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 D&D and such 
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Post Re: D&D and such
Magic: Y
Zombies: Y
Werewolves: N
Crazy peoples: Y
Demons: Y (in moderation)
Cthulu: N (plotbreaker)

I didn't mean no technology, I meant not a modern setting. I'm all for steampunk technology, but it should be in a medieval setting as well, not victorian-era.

Also, none of these crazy things from movies and books. Distracts from the story.

Zombies should not be unkillable. Zombies should be the opposite of unkillable. The point of zombies is that they're fairly weak but the sheer multitude of them is supposed to overcome you.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:16 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Languidiir wrote:
Cthulu: N (plotbreaker)

I simply meant cthulu as the insane, non-magical supernatural things from 'somewhere else' I was just gonna tie things to the far realm but whatever.

Languidiir wrote:
I didn't mean no technology, I meant not a modern setting. I'm all for steampunk technology, but it should be in a medieval setting as well, not victorian-era.

Also, none of these crazy things from movies and books. Distracts from the story.

I also didn't mean litterally ripped from the movies, I just meant to compare the mood... I wasn't going to randomly drop a beefy dude in a hocky mask with a knife in the middle of the world and say have fun.

Languidiir wrote:
Zombies should not be unkillable. Zombies should be the opposite of unkillable. The point of zombies is that they're fairly weak but the sheer multitude of them is supposed to overcome you.

The point of zombies in recent years has been that the zombies are 'fairly weak'... This is due to things like resident evil, and re-makes of zombie movies. Classic zombies are the living dead. They don't sleep, they dont breathe, they don't die. The only way to get rid of a zombie is to dismember it into 5 pieces and BURN them miles appart for fear that they might crawl back together.

They have no weak points. Headshots don't kill zombies because they don't use there brains. they are brain-DEAD after all they DIED.. ROTTING CORPSE walking around. THATS a zombie. So if the've decayed and fallen appart, there brain is turned to mush, why would decapitating them work EVER? They don't feel pain or fear, they are immune to disease and poison, and there individual parts can work alone, independent of self. Zombies are always described in this fasion, yet lately they just sort of 'die'... the've become simple pests, the next random mob to be killed EXPed and Looted...

Not if I have anything to say about that.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:27 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Zombies are no fun when they're all strong like that, seeing as there's a gigantic number of them. Survival horror is one thing, but facing against thousands and thousands of enemies that you'd have trouble killing one of is another. Sure, it's a very real feeling of survival horror, but it's not very fun and probably won't last as long.

I think a gigantic multitude of so-so zombies is just fine.

Also, about the brain thing, the body literally cannot do anything without the brain, undead or not. The muscles still need electrical pulses to do anything. Blowing a zombie's head off should be a pretty effective way of killing it.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:32 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Languidiir wrote:
Zombies are no fun when they're all strong like that, seeing as there's a gigantic number of them. Survival horror is one thing, but facing against thousands and thousands of enemies that you'd have trouble killing one of is another. Sure, it's a very real feeling of survival horror, but it's not very fun and probably won't last as long.

I think a gigantic multitude of so-so zombies is just fine.

Also, about the brain thing, the body literally cannot do anything without the brain, undead or not. The muscles still need electrical pulses to do anything. Blowing a zombie's head off should be a pretty effective way of killing it.

Okay there are severall things wrong so I'll do this one at a time.

Gigantic number of unbeatable enemies, NO, Having to run when there's more than 3 or 4, oh yes. HEARING About larger numbers, Go the other way. If you can just kill them, and only worry about huge groups, there's no horror to it. When I REQUIRE An amount of Role-play to get past an encounter without dying, and you have to actually do things, and see what happens, thats when the HORROR Takes in, Remember, Emphasis on HORROR, I WILL be trying to scare you with this, otherwise its not horror, and you might as well be playing gauntlet.

Second, the brain thing. Electrical impusles my ass, tell that to all fantasy players. Dead rotting corpse. You RAISE IT FROM THE DEAD, WITH MAGIC. It re-animates, and is IMMUNE TO CRITICAL HITS, Which means if you cut its head off, you stab it through the head, you dismember it, or tear out it's heart, it will not die, it is Magically animated, like a puppet. The body itself does not do a thing except provide form.

When I say my zombies can't be killed, I dont mean they are unbeatable. I mean you can't just pummel them untill they run out of hitpoints, you actually have to dismember and burn, or compleately crush to oblivion. Destroy every part that can move. If you've ever seen John Carpenter's 'the thing' you'll have some concept of How I do my zombies.

The other thing, back to the brain part.

Magic and Science are Incompatable for the undead. Either the body needs the brain, and electric impusles, or its a puppet on strings, controlled by some unseen master. because this is fantasy, it is the later. Your headshots don't do a thing.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:42 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
Languidiir wrote:
Magic: Y
Zombies: Y
Werewolves: N
Crazy peoples: Y
Demons: N
Cthulu: N

My own answers.

Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:56 pm
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Post Re: D&D and such
Okay, so magic, zombies, crazy people.

Here's Fantasy grounds 2

Open the .reg file in notepad, change some numbers around, save it, and right-click MERGE

Next move the Fantasy Grounds II folder to Program files/Fantasy Grounds II, or it wont work.

open tokens and copy all those sub-folders, and paste them at C:/Program files/fantasy grounds II/Data/Tokens/**** (Paste it in both folders there, just to be sure)

After that its just on to character creation.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:52 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Sounds good.
My answers:

How much action 6
How much horror 6
How much thinking 7
How much getting lost or confused 7
How much supernatural stuff 7
How many opponents 6

Magic, y
Zombies y
Werewolves n
crazy peoples y
demons y
cthulu n

I want to walk around in a medieval town setting, feel safe, leave, get kind of lost, not being able to go back, run into some ghouls (killable zombies) and then hear some ghoul moans, walk over, have it be a zombie, run, make a pit trap, climb up a tree, have the zombie fall into said hole and stay there for a little bit while I run. I'd like all undead to be retarded and have cognitive trouble, like climbing a tall ladder. Zombies can be almost unkillable, and ghouls can be more vulnerable versions of zombies that can be killed easier. But only at night, in the day, I'd like it to be scary still, but less. You fight orcs and crazy people.

But if you go into a cave you find a horde of ghouls. In towns I imagine a guy saying "my mansion is infested, please help!" so you go in there and kill some ghouls, maybe a zombie, and you can loot stuff and mess around with each other. And I'd like to be able to cast magic, like light, which might blind an undead person.

Add in steam punk... and yeah.

Not to mention a good plot.
But I really want something hilarious to happen when someone rolls a 1 or 20.
Trying to steal something from someone? You accidentally give them an item.
Trying to swim? You freeze with fear of the water.
Except that's more of rolling a 2, something funnier that I can come up with should happen if someone rolls a 1.

Either way, when do we start?

Last edited by CrazyMLC on Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:34 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Since when the ♥♥♥♥ did zombies become hard to kill?

Why did D&D warp my way of thinking of zombies?

Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:37 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Back around 60-100 years ago zombies were considered immortal.
Also in some horror movies zombies are immortal.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:39 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Well, ♥♥♥♥.

Underground pop culture seems to have flown clear over my head on this one.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:45 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Yeah... I like thinking zombies are vulnerable, but some people really like thinking they're invincible.
I really don't care personally.

I'm used to impossible to kill zombies form puzzle games.

One example is clock tower, an old game that has some newer sequels, generally the enemies there are invincible.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:05 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Once everyone has this set up, just start fiddling with it a bit and try to get to know the program. fiddle with it a bit, try to get to know it. when we go to actually play, I will generate a random game-name (It does it automatically, it would be something like drippy wand just poney, or some crap. It just takes 4 random words from a library and uses that.

There will be the following types of opponents.

Zombies, Cultists, Cannibals, Cultists, Demons, Sorserers, Other.

The setting will start in a small town (I have to come up with a name, no I don't EVER use a name given by a player)

And most of all, yes, there will be the so called 'killable zombies' but they wont be ghouls, those have things like paralysis on there attacks, and everything in this is gonna be tough to kill already, I don't want to make it any harder with you all failing your FORT saves.

Also, when someone rolls a 1, something will happen, it just might not be 'funny'... Ironic maybe... total suckage, most deffinately. something that will be talked about after the game, oh yes... but what good is horror if your always laughing?

and also, MLC, If I Don't want someone to swim, its because I don't want them to go that way, so I don't have to freeze it, then they'd break free and walk across... No, make the tides go nuts and become unswimable, and unfareable, and most of all ZOMBIE FISH.. DEMON ZOMBIE FISH!!! AND DAGON! (Dagon, while in the cthulu mythos, is also in the fenish codex, as a demon prince in the abyss, I wouldn't put you against the Mythos dagon, that'd be unfare and unfathomable.)

Besides there are 2 things....

I already know what to do to prevent my players from going someplace they aren't supposed to, without being a total ♥♥♥♥, and being believable, AND....

I'm the DM... Its MY place to come up with what happens, not yours. MY plot, MY maps, MY encounters, MY setting. I get enough of people telling me I can't do things But I'm the friggen story teller Dungeon master, god-figure, and everything that isn't the players. You don't say what I do.

Although I DID already plan on having a small mansion-like estate that y'all'd have to go to....

We begin in slightly less then a week. we have to get characters ready.

Experienced players, Please help the noobs make characters, here are the rules.

Stats : 4D6 Drop the lowest Die, (Rather than 3D6 in the books)
also, if you have more than 1 stat below 10, re-roll one... Only re-roll once.

So if you have

you'd re-roll the 7, and keep whichever result is higher, but only once.

Second, first 4 levels get max HP, (4D6+Con*4, Don't roll 4D6, do 4*6)

3rd you will be LV 2, I will tell you whats in your inventory.

4th: Classes aloud are :Fighter, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard, Bard, Beguiler, Factotem, Monk, Ranger, and any other class that you run past me first, that fits into the following criteria.

No Divine spells of any sort (Cleric, favored soul, paladin, druid, all right out)
No Smite/Turn/Rebuke/control undead (Ruins the point of it being HORROR)
Arcane spell casters may not take spells for raise/turn/control/rebuke undead.
Must be capable of fitting into a society (Barbarians and the like are also out)

5th: You WILL be given a few new skills and feats to aid in healing since I got rid of all Instant healing in the above statement:

FEAT : Surgery - Allows the use of a heal-check to mend bones, repair wounds, and generally heal.
Heal check/Surgery : DC 20 + 2 per 10 points of damage, Heals for the targets total hit-dice (Not counting Constitution) up to there max Hit-die, in 1D6+4 hours, -1 hour per point the Heal check Exceeds the Target DC. This check can only be made if the surgery feat is taken.

6th : PHB Races only. 3.5 only.

If any assistance is needed, questions, comments, or critisism, please say it, without talking in circles, and I will get back to you by this time tommorrow. In the mean time I will be playing guitar hero, or watching venture bros. I will check back in in a few hours. If you need help, leave a message. I would prefer that any experienced players help the noobs. I absolutely LOATH Character creation.

OH YES, and Venn, Yes, Zombie culture and world history/beliefs of zombies, have totally flown over your head... If you have time, and don't mind a movie being more scary because its a true story, go watch the serpent and the rainbow. I thought it was a good movie, then I found out it was mostly true and about pissed myself.

Oh and for the record, My zombies ARE vulnerable, and are not indestructable... The only thing I was trying to say is if you just try to kill it by doing damage to it, it wont work. Grousome, planned out horror flick deaths full of gore, will be required, to absolutely destroy my zombies. you can stab them and run them through all you want, they just won't care.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:06 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
Sounds good! I'll set up the program and roll my stats.

I know everything about character creation except for skill and feat selection.

I'll edit in my stats to this post after I roll.

Just some help:
If you are un-knowledgeable, do you have a Yahtzee set? If so, take 4 dice and roll them.
If you get
6, 3, 4, 1.
Then you drop the lowest one, or the 1, and add them up!
13 will be your stat number.
Do that 5 more times, and you have your stats.
But, with these rules, if you get a stat below 10, you can reroll that stat and take the higher one.
BUT YOU CAN ONLY DO THAT ONCE, if you have 2 stats below 10, you can only choose one of them to reroll, so pick the lower one.

If you have no Yahtzee set, roll one dice 4 times, just write down the results, cross out the lowest one and add them up.

After you have the points, allocate them to these 6 stats:
Strength - How hard you hit, durr.
Dexterity - Chance of critical hit and accuracy with ranged weapons.
Constitution - How much Hp you have, and things generally like that.
Intelligence - Your intelligence. A modifier for Black magic.
Wisdom - Your knowledge. a modifier for white magic. (no healing magic in this, make this the lower stat)
Charisma - How charming you are. How good you are at speaking, bartering, convincing(lieing), etc.

Enter stats in the little template.
Str :
Dex :
Con :
Int :
Wis :
Cha :
To get modifiers, take away 10 and divide by 2. Tada! Your modifier.

If I got anything wrong, please correct me.
And for anything else, you'll need the books. or help form Mr. DM here :D.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 3:26 am
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Post Re: D&D and such
crazyMLC wrote:
Sounds good! I'll set up the program and roll my stats.

I know everything about character creation except for skill and feat selection.

I'll edit in my stats to this post after I roll.

Just some help:
If you are un-knowledgeable, do you have a Yahtzee set? If so, take 4 dice and roll them.
If you get
6, 3, 4, 1.
Then you drop the lowest one, or the 1, and add them up!
13 will be your stat number.
Do that 5 more times, and you have your stats.
But, with these rules, if you get a stat below 10, you can reroll that stat and take the higher one.
BUT YOU CAN ONLY DO THAT ONCE, if you have 2 stats below 10, you can only choose one of them to reroll, so pick the lower one.

If you have no Yahtzee set, roll one dice 4 times, just write down the results, cross out the lowest one and add them up.

After you have the points, allocate them to these 6 stats:
Strength - How hard you hit, durr.
Dexterity - Chance of critical hit and accuracy with ranged weapons.
Constitution - How much Hp you have, and things generally like that.
Intelligence - Your intelligence. A modifier for Black magic.
Wisdom - Your knowledge. a modifier for white magic. (no healing magic in this, make this the lower stat)
Charisma - How charming you are. How good you are at speaking, bartering, convincing(lieing), etc.

Enter stats in the little template.
Str :
Dex :
Con :
Int :
Wis :
Cha :
To get modifiers, take away 10 and divide by 2. Tada! Your modifier.

If I got anything wrong, please correct me.
And for anything else, you'll need the books. or help form Mr. DM here :D.

For the most part, your right, except you dont have to do it that way...

Fantasy grounds includes dice rolling, and character generation... you can tell it to roll the dice, INCLUDING the roll 4 drop the lowest, and it will do that... it lets you put in how many skills you have to distribute, check whats a class skill, then distribute, and it does all the math for you, its fantastic. all you have to do, is fill in text, decide what skills you want, and fill in the class specific info. thats 80% of why i'm using fantasy grounds, other than that I can see your character sheets, give you items that are just click and drag to your sheet, and I can see all of your rolls, without a doubt... that and maps and custom tokens....

So yeah.... Like I said, Fiddle with the program, it has a character generator, I just have to know what I have to do to look at your sheets, which involves a single call to my step bro, who knows this program inside and out. I mostly just have to know where specific buttons are.... I don't know the DM Features that well, which is why i'm keeping 80% of the game info, off of FG2, so I don't F it up by hitting the wrong button. all of your info is saved on your sides, and you need the least amount to do anything....

as for feats, 1 feat at first level, 1 bonus feat if your human, If your a fighter you also get a bonus feat, and otherwise you get a new feat every 3 or 4 levels (I always confuse those 2, you get a feat on every X level, and a bonus Ability point every Y levels, X and Y are 3 and 4 but I forgot off hand which is which, I'll look it up in a bit....)

I see no objections to my set up on zombies, which was my largest concern, so.... Once people get there characters generated, some time durring the week, we'll do a brief test-run of making sure everything is set up properly, and get accuainted with the prog, then on thursday or friday, we'll start.

Also Die rolls. Right click the Die type, click the number of dice, and click and drag to throw, while on the chat pane, it will paste what dice where rolled, each die's result, and the total. For all actual rolls such as Attacking and damage, it will also include modifiers automatically... this is very awesome.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:48 am
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Post Re: D&D and such

How do I execute it to run it?
I unpacked it but nothing else happened, I don't know how to run it.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:56 am
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