium
Basic infantry unit. Medium armor.
-- Helghast Heavy (NOT READY YET!)
Basic infantry unit. Heavy armor. Jetpack is replaced with jump-boots.
-- Helghast Commander (NOT READY YET!)
Will be able to act as your brain. The brain of the commander is not dependent on the body, this means that the brain will survive if the body is destroyed.
-- Helghast Elite (NOT READY YET!)
No armor at all. Comes pre-equipped with 2 frag grenades, one combat knife and a Compact Helghan Rifle.
//////// CREDITS //////////////////////////////////////
- Private_Sanchez (for all the sprites, and some scripting)
- Me

- I was inspired by Darlos9D's awesome DarkStorm mod, so credits to him.
DarkStorm Military TechnologiesPLEASE COMMENT! And if you have any suggestions, I'll be happy to try and fullfil them.