Okay here's what you do..
FIRST Fantasy grounds
Open FGII.reg
the numbers in this line, change them,
for example
As long as THIS number does not match the others playing, and is the same length, it will work, save this file.
Right click FGII.reg and select MERGE... It will add it to your windows regestry AUTOMATICALLY
3rd, Copy the Fantasy grounds II folder, containing fantasygrounds.exe and place that folder, so this is the path you would use
C:/Program Files/Fantasy Grounds II/Fantasygrouns.exe
4th, copy (Rar file)/Extras/Tokens/
Which is : 50 fathoms tokens, D&D, EN Tokens II, Etc....
Paste those folders into
C:/Program files/Fantasy Grounds II/Data/Tokens/Shared
C:/Program Files/Fantasy Grounds II/Data/Tokens/Host
Finally, Run C:/Program Files/Fantasy grounds II/FantasyGrounds.Exe
If it is NOT the copy of the file at THAT location, it will give you multiple errors, it is a flawed install, its one of the few bugs. Once its running, create a character, It might take a minute to load, it has like 12 books that it loads for reference, even though it DOESNT SEEM TO AUTOMATICALLY KNOW WHAT TO DO IF YOU DONT COPY PASTE....
Seriously, it crashes for me if I try to OPEN a book... No clue why, and i've been the only one who's had the problem....
Next make your characters. Noobs, get help from the non-noobs... Non-noobs... Help the noobs.
2nd level characters
max hit die for the first 4 levelsNo, it wont ONLY be horror, there will be some comedy involved, but the horror parts will be horror and nothing else, and the comedy will most likely be comedy along the lines of things like shaun of the dead, dead and breakfast, or... I dunno... something that involves situational humor about zombies and horror, like eating a pie and realizing your in a room covered in blood, and then you drop the pie and slip on it while panicing, and yakkity sax plays. (Yay dead and breakfast reference)
So It wont just be horror, anyway....
Why Am I taking away specific spells... If you can instantly rebuke undead, and turn them to dust, what's the point of having a campaign based on being afraid of them? Or if you could just control them for that matter... Would you rather I said you had those abilitys, and that for some reason they don't work? That typically goes over LESS than just not letting you do those things....
And as for demons... Who says they'd be constant?
and honestly the cleric only ever does 2 things, rebuke/turn undead, and Cure (X Level) wounds... Maybe air-walk.... Rebuke/turn undead is revoked because it ruins the game, I gave you another way to heal... Sorcerers can cast fly...
I got rid of controll undead because again, what's the fun of zombie horror, if you can just go "MINE!" and end combat like that? thats like, 2 or 3 spells at most, out of HOW MANY?! I'm still letting you keep things like BANISH, which for demons, HELLO, think of how fast THAT number ends an encounter. (For those of you who do not know, Banish is a mid-level spell, which targets any creature not from the world your currently in, and 'banishes' them back to there home plate, in this case, Hell, or the abyss, where they can not return from for X amount of time)
the only reason I chose to axe the barbarian, is because you want a setting with a CITY, and Barbarian + City =/= a productive game.
Now I'd like to take just a moment to say ONE IMPORTANT THING...
Any action you chose to take in my campaign, that requires, or suggests a roll, you will roll for. If it says you can take a 10, you have that choice... If you can take a 20, you have that choice, but you MUST chose, you can't just go "oh come on, do I REALLY have to roll a bluff check to see if the doddering old man with no nose believes me when I say this is ketchup and mud i'm covered in? I just wanna get to town and wash the zombie off of me"
However, you will be aloud great liberty on the details and intricacy of your actions, for example "I use my sneak attack with these hand scythes, on that cultists for 1D6+str mod + 2D6" OR "I sneak up behind the cultist, keeping in step, and slowly move my hand-scythes forward level with the ground, around the sides of his head, slide them into his mouth sudenly, and rip to the sides removing his jaw, and a massive amount of blood, and instantly move them to his neck and pull so he can't scream"
Note that the effectiveness of the details seriously change the success rate of the attack, add more gritty nasty details, and require DIFFERENT rolls. You would have to make a move-silently check, 2 slight of hand checks, and 2 flat-footed touch attacks, with no equipment bonus to AC, and then if the cultist somehow survived both the 2 sneak attacks worth of damage, AND the damage from blood loss, and succeded his fort save Vs System shock, then you'd have to make an opposed Str check to keep choking him, and you might have to graple him, but at that point its just a matter of time before your success, otherwise a non-descript sneak attack could just be "oh great you stab him in the back, now he's all stiff for a moment, and he might be bleeding a little, he bites your jugular vein because he thinks he's a chupacabra. you die"
Now before we start, while yes, nothing but horror gets kinda boring, and I DO plan on having humor tied in, and some mystery, perhaps *gasp* a plot, but I need to know 2 things....
Do any of you easily get nightmares, or do you have weak stomachs, because I tend to give some vivid descriptions of the gore, and how
exactly the dismembered, disemboweled zombie is choking you. The last thing I need is someone throwing up from over-exposure to gore, or someone going to a shrink because of nightmares and getting a perscription for a non-habit-forming sleep aid. Someone's already had a severe allergic reaction to my cooking, I don't need to rack up any more accidental suffering. If you don't have any problems, I wont hold back on the details, and it be one huge horror-fest with all the unrated content from the zombies that was to graphic for theaters.... Otherwise, it will probably be like invader zim with the "OW MY ORGANS!!!"
Also as a side note, for some reason everything I type, in my head, is read by the voices of the monarch, and brock sampson from venture brothers... I've been watching that show WAY to much the last few days...