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 Favorite turn based game! 
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
i loved advance wars, was a perfect game for trips.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:10 am
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
Manticore wrote:
well then i would recomend sots if you dont have one.(galactic civilizations is a good one too)
sword of the stars is available on torrent and other more legal forms of getting games.

and i would prefer it if people didnt just post the name but post
quick description
gameplay features
some pics
link to an official or unoficial site

Alright i'll try this again.
Miles_T3hR4t wrote:
Table-top w/ Minatures : Warhammer 40K
Hand-held : Advance wars : Days of Ruin
Console : Chrono-trigger (turn-based by technicality)
PC : I don't think I have a turn-based PC Game o_O

D&D.. Dungeons and dragons, Table-top RPG... If you don't already know, you've not only been living in a hole in the ground, but you where born there, and will likely die there.

Warhammer 40K. Warhammer 40,000......
Kommisar Yarik wrote:
In the grim darkness of the 41st millenium, there is only war. The Imperium of man wages war against the forces of chaos, the heretics, the xenos, and the FRAKKIN ORKS!!! OOOOOOOORRRRRRRRKKKKKKKSSSSSSSS!!!!!!
Its a table-top minatures game, that has a great deal of writing, books, video-games, and all sorts of stuff based on it... there are... crap, 12? 13 armies? hold on,
Imperial guard (1) Space marines (2) daemon hunters(3) Witch hunters(4) Sisters of battle (5) Tau(6) Eldar(7) Dark eldar (8) Tyranids (9) Necrons (10) Orks(11) Chaos(12) Daemons of chaos (13) Kroot mercenaries*(14*) Squatts**(15**) Skaeven**(16) Rogue Traders*** (17***)
*Added in chapter approved, does not have a full codex, but is a full army... does not have unique models except from forge-worlds
**Old armies that where carry-overs from warhammer fantasy, Squats are space-dwarves, and skaeven are rat-men and there part of chaos
***Rogue trader is sort of a hodge-podge of everything, and unless your seriously into it, makes no sense.

you get alot of options for things, and you can customize everything... With all the 40K mods in CC, I find it redundant to explain, but oh-well.

Advance wars : Days of Ruin....
Its a war-game... you get an HQ, and and a factory, and you can make soldiers, tanks, scouts, missile trucks, etc. and you capture cities and more factorys, which give you more resources to train units with... You don't build buildings, you capture existing ones... buildings can't be destroyed, and the goal is to capture your enemey's HQ, before they capture yours, or you run out of time... Theres a story-mode with set missions but some of them (that fight with forescythe, and Wylon's flight) are near impossible. it also has air units and naval units, and a very in-depth map editor, and it supports 4 players... Nintendo DS only.
I sound like a commercial, again....

Chrono trigger, Square Enix, bac when it was just Square-soft, The first Time travel RPG to get it right, that I know of... Super nintendo. You start off with your character, Chrono.. He goes to this fair, meets this girl, and runs into an old friend who made a teleportation device. It malfunctions and sends the girl you met, back in time like 150 years or something, and it turns out, she looks exactly like the princes of that time, because guess what, she's the princes from your time... You go from there, to the appocalyptic future, to seeing dinosaurs, and causing many a time-paradox', including accidentally breaking reality. it has like 30+ endings or some crap... I've only ever gotten about 3-4 of them...

and I don't do turn based games the PC, because I have them on my hand-helds, and typically like to do it either while i'm waiting for something else, or if I dedicate a full day to it... and well... I already dedicate my days to my PC anyway, so why add a reason to hide from people?

Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:49 am
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
perfect example miles
anyhow we should get some of the games here(that are possible) running online(i nominate sots because you can save online games and start them up again at the same point.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:05 am
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
actually, there's a D&D Thread, and I'm wanting to run an online game of D&D with Fantasy Grounds 2 (program for running any dice and paper based tabletop, supports custom engines)

I can already do D&D and D20 Modern/future in it, and with some minor but tedious work, I could make warhammer fantasy, warhammer 40K, and any card-game work, in it... I, or someone else, just has to make the graphics and rule-sets...

Snip for piracy.

I just thought i'd throw that out there.

Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:17 am
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
I'd link directly to the page, but it's kind of annoying to have the screenshots on 1 page and the actual review on the other, so I'll just paste the review here and link the images along with it.

This is, in my opinion, one of the finest games ever made. (The story is strikingly familiar to Cortex Command... : o )

"Real-time strategy games are the hot item among computer game players these days. The success of games such as Command & Conquer, Warcraft II, and Close Combat reveal the potential for similar offerings. M.A.X., courtesy of Interplay, does all of these one better by giving players the choice of real-time or turn-based gameplay. If you like the idea behind C&C, you'll love what this game
has to offer. M.A.X. presents excellent visuals, excellent gameplay, and nearly infinite replay value in a package that's hard to resist.


(This is a very early base. Red circles designate range of your weapons, and yellow the sight range. It's a very useful tactic to combine long range scanner trucks and missile launchers to defend your base or bombard an enemy from long range.)

At its core, M.A.X. is a military conquest/resource management game. It opens with a cinematic sequence that blows away the efforts of most other games. Following this, you're ready to jump into the options. Options? We've got options: training missions, scenarios, random scenarios, campaigns…all available for your entertainment pleasure. The difficulty settings available for each mission include opponent quality, turn limits, and real-time vs. turn-based. Once you've made your choices, the game begins.


(M.A.X. features a very realistic resource system, that, while being hard to describe, is fairly easy to use. This allocation menu allows you to select what your mining stations are bringing up from the ground every turn. Unlike other Strategy games, resources never actually run out in M.A.X. Instead, you will be managing them so that you will always have what you need to continue production and power generation every turn. The three resources are: Raw Materials, Fuel, and Gold. Raw Materials are used to build things. Everything from your vehicles, to your buildings, to your infantry, all use raw materials to come to be. You also use raw materials to resupply your units with ammunition [YES, THEY NEED AMMUNITION.]. Fuel is what your power generators use to supply your base with energy to continue working. Things like using factories [Just having a factory does not drain your power, but having it produce units will. An important thing to remember in M.A.X.], or powering mining stations, or researching upgrades, all take power, which takes fuel to generate. Finally, Gold, which is dragged up from the ground and refined into gold credits, to buy upgrades for your units. Gold is rare, and it is a lengthly process to convert into credits, but having credits to spend on your units could very well make the difference between victory and defeat. As a final note for this image, ALL resources can be stockpiled with the familiar 'Silo' method, but each resource has it's own unique container that you must build.)

M.A.X. presents the game in a top-down SVGA view. Your task is to discover and mine resources on the planet. As surveyors crawl over the landscape, you must continue to build your colony. Numerous buildings are available for construction, from storage tanks to habitats for the colonists. The large number of military units allows you to pursue the military strategy of your choice. In addition, you can produce upgraded units from your vehicle factories. All of these aspects lead to a fairly steep learning curve. Luckily, M.A.X. includes 14 training missions to bring you up to speed.

Let's not forget your opponents. Up to three other human (or computer) opponents are fighting over the same planet. Expect your opponents to attack early and often. Learning the best way to stay alive can be a trying task. Even when your opponents are clueless, they can still put up a good fight. Combat involves the usual explosions and debris - nothing unique here. The sound effects, especially the female computer voice, are excellent.


[Apologies for the low resolution image, I'll see about making my own and uploading it later.]

(M.A.X. features a wide range of units and a great way to offset 'Rushing' that is always seen in this type of game. By making many units unable to attack certain other units, or, in the case of this ground attack plane, having very specialized units designed to halt the Rush tactic, can take out particular units with ease while remaining safe from harm.

The key to success is to combine many types of units together. There is no one unit that can do everything [The Alien Attack Plane is REALLY close to that though, thankfully, it cannot be built by the player and can be removed from the map for capture with a quick pregame option setting.]. While a missile crawler squadron sounds like a really good idea offense wise, with long range and hard hitting shots, you have to factor in their low scan range and hypervulnerability to ground attack planes, with their slow movement speed, your fleet of expensive missile crawlers will soon be a stain on the enemy front door, which he will no doubt scrape up with a bulldozer to turn into raw materials and build up his next attack against you. Instead, a smart player will send some infiltrator units to their enemy, stealthily disabling enemy units and defenses before moving in for the kill, with armored tanks to soak up damage, and missile crawlers backing the rear with mobile antiaircraft and scanner trucks. Each base can be taken in many ways though, and that idea is just one of many in M.A.X.)

Command & Conquer, move over. M.A.X. does it better, albeit with players spending much more time learning the game. With numerous missions, a campaign mode, and multiplayer support, do not expect this game to get old anytime soon. M.A.X. raises the standard for strategy games to a new level."


(This missile crawler has just fired off its shot for the turn, which is a moment away from striking an enemy fuel tank. This screenshot also shows an extensive Connector network. All structures [With the exception of turrets and radar installations, though it is always a good idea to link your turrets to your base to automatically resupply their ammo.] must be linked to the resources they require. The simplest example is a factory that requires power and raw materials. The factory is linked to a generator, which in turn needs fuel to operate, which is in turn, linked to either a mining station or a loaded fuel container. It is entirely feasible to maintain an 'Outpost' of sorts using supply trucks and fuel trucks, but most commonly, bases will have at least one mining station to allow them to operate in the event of their resource line being cut off.)


(Last image here. This one is one that I took myself a while ago. I started on an island roughly 75 by 75 meters, and branched out onto the mainland and started my own metropolis, as you can see on the mini-map. For the 'highway' that the picture is focused on, my engineer units first built water platforms [Metal platforms built on water bodies which allow you to build on them, but block access for sea units.], a section of bridge [The 'meshy' looking squares. They allow land units to cross over them, and sea units to cross under them, but cannot be built on.], paved roads [A simple layer of pavement which allows my units to travel further over them each turn then on standard land.], and finally a connector network to bring it all together. While looking TOTALLY BADASS and being incredibly functional, in a warzone outside of an 'controlled environment' [I used cheats to super power my missile launchers to plug enemies across the map to keep them at bay. :X] this will probably not come to be. But I thought it was interesting and informative enough to be put here.)

And finally, here is a link to download the full game:


There are many versions of the game floating around, but that one maintains all the spectacular sound effects and excellent music, and the manual, which is also an interesting read.

You WILL need a DOS emulator for this game, I use and recommend DOSBox.

A final note: Don't play M.A.X. 2. It has nothing on the original and was rushed and broken by release.

Have fun.

Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:50 pm
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
Thanks for review Dauss, it really got me intrested, I played MAX 2 long time ago and all I remember is that I didn't like it, but this one looks like whole diferent story.

My favourite turn based games are Fallout 1 and 2, actualy these are my favourite games of all time.

I see that there are some turn based strategies in space but for me somehow nothing can compare to Master of Orion II. Its simply awesome. If you ever wanted to build your own death star (or dozens of them :wink: ) grab this one, planet destroying included.
Image Image

Space Empires is little bit more complicated (which means more options too). I really enjoyed SE IV with Proportions Mod. You have great options to design pretty much everything, you design ships, bases, fighters, drones (which can work in many ways, it all depends on what you put on them, they can be long range tactical missles, interceptors and stuff), ground troops, defensive platforms, sattelites and I probably forgot about something. There is vast technology tree with some funky technologies in late game, planet blasting isn't such big deal here when you can for instance turn whole solar systems in one big black hole. Its great fun to design stuff as you don't have preset functions for ships its all about what you will load in their hulls, your freghter doesn't have to be plain normal freighter, it can be armed to teeth if you want, you can bulid mobile shipyards to aid your fleet repairing damaged ships and producing fighters and drones to replace losses, or just build not military variant and send it to big asteroid field to build mining sattelites (of your design too) all around, build orbital defensive bases to secure wormholes, deploy defensive sattelites etc. . Its also important to keep your ships supplied with fuel and ammo or they will quickly become useless immobile pile of metal. Downside is somewhat bad interface and not pretty graphics, but if you'll get over it its one of the bestest games out there :grin: . Space Empires V is available too, it has real time 3d combat engine and stuff but Proportions mod for it is still in works :wink: . Screenies from IV:

Master of Magic. Basicaly its fantasy civilization but much much better. There are tons of fun spells. My favorites: Wights - they drain life from enemy units whit which they heal themselves and units devoured in that way after fight come back alive (sort of) as undead servants, that way you have proper defense for newly conquered cities :) . If I don't play as evil doer who raises volcanos in middle of opponent capital city or simply nukes it I'm sure to take some books in sorcery to utilise wind walking (?), basicaly its fly spell, sounds generic? Then try this on warships - one of mightiest units in game, and to spice things up you can turn it to ghost ship (if you have skillz in death magic that is). Also its worth noting that all units gain experience and you can dress up your heroes with magical artifacts (even of your own production).Here is patched version of game: ... -magic.php
You'll need Dosbox to run it. Screens:
Image Image Image

Steel Panthers World at War (be sure to get Steel Panthers Enhanced mod?/patch? ). Its totaly free.

Jagged Alliance 2. I'm lazy so its copy paste of review from GameSpot:
As in the first game, you have been hired to liberate a small country from the machinations of a tyrannical ruler. To do this, you must use your small initial funds to build a team of mercenaries whom you send to the country in question. You must recapture it zone by zone and in the process find a means of earning money to hire more mercs and buy better equipment. The hiring/buying process is all done through a well-implemented in-game version of e-mail and the World Wide Web, letting you hire trained killers and purchase heavy explosives much like you'd buy more common products at any online retailer.
While the Schwarzenegger-esque Steroid may cry out "My skin is punctured and leaking!" after receiving a nasty wound, the tough-as-nails Shadow will only worry that his blood is leaving a trail. The mercs also respond to one another, and many will balk if you hire someone they particularly dislike, and some may be less inclined to work for you if members of your team get killed.
Gunshots are simulated precisely, even to the extent that bullets will sometimes ricochet or penetrate obstacles and still cause damage to the intended target, albeit much less than usual. And while your mercs' ability to absorb damage may be a bit unrealistic (how many point-blank head shots can one person really stand?), it certainly makes the game more playable.

Jagged Alliance 2 deviates from the original in its campaign structure. While the map is still divided into zones, you no longer simply move and fight on a zone-by-zone basis. Towns are your primary targets, and you must take and hold these while training a militia to protect them while you are away. Zones between towns contain wandering troops of enemies, and you have the option of retreating, fighting, or having the computer resolve the combat situation for you when you encounter resistance (though the latter almost always leads to unnecessary loss of life). Your team can also find and employ vehicles, from hummers to helicopters, expediting travel between zones.



Highly recommended mod which adds TONS of guns and stuff:

Sat Mar 07, 2009 10:44 pm
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
Armageddon Empires ... pires.html
Turned based hex movement based post apocalyptic combat.


Copied from the site
Turn based strategy game in a post-apocalyptic setting versus 1 to 3 AI opponents.

Hexagonal maps depicting the ravaged wastes of earth circa 2345 featuring 3 map sizes ranging from normal to huge.

4 playable factions each with unique units, art and playing styles.

Over 75 faction heroes lead your armies into battle. Heroes allow for larger, more effective armies and have their own special abilities that can change the tide of battle or even create new weapons and technology cards.

Over 200 unique units wage battle across the savage landscape; command infantry, cyborgs, robots, powered battle armor, armor, artillery, mecha, biomecha and many more.

Over 80 unique special abilities for heroes and units; abilities like multi-targeting, shock attack, double attack, fanatic, military genius and valor allow you to find exciting combos of play just like you would in a collectible card or miniatures game.

Collectible card game flavor without the expense. Each hero, unit or facility is a card that can be added to your play deck.

Board game mechanics. Roll a unit’s attack die versus another unit’s defense die and play special abilities and cards to alter the results.

Assassinate enemy heroes, sabotage enemy facilities, gather intelligence through espionage and stealth, hunt down enemy heroes and hold them prisoner.

Drop thermonuclear weapons on your enemies or load out your units with tactical nuke cards created by your leading technologists.

Customizable game parameters allow you to select deck point values, tile point values, map size, resource rarity, specials rarity, and victory conditions

Challenging goal based AI agents see the same game you do and must gather intelligence, build armies and formulate plans just like you: “No cheating.”

Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:52 am
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
i was just playing that game its freaking awesome. the story is brilliant and it doesnt seem that immersive but it is, you feel a sense of fear and hesitation as you only have a limited number of cards to use and cant get them back. Machine Empire FTW

Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:39 am

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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
Ancient Empires 2!

It has great graphics, campaign, plenty of maps, multiplayer, story, AI, everything!

That's the best mobile phone game ever made and there wont be better.

Yeah, it's for mobile phones only. :grin:

Sun Mar 29, 2009 5:10 pm
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
One of my favorite turn based games is Final Fantasy V.


(for GBA, PS1, and Famicom. Fan translated japanese versions are on the net somewhere)

Turn based RPG with ATB

The game begins as a wanderer named Bartz investigates a fallen meteor. There, he encounters several characters, one of whom reveals the danger facing the four Crystals that control the world's elements. These Crystals act as a seal on Exdeath, an evil sorcerer who once threatened their world. Bartz and his party must keep the Crystals from being exploited by Exdeath's influence and prevent his resurgence.

Story aside, I love this game because of the job system. You choose one of the currently available jobs (more available as the game progresses). As you fight, you'll level that job up and gain new abilities. Once you gain more abilities as you move on, you can switch to the Freelancer class and use any two abilities from any job. That, and there's tons of bonus ♥♥♥♥ in the game, including some unfairly hard bosses.

Example: Dual-Wield [Ninja] + Rapid Fire [Archer] = Eight hits with one attack
Two-Handed [Gladiator] + Spellblade [Mystic Knight] = Double attack power with an elemental charge

Image Image

Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:58 pm
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
you can buy that one. i own it in english...

Sun Mar 29, 2009 8:46 pm
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
Pretty soon, my favorite turn based game on the PC will be Cortex Command.

Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:22 am
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
Why would CC be turnbased?

Mon Mar 30, 2009 10:48 am
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
the meta game remember. B23. right.

Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:29 pm
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Post Re: Favorite turn based game!
Game has a turn based aspect of gameplay != game is a turn based game.

Mon Mar 30, 2009 1:31 pm
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